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294 65952 邢不行2015-4-17 发表 | 最后回复:爱与生的苦恼2024-2-17

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228 44380 邢不行2015-4-9 发表 | 最后回复:爱与生的苦恼2024-2-17

【量化小讲堂 - Python、pandas技巧系列】windows下如何安装Python、pandas 版主推荐 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..50

495 122045 邢不行2015-3-30 发表 | 最后回复:爱与生的苦恼2024-2-17

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296 285271 邢不行2015-3-26 发表 | 最后回复:爱与生的苦恼2024-2-17

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抓了几千万条热门股数据,用Python量化验证后发现结果竟然...... | 邢不行【下】 attach_img

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12 1908 yingxvan2023-7-29 发表 | 最后回复:PottermoreIron2024-2-9

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Q Tips: Fast, Scalable and Maintainable Kdb+ / Nick Psaris attach_img agree  ...2

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【量化小讲堂-Python、Pandas系列18】平均趋向指标(ADX)策略在A股的实证 attach_img digestheatlevel agree  ...23456..17

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Mastering Python for Finance attachment agree  ...23

22 4650 cqiao2019-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:michaeljija2024-1-10

Quantitative Trading Strategies Using Python attachment agree  ...2

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New frontiers in deep learning and quantitative finance: an overview attachment 女生贴

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A股贵如金?Python量化验证AH股溢价效应,跟着买15年18倍?| 邢不行【下】 attach_img

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Systematic Trading: A unique new method for designing trading and investing syst attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..7

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23 4177 duyang762015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:lcpda42023-12-31

Bayesian Data Analysis 3rd edition 最新修订版 attachment agree  ...2

16 531 zhonix2023-11-30 发表 | 最后回复:lili20162023-12-29

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Traditional and Alternative Factors in Investment Grade Corporate Bond Investing attachment 女生贴

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3 1239 kayvid2021-12-10 发表 | 最后回复:lili20162023-12-29

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15 25337 Crsky72016-1-24 发表 | 最后回复:dxr0072023-12-28

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【量化小讲堂-Python、Pandas系列24】股票自动程序化下单交易 | 视频教程 attach_img heatlevel agree - [回帖奖励 771 ]  ...23456..31

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Pricing and Trading Interest Rate Derivatives-J Hamish M Darbyshire

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另类数据研究:量化研究报告合集(卖方金工) attachment agree  ...2

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[重磅原创][Python语言]A股数据实现101 Formulaic Alphas_#1_#101 attach_img agree 女生贴

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