Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications attachment agree

1 1500 nelsoncwlee2015-7-14 发表 | 最后回复:pzh_hzp2015-7-14

WorldQuant 2015 Quantitative Finance Research Consultant Program agree

1 1885 kai_xin_jiu_hao2015-5-21 发表 | 最后回复:seahhj2015-7-14

分级基金交易策略 attachment agree

3 1276 wjj7202015-7-13 发表 | 最后回复:LJessica2015-7-14

刚入门,有哪位大师能给推荐几本量化投资的经典书籍 agree

1 3478 烟雾╆绿豆2015-7-12 发表 | 最后回复:cchy20142015-7-14

[R书籍]An Introduction to R for Quantitative Economics[R语言数量经济建模] 优秀 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..13

121 10613 igs8162015-3-31 发表 | 最后回复:一路湘北10182015-7-13

Automatic Nonuniform Random Variate Generation attachment agree

8 1662 lasgpope2015-6-22 发表 | 最后回复:tangerr2015-7-13

时间序列分析系列书籍! attach_img agree  ...23456

51 7522 houzijiao5152015-6-10 发表 | 最后回复:co3432015-7-13

第一次来到人大论坛,请多关照! agree

2 1389 woniulong2015-7-12 发表 | 最后回复:lanbkin2015-7-12

hundreds of free Microsoft Ebooks agree

3 1238 duyang762015-7-10 发表 | 最后回复:sunyiping2015-7-12

请问国内有没有量化投资或者金融工程类的实体期刊? agree

3 3488 z554055902015-7-6 发表 | 最后回复:z554055902015-7-11

Rama Cont's credit risk course note attachment agree  ...2

18 2830 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:duyang762015-7-10

推荐策略--SMA均线---R语言 attachment agree

4 6081 tianjixuetu2015-6-28 发表 | 最后回复:夏日沧海2015-7-10

Simple Adaptive Strategies- From Regret-Matching to Uncoupled Dynamics attachment agree  ...2

15 1929 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:zhuyun112232015-7-9

人工神经网络原理及应用 教材 优秀 attach_img agree  ...2345

42 5485 轻似梦2015-4-27 发表 | 最后回复:apple02782015-7-9

【干货】量化投资交易系统有四大支柱:心理素质、创新能力、资金管理、策略 已阅图标 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23

28 5417 jonyao2015-4-2 发表 | 最后回复:xcstree2015-7-9

A Book on Detecting the Turning Point attach_img agree  ...2345

41 3714 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:lancerthz2015-7-9

Beautiful Code: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think (Theory in Practice ( attachment agree

3 1599 nelsoncwlee2015-7-4 发表 | 最后回复:myidman2015-7-8

Practical Graph Mining with R attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456

58 7299 igs8162015-5-10 发表 | 最后回复:yuyike2015-7-8

[期权定价的PDE与鞅方法]PDE and Martingale Methods in Option Pricing attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

105 10887 lasgpope2015-6-12 发表 | 最后回复:yuyike2015-7-8

[量化文献:NBER实证Working Paper]What Happened To The Quants In August 2007 已阅图标 attach_img agree  ...23

24 2971 perl-fe2015-3-29 发表 | 最后回复:lee_d_x2015-7-8

[Python书籍]Functional Python Programming 优秀 attach_img agree  ...234

34 5786 igs8162015-3-18 发表 | 最后回复:hpsoar2015-7-8

量化告诉你不要被今天的指数骗了,千股跌停 agree

5 1427 datayes20152015-7-6 发表 | 最后回复:飞行员2015-7-7

牛人量化策略,A股决战之地,IF1507! agree

2 1414 datayes20152015-7-7 发表 | 最后回复:datayes20152015-7-7

simulink模型问题求解答,模糊控制 agree

0 1050 y8qwer2015-7-6 发表 | 最后回复:y8qwer2015-7-6

主成分分析因子的单位 agree

8 2931 conniewj2015-6-23 发表 | 最后回复:duyang762015-7-6


5 1374 richardweiming2015-6-23 发表 | 最后回复:foozhencheng2015-7-6

A book on modeling firms attachment agree  ...2

12 1413 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:scw7102015-7-6

C++ Plus Data Structures attachment agree  ...2

10 2415 nelsoncwlee2015-6-22 发表 | 最后回复:scw7102015-7-5

Big Data Integration Theory: Theory and Methods of Database Mappings 已阅图标 attach_img agree  ...23

24 2156 jerker2015-4-17 发表 | 最后回复:lasgpope2015-7-5

Python 入门建议( zrong,转帖) agree

1 1595 jerker2015-7-4 发表 | 最后回复:lasgpope2015-7-5

A First Course in Optimization attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

108 8922 大家开心2015-4-29 发表 | 最后回复:kexinkeqing2015-7-5

Programming HTML5 Applications: Building Powerful Cross-Platform Environments in attachment agree

0 1118 nelsoncwlee2015-7-4 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-7-5

matlab求问 agree

0 1411 jialijun192015-7-5 发表 | 最后回复:jialijun192015-7-5

For PHD students:BEHAVIORAL FINANCE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT attachment agree  ...2

10 2519 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:张弘磊2015-7-4

Web性能优化系列:10个JavaScript性能提升的技巧 attach_img agree  ...2

13 2423 jerker2015-6-23 发表 | 最后回复:lonely_man2015-7-4

Stochastic Network Calculus attachment agree

1 1396 nelsoncwlee2015-7-4 发表 | 最后回复:line_us2015-7-4

Professional Multicore Programming Design and Implementation for C++ Developers attachment agree

1 1629 nelsoncwlee2015-7-4 发表 | 最后回复:pilk1232015-7-4

Condition: The Geometry of Numerical Algorithms attachment  ...2

11 2393 lasgpope2015-6-20 发表 | 最后回复:Yoto02822015-7-4

[Faruto原创]基于Python和MATLAB的一种简化的截面动量组合测试 版主推荐 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..22

217 18591 fantuanxiaot2015-3-4 发表 | 最后回复:C程序语言2015-7-4

Risk Analysis of Complex and Uncertain Systems attachment

5 1260 nelsoncwlee2015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:lasgpope2015-7-4


2 3127 zm_chine2015-6-23 发表 | 最后回复:飞叶飘雪衣兜里2015-7-3

Combinatorial Machine Learning: A Rough Set Approach (Studies in Computational I attachment agree

0 2255 nelsoncwlee2015-6-28 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-7-3

Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distribut attachment agree

0 1219 nelsoncwlee2015-6-28 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-7-3

Discrete-Time Control System Design with Applications (2014) attachment agree

1 841 nelsoncwlee2015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:guorenda2015-7-3

Fundamental Networking in Java attachment agree

0 1481 nelsoncwlee2015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-7-3

Networks of the Brain attachment

1 1563 nelsoncwlee2015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:yuyike2015-7-3

Professional ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB attachment agree

0 1615 nelsoncwlee2015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-7-3

Programming C# 5.0: Building Windows 8, Web, and Desktop Applications for the .N attachment agree

0 1138 nelsoncwlee2015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-7-3

请问为什么有时候行情的最新价会在买一卖一价区间之外 attach_img agree

1 870 bargio2015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:bargio2015-7-3

MATLAB Differential and Integral Calculus attachment agree  ...2

17 3308 lasgpope2015-6-9 发表 | 最后回复:phyl2015-7-3


6 1761 zaihunixueer2015-7-2 发表 | 最后回复:luojscd2015-7-3

【资料】海龟交易系统资料汇总贴 优秀 attach_img agree  ...2

19 4106 weitingkoala2014-7-7 发表 | 最后回复:Nancial2015-7-3

Computer Intensive Methods in Statistics attachment agree  ...2

10 2444 lasgpope2015-6-22 发表 | 最后回复:leejwen2015-7-2

Business Analytics for Managers attachment agree  ...2

12 2045 lasgpope2015-6-29 发表 | 最后回复:leejwen2015-7-2

Breakthrough Improvement with QI Macros and Excel attach_img agree  ...2

11 2372 igs8162015-6-7 发表 | 最后回复:mike680972015-7-2

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic attachment agree

1 1684 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:cc4579212015-7-2

XploRe: An Interactive Statistical Computing Environment attachment agree

8 988 lasgpope2015-7-1 发表 | 最后回复:lhf80592015-7-2

Unobserved Variables-Models and Misunderstandings attachment agree  ...2

15 2559 leosong2015-6-17 发表 | 最后回复:Nicolle2015-7-2

债券久期、基点价值和国债期货基点价值的细节 attachment agree

1 6275 逝去的永久2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:duyang762015-7-1

Starting Out with Python, Global Edition by Tony Gaddis 优秀 attach_img agree  ...23

20 3996 igs8162015-6-4 发表 | 最后回复:paulinokok2015-7-1

Python: Learn the Basics FAST From Python Programming Experts 优秀 attach_img agree  ...234

37 3962 igs8162015-6-14 发表 | 最后回复:paulinokok2015-7-1

Learn Python Programming - CRUSH IT IN ONE DAY! attach_img agree  ...23

23 3255 igs8162015-6-23 发表 | 最后回复:paulinokok2015-7-1

品品数据库这杯鸡尾酒 attach_img agree  ...2

18 2637 jerker2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:linc092015-7-1

Developing Statistical Software in FORTRAN 95 attachment agree

4 1725 lasgpope2015-6-22 发表 | 最后回复:jerker2015-7-1

Introduction to Programming Concepts with Case Studies in Python attachment agree  ...2

18 1917 lasgpope2015-6-3 发表 | 最后回复:lzguo5682015-6-30

For PHD students: Empirical Option Pricing attachment agree  ...234

33 3981 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:fzjqhy2015-6-30

[小波与信号处理]Wavelets and Signal Processing attachment agree

6 1981 lasgpope2015-6-25 发表 | 最后回复:当当党2015-6-30

【2015新书】15 minute Azure Installation: attach_img agree  ...2

19 1804 kychan2015-6-22 发表 | 最后回复:云游天外2015-6-29

【2015新书】Learning Saltstack attach_img agree  ...2

15 2307 kychan2015-6-24 发表 | 最后回复:zgq.80262015-6-29

Computational Optimization, Methods and Algorithms attachment agree

1 2581 nelsoncwlee2015-6-28 发表 | 最后回复:accumulation2015-6-29

[小波分析]Wavelets and Subbands: Fundamentals and Applications attachment agree

8 2510 lasgpope2015-6-15 发表 | 最后回复:ddd0092015-6-29

Multidimensional Filter Banks and Wavelets attachment agree  ...2

11 2059 lasgpope2015-6-6 发表 | 最后回复:ddd0092015-6-29

如何利用IF、IH和IC套利?? agree

5 18094 申卫东_国贸2015-6-23 发表 | 最后回复:richardweiming2015-6-28

Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms and Applications attachment agree

1 2067 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:bailihongchen2015-6-27

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2nd ed. - W. Ames attachment agree

1 1565 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:Enthuse2015-6-27

Objective-C attachment agree

0 1115 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-6-27

Multiscale Analysis of Complex Time Series - Integration of Chaos and Random Fra attachment agree

0 1783 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-6-27

Advances in Machine Learning and Data Analysis attachment agree

2 1543 nelsoncwlee2015-6-27 发表 | 最后回复:linc092015-6-27

A Compendium of Partial Differential Equation Models: Method of Lines Analysis w attachment agree

0 2067 nelsoncwlee2015-6-27 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-6-27

Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C# attachment agree

0 1332 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-6-27

Bond Portfolio Optimization (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems attachment agree

2 2096 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:yuyike2015-6-27

Programming Windows: Writing Windows 8 Apps With C# and XAML attachment agree

0 1593 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:nelsoncwlee2015-6-27

Mathematical Objects in C++ Computational Tools in A Unified Object-Oriented App attachment agree

1 1589 nelsoncwlee2015-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:Enthuse2015-6-27

Instant R Starter attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..12

111 8514 igs8162015-5-29 发表 | 最后回复:pilk1232015-6-27

stock market and finance from a physicist's viewpoint 优秀 attachment agree  ...23

24 2363 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:vtmc2015-6-27

新财富报告 揭秘量化投资 agree

8 5336 飞家小冰2014-1-21 发表 | 最后回复:海上aqiang2015-6-24


1 2905 conniewj2015-6-24 发表 | 最后回复:yuyike2015-6-24

Hello,Node:《码农(第18期)》图灵社区出品 (作者) attach_img agree

9 1602 jerker2015-6-17 发表 | 最后回复:河岸栏杆2015-6-24

Datalicious Notebookmania – My favorite 7 IPython Notebooks(BENEDIKT KOEHLER) attach_img agree  ...2

18 2166 jerker2015-6-18 发表 | 最后回复:河岸栏杆2015-6-24

国债到期/即期/远期收益率数据抓取工具 已阅图标 attachment agree

3 3002 sunweiyao3662015-2-5 发表 | 最后回复:hongfeng462015-6-24

active asset management习题求助 attach_img agree

1 1467 綵渱餹ぢぉ2015-6-19 发表 | 最后回复:Bad_ass2015-6-23

[Python书籍]Practical Data Analysis with Python 已阅图标 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456

52 7799 igs8162015-3-24 发表 | 最后回复:houzijiao5152015-6-23

Interest Rate Derivatives: Valuation, Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis attachment agree  ...234

31 3813 lasgpope2015-5-26 发表 | 最后回复:xfx2015-6-21

When prime brokers fail attachment agree  ...23

21 3028 leosong2015-6-17 发表 | 最后回复:noggin2015-6-20

Visual Studio 2013 Cookbook C++ 金融工程 工具 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7

65 6407 GZ_20132015-6-2 发表 | 最后回复:Enthuse2015-6-20

[Python资源]ipython 独立安装 优秀 attach_img agree

5 13303 igs8162015-3-20 发表 | 最后回复:auirzxp2015-6-20

【量化实验室】量化分析师的Python日记【第1天:谁来给我讲讲Python?】 agree

3 2590 ookiddy2015-4-30 发表 | 最后回复:gangsinli2015-6-19

请问,论坛的一些大牛们,他们做的一些策略,股价是实时获得的,还是历史数据? 已阅图标 agree

5 1767 wudizhao2015-5-23 发表 | 最后回复:wudizhao2015-6-19

A Concise and Practical Introduction to Programming Algorithms in Java attachment agree

8 1539 lasgpope2015-6-12 发表 | 最后回复:wycalen2015-6-18

High-Frequency Trading-New Realities for Traders, Markets and Regulators attachment agree

5 2441 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:fwushi8882015-6-18


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