今日: 7|主题: 41072|发帖排名第 25
悬赏 Geographical Imagination - [悬赏 2 个论坛币] attachment agree

3 111 samsong1112024-1-12 发表 | 最后回复:samsong1112024-1-12

悬赏 求A Customer Lifetime Value Framework for Customer Selection and Resource Alloca - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 97 crymic2024-1-12 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2024-1-12

悬赏 求助 customer retention in the insurance industry - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment

1 92 crymic2024-1-12 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2024-1-12

悬赏 An analysis of customer retention and insurance claim patterns using data mining - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 99 crymic2024-1-12 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2024-1-12

悬赏 a mathematical programming approach to optimize insurance premium pricing within - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 101 crymic2024-1-12 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2024-1-12

悬赏 求《2021年长三角一体化产业协同发展研究白皮书》 - [悬赏 100 个论坛币]

0 107 kevin08152024-1-12 发表 | 最后回复:kevin08152024-1-12

悬赏 Productivity Gains from Trade: Bunching Estimates from Trading Rights in China - [悬赏 3 个论坛币]

0 120 throndon2024-1-12 发表 | 最后回复:throndon2024-1-12

悬赏 Online Estimation for Functional Data - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment agree

4 261 xiaojun97562023-12-8 发表 | 最后回复:xiaojun97562024-1-11

悬赏 On Marx's Production Prices - [悬赏 100 个论坛币]

0 95 7236339662024-1-11 发表 | 最后回复:7236339662024-1-11

悬赏 China’s Extreme Inequality: The Structural Legacies of State Socialism - [悬赏 1 个论坛币]

0 113 nkky20112024-1-11 发表 | 最后回复:nkky20112024-1-11

悬赏 求The Intel trinity 三位一体 英特尔传奇 中文版pdf - [悬赏 20 个论坛币]

0 124 zhuanggoulu22024-1-10 发表 | 最后回复:zhuanggoulu22024-1-10

悬赏 journal of labor economics最新文献求下载 - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] attachment

2 144 casualism2024-1-3 发表 | 最后回复:casualism2024-1-10

悬赏 求助:《全国农村经济情况统计资料》 - [悬赏 2000 个论坛币]

1 594 小张在线2022-1-30 发表 | 最后回复:Haohao2020s2024-1-10

悬赏 求sampling: design and analysis 的solution manual - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

1 498 piouiy2021-3-18 发表 | 最后回复:victor_hyk2024-1-10

悬赏 长寿风险与养老金体系可持续发展研究 - [悬赏 200 个论坛币]

0 88 zoomivy2024-1-10 发表 | 最后回复:zoomivy2024-1-10

悬赏 支持我国新型农业经营主体发展的财政政策研究 - [悬赏 400 个论坛币]

1 99 bofeng2024-1-9 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152024-1-9


1 787 3760924152017-11-24 发表 | 最后回复:qwedc12024-1-8

悬赏 【求助公式運算方法】A New Measure of Inter-industry Distance... - [悬赏 50 个论坛币] attachment

1 278 ray8908152024-1-8 发表 | 最后回复:晏几道2024-1-8

悬赏 【求助公式運算方法】A New Measure of Inter-industry Distance... - [悬赏 50 个论坛币] attachment

0 91 ray8908152024-1-8 发表 | 最后回复:ray8908152024-1-8

悬赏 求助Inside the Machine Learning Interview: 151 Real Questions from FAANG and How - [悬赏 100 个论坛币]

0 96 xumisu12024-1-8 发表 | 最后回复:xumisu12024-1-8

Faults and faultlines: The effects of board faultlines on CEO dismissal 已阅图标 attachment

6 475 gulesluo2024-1-6 发表 | 最后回复:晏几道2024-1-7

悬赏 《中国人文社会科学核心期刊要览》与《 AMI 综合评价报告》? - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

0 113 wangyning2024-1-7 发表 | 最后回复:wangyning2024-1-7

悬赏 基于DCC-EST Copula模型的动态相依结构及风险测度 - [悬赏 1 个论坛币]

3 112 internet.hzx2024-1-7 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152024-1-7

悬赏 求助 Dollar Invoicing the Heterogeneity of Exchange Rate Pass-Through - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment agree

4 187 sunlinxmu2024-1-7 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152024-1-7

悬赏 求各省的农业科技进步贡献率 - [悬赏 1 个论坛币]

0 337 whl9840152024-1-4 发表 | 最后回复:whl9840152024-1-4

悬赏 Optimization Models - [悬赏 200 个论坛币] attachment

7 2666 nivastuli2018-8-25 发表 | 最后回复:-——-2024-1-4

求问一道南开考博真题 attach_img

6 1138 coco8510192020-2-21 发表 | 最后回复:longge199711092024-1-4

悬赏 Shadow of conflict - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment agree

3 124 jgxlmf2024-1-3 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2024-1-4

悬赏 The effects of sponsorship disclosures on brand evaluations and credibility of b - [悬赏 2 个论坛币] attachment

1 99 Richardwang09122024-1-2 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152024-1-4

悬赏 Mixing Parasocial Friendship With Business The Effect of Sponsorship Disclosure - [悬赏 2 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 85 Richardwang09122024-1-2 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2024-1-4

Handbook of Econometrics,volume1-5. attachment agree

8 1339 laufai2020-3-25 发表 | 最后回复:amethyst-wj2024-1-4

悬赏 Corporate payout policy:Cash dividends versus open-market repurchases - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 103 bbsflyingsnow2024-1-3 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2024-1-3

悬赏 這個問題,你用數學方式想過嗎 - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

0 88 victorbian2024-1-3 发表 | 最后回复:victorbian2024-1-3

悬赏 有偿!求七麦数据SVIP或者企业版会员! - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

0 123 rxm04252024-1-3 发表 | 最后回复:rxm04252024-1-3

Estimation of a Life-Cycle Model with Human Capital, Labor Supply, and Retireme 已阅图标

4 167 throndon2024-1-2 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2024-1-2

悬赏 求助AER2024年第1期文献“Retirement Consumption and Pension Design” - [悬赏 5 个论坛币]

0 112 小猴子-crystal2024-1-2 发表 | 最后回复:小猴子-crystal2024-1-2

悬赏 中国及各省市人口普查年鉴 求一对一交换 - [悬赏 100 个论坛币] attach_img

2 180 dgdgmariner2023-12-2 发表 | 最后回复:dgdgmariner2024-1-2

悬赏 求助AMR文献一篇 - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment

1 123 yanhaiweilong2023-12-8 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062024-1-2

悬赏 Inequality and Business Cycles - [悬赏 3 个论坛币] attachment

1 107 江夏雁2023-12-10 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062024-1-2

悬赏 Firm-Level Upgrading in Developing Countries - [悬赏 100 个论坛币] attachment

2 390 rickycy2022-6-21 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062024-1-2

悬赏 syngth2: Synthetic control method - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment

1 126 hiderm2023-12-14 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062024-1-2

悬赏 英文1篇 - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment

1 129 caoqiang062023-12-25 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062024-1-2

悬赏 Building Future-Ready Vocational Education and Training Systems - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment

1 138 毒谷1232023-12-28 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062024-1-2

悬赏 Impact Evaluation of Vocational Training and Employment Subsidies - [悬赏 30 个论坛币] attachment

1 156 毒谷1232023-12-28 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062024-1-2

悬赏 The Landscape of Providers of Vocational Education and Training - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment

1 141 毒谷1232023-12-28 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062024-1-2

悬赏 方式的说法 - [悬赏 1 个论坛币]

1 321 xmp6479782024-1-1 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2024-1-1

悬赏 Employee Attributions of Corporate Social Responsibility - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment

1 101 zhouliansd2024-1-1 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2024-1-1

悬赏 The Elements of Financial Econometrics 答案寻找 计量金融精要 - [悬赏 20 个论坛币] attachment  ...2

12 5222 新宫骊山阴22019-4-10 发表 | 最后回复:草莓碳酸2023-12-31

悬赏 【独家发布】高价悬赏:谁有链接里提到的这些报纸的电子版(下载好的PDF版) - [悬赏 50 个论坛币]

0 114 立帝货2023-12-30 发表 | 最后回复:立帝货2023-12-30

悬赏 TruePDF - The Book of Why:The New Science of Cause and Effect - [悬赏 100 个论坛币]

0 244 qffq2023-12-29 发表 | 最后回复:qffq2023-12-29

悬赏 求助:A Colossal Failure of Common Sense - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment agree

4 282 bensonfan2023-12-7 发表 | 最后回复:xingxi4412023-12-29


1 128 天下三分Z2023-12-29 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152023-12-29


3 269 victorbian2023-11-3 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152023-12-28

数学手册(原书第10版) 已阅图标 attach_img

3 470 victorbian2023-11-10 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2023-12-28


5 280 victorbian2023-10-29 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152023-12-28


2 143 victorbian2023-11-27 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152023-12-28


2 161 victorbian2023-11-25 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152023-12-28

简单到不可思议的贝氏统计学 已阅图标

2 196 victorbian2023-11-26 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152023-12-28

中西比较医药学概论 已阅图标

3 283 victorbian2023-10-24 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2023-12-28


2 177 victorbian2023-11-26 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152023-12-28

悬赏 求东北师范大学《人力资源管理项目化教程》教材配套ppt - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] attach_img

0 84 188369689492023-12-27 发表 | 最后回复:188369689492023-12-27

求助文献下载 attachment

3 939 zhongjunwei2016-10-9 发表 | 最后回复:xingxi4412023-12-25

悬赏 英文1篇 - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 128 caoqiang062023-12-25 发表 | 最后回复:allen5152023-12-25

悬赏 selected economic writings of W. Auther Lewis - [悬赏 40 个论坛币]

0 113 chhg_20012023-12-25 发表 | 最后回复:chhg_20012023-12-25

悬赏 高价(1000论坛币)求 Hillman-Public Finance and Public Policy (pdf 文件) (第三版) - [悬赏 1 个论坛币]

0 359 0jzhang2023-12-25 发表 | 最后回复:0jzhang2023-12-25

悬赏 Wang+Energy price bubbles and extreme price movements - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment

1 155 harlon19762023-12-15 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062023-12-24

悬赏 cntraveltime: Travel distance and travel time in China - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment

1 120 hiderm2023-12-14 发表 | 最后回复:bkm0062023-12-24

悬赏 如何在结构模型里面做反事实推断? - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

0 114 wxxstar212023-12-21 发表 | 最后回复:wxxstar212023-12-21

悬赏 求jstor文献一篇Duration Gap for Financial Institutions - [悬赏 2 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 136 mgymgy2023-12-20 发表 | 最后回复:—Serendipity2023-12-20

悬赏 求:精通私募股权 - [悬赏 8 个论坛币]  ...2345

41 3591 chzonggong2020-5-10 发表 | 最后回复:zhuguilin2023-12-20

悬赏 Urban Public Finance ByD. Wildasin - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

0 135 wuyu04052023-12-20 发表 | 最后回复:wuyu04052023-12-20

悬赏 文献求助 - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 148 初心格式化2023-12-19 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2023-12-20


3 976 jp2018092019-8-29 发表 | 最后回复:学海泛舟18092023-12-18

悬赏 求will Studying Economics Make You Rich - [悬赏 99 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 127 玄一无相2023-12-18 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2023-12-18

悬赏 Inference and Learning from Data Inference, Volume 2 - [悬赏 200 个论坛币]

0 370 nivastuli2023-12-18 发表 | 最后回复:nivastuli2023-12-18

悬赏 求助Internet Appendix - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] attach_img agree

6 151 21840314462023-12-17 发表 | 最后回复:21840314462023-12-17

悬赏 跪求Claus Munk 的 Financial Asset Pricing Theory 的Solutions课后答案 - [悬赏 1000 个论坛币] 女生贴

5 670 qiu38042021-12-16 发表 | 最后回复:pendarika2023-12-17

悬赏 Firm-Level Upgrading in Developing Countries - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] attachment

3 134 wuyu04052023-12-9 发表 | 最后回复:wuyu04052023-12-17

悬赏 Acupuncture and Doxylamine-Pyridoxine for Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

1 129 dxystata2023-12-14 发表 | 最后回复:dxystata2023-12-15

麻辣烫经济学 已阅图标

2 216 victorbian2023-11-13 发表 | 最后回复:victorbian2023-12-15

悬赏 求职外文文献一篇 - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 136 gaominggm20082023-12-14 发表 | 最后回复:缺伊不可2023-12-14

悬赏 手动@南开大学同学,对外经贸大学同学,能帮忙下载fdi—markets相关数据吗? - [悬赏 1 个论坛币]

0 160 尔东小月2023-12-14 发表 | 最后回复:尔东小月2023-12-14

悬赏 求完整版《2022-2023年中国光伏产业年度报告》 - [悬赏 50 个论坛币] attachment

9 2207 gremed2023-6-26 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2023-12-13

悬赏 The Global Infrastructure Gap: Potential, Perils, and a Framework for Distinctio - [悬赏 5 个论坛币]

2 131 wuyu04052023-12-9 发表 | 最后回复:wuyu04052023-12-12

400 币求 (An) Introduction to Probability Theory

3 1020 北固隐2018-10-27 发表 | 最后回复:qgjtso1112023-12-12


0 123 bamboo05302023-12-11 发表 | 最后回复:bamboo05302023-12-11

悬赏 Payment for Forest Ecosystem Services in the Northwest Region - [悬赏 20 个论坛币]

0 122 3177922092023-12-10 发表 | 最后回复:3177922092023-12-10

悬赏 The Impact of Log Export Restrictions on China’s Log Import - [悬赏 20 个论坛币]

0 110 3177922092023-12-10 发表 | 最后回复:3177922092023-12-10

悬赏 急求清华案例库“小仙炖燕窝的商业模式创新之路”的使用说明 - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

0 133 野牛草伏特加2023-12-9 发表 | 最后回复:野牛草伏特加2023-12-9

悬赏 求助一篇科技成果的原文!!有原文或者搜索方法都可以!! - [悬赏 50 个论坛币]

0 94 lanluqiu82023-12-8 发表 | 最后回复:lanluqiu82023-12-8

悬赏 America and China Are Not Yet in a Cold War - [悬赏 2 个论坛币] attachment

3 172 samsong1112023-12-5 发表 | 最后回复:samsong1112023-12-8

求书:《关税同盟问题》 已阅图标

1 2421 晓风月2010-10-25 发表 | 最后回复:ah_williamchu2023-12-8

悬赏 Transport Monte Carlo: High-Accuracy Posterior Approximation via Random Transpor - [悬赏 10 个论坛币]

0 185 xiaojun97562023-12-8 发表 | 最后回复:xiaojun97562023-12-8


0 105 comicq2023-12-8 发表 | 最后回复:comicq2023-12-8

悬赏 求Portfolio analysis—an analytic derivation of the efficient portfolio frontier - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment

1 283 Jer0me2023-12-7 发表 | 最后回复:Jer0me2023-12-7

悬赏 Quantitative Risk and Portfolio Management Theory and Practice - [悬赏 100 个论坛币]

0 188 leosong2023-12-7 发表 | 最后回复:leosong2023-12-7

悬赏 Patent Regime Shift and Firm Innovation: Evidence from the Second Amendment to C - [悬赏 150 个论坛币]

0 128 liujiafei2023-12-5 发表 | 最后回复:liujiafei2023-12-5

悬赏 The ambidextrous organization: Designing dual structures for innovation - [悬赏 200 个论坛币]

0 133 liujiafei2023-12-5 发表 | 最后回复:liujiafei2023-12-5

悬赏 外文文献 - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] attachment agree

1 119 道阻且长~~2023-12-5 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2023-12-5

悬赏 城市更新改造同业金融服务分析 - [悬赏 20 个论坛币]

1 105 senge182023-12-5 发表 | 最后回复:giresse2023-12-5


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