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数据科学经典 Data Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications attachment l58po 2021-7-7 13 4252 三江鸿 2022-10-30 22:53:06
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets8e solution manual attachment louyuge 2021-7-5 3 1204 粒粒梨梨里 2021-10-15 17:04:00
本书已取消 attach_img 2000yue 2021-7-5 3 802 2000yue 2021-7-9 07:22:09
普林斯顿大学:Introduction to Programming in Java, 第二版, 2017 attachment james05y 2021-7-3 2 932 alexwoooo 2021-7-5 13:21:42
【accounting】学习资料整理,全英文,有需要请自取 attachment zgr802755 2021-7-2 2 864 joytickle 2021-8-11 15:55:04
【69篇】2021年6月NBER working papers 论文 attachment digest flowerone 2021-6-26 83 56812 leyansky 2023-9-26 23:21:06
SAS advanced certificate 资料分享 attachment 橘生淮南则为橙 2021-6-25 8 1536 lily83322 2023-2-28 06:12:17
CFA 2021 一级note Schweser notes book level l 电子版超高清 attach_img 阳曦1 2021-6-24 25 6378 三江鸿 2023-1-10 23:21:53
Advances in Active Portfolio Management主动投资组合管理Richard 电子版 attachment 阳曦1 2021-6-24 4 1584 三重虫 2021-7-17 12:37:22
Financial statement analysis财务报表与证券分析第5版佩因曼penman 5th solution attachment 阳曦1 2021-6-24 10 1817 三江鸿 2022-3-13 14:46:54
Stata R & other of Textbook Examples Introductory Econometrics attachment xuehe 2021-6-23 7 1535 xuehe 2021-6-24 17:10:20
Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach (英文版)计量经济学 attachment louisaee 2021-6-21 2 1125 冰族王子 2021-6-27 18:50:04
Introductory Business Statistics(英文版)Tiemann attachment louisaee 2021-6-21 2 878 NOTHINGWMM 2021-7-14 16:50:55
Intermediate Microeconomics A Modern Approach Ninth Edition Hal R. Varian attachment 汲黯hugh 2021-6-20 6 5253 三江鸿 2022-3-21 23:40:48
Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 7th Edition Solutions attachment Milaa 2021-6-20 5 1867 zhou_yl 2021-8-8 00:34:39
★Principles of Marketing 16Edition- Global Edition by Philip Kotler, Gary Armst attachment 汲黯hugh 2021-6-20 3 1604 三重虫 2021-6-23 14:20:30
《APPLIED CORPORATE FINANCE》 FOURTH EDITION ASWATH DAMODARAN attachment 汲黯hugh 2021-6-20 9 4796 7123860 2022-6-1 12:27:03
Python Interview Questions: attachment Nicolle 2021-6-18 32 2178 lisa11yang 2021-6-21 08:56:46
Business & Professional ETHICS FOR DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVES & ACCOUNTANTS attachment oah. 2021-6-14 5 2091 三重虫 2021-6-16 18:12:13
PHD International Economics attachment xuehe 2021-6-7 11 3388 A猫 2021-6-10 15:56:35
可视化及stata结果解读《Interpreting and Visualizing Regression Models Using Stat attach_img hkingwang 2021-6-5 1 1804 phipe 2021-6-21 19:14:01
NumPy User's Guide 1.20.0 attachment Nicolle 2021-6-5 31 2449 redflame 2021-6-7 12:52:20
19世纪分析学史The Real and the ComplexA History of Analysis in the 19th Century, attachment hylpy1 2021-5-31 20 5805 三江鸿 2022-4-24 15:09:15
【2021新书】The Economics of Competition, Collusion and In-between attachment slowry 2021-5-29 31 5824 jeffyangsir 2021-6-6 11:03:02
【2021新书】Circular Economy For Dummies attachment slowry 2021-5-28 22 4703 bzm100 2021-6-19 20:28:55
Recursive macroeconomics 4th edition attachment xiefeng22 2021-5-22 3 4650 三江鸿 2022-3-22 13:33:28
【2021新书】Applications of Big Data and Business Analytics attachment slowry 2021-5-22 27 4910 hsinfu 2021-6-1 09:54:07
Dynamics of Output Growth and Convergence in the Middle East attachment 317792209 2021-3-19 4 844 bzm100 2021-3-26 19:59:30
J Yeh - Real Analysis _ Theory of Measure and Integration-World Scientific (2014 attachment hylpy1 2021-3-18 36 3889 三江鸿 2023-1-20 08:39:12
世界发展银行-World-Bank-Group-Gender-Strategy-Mid-Term-Review---An-Assessment-b attachment wangjx_ 2021-3-18 3 764 alexwoooo 2021-3-19 08:19:06








gideshi1974 2021-4-17:

mmmmom 2021-3-11:

connieee 2020-12-30:

qwerty2221 2020-12-7:

iamxintong 2020-10-29:

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