人大经济论坛 文库 Time Series(時間序列分析)
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文库创建人:Lisrelchen | 共同维护人: Nicolle 

New Occidental Research Centre
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The Spectral Analysis of Time Series attachment dreamathstat 2010-10-11 2 2859 dengyfman 2019-12-11 11:11:16
金融时间序列分析(张世英) attach_img cy_xiaoxiao 2010-9-27 2841 123108 saplow 2022-9-29 15:37:53
Time Series: Theory and Methods 2ed pdf 有书签的方便阅读! attachment skyboca 2010-9-15 2 3462 fujijiang 2014-10-13 23:02:11
经典中的经典Wiley - Analysis of Financial Time Series 3rd Edition attachment aimms 2010-9-12 72 19279 adamsnet 2017-4-19 20:47:09
Econometric Models Economic Forecast reloaer 2010-9-9 11 3008 friday0816 2011-10-31 02:49:05
[下载]时间序列分析C.Chatfield The Analysis of Time Series第5、6版, PDF attachment cauli 2010-8-19 29 10236 gxnnhgm66 2016-5-25 08:36:08
use R 系列书下载,免费 attachment qoiqpwqr 2010-7-29 339 49172 Eldson 2021-5-28 15:07:20
【原创】王振龙《时间序列分析》课后习题答案.PDF attachment mattmac 2010-7-2 32 27767 雁茗轩 2023-10-7 15:07:40
时间序列分析-单变量与多变量方法(高清魏武维版) attachment oyjy1986 2010-5-13 48 12591 jxapp_8936 2018-8-29 12:06:49
急:关于用疏系数模型拟合时间序列 lydia4014 2010-4-19 0 1976 lydia4014 2010-4-19 01:06:42
【分享】《Matlab在时间序列分析中的应用》(张善文等编著) attachment 黄孟辉 2010-3-19 258 49105 solotz 2021-5-20 17:29:28
金融时间序列分析(中英)第1、2版附数据及Rats程序(免费) attachment baiygggg 2010-3-11 98 21189 王雪212 2020-1-29 22:07:51
Time Series Analysis:forecasting and control attachment 海桐浪迹 2010-2-9 45 14467 wmh1230 2017-4-18 00:41:12
matlab与时间序列的应用共享 attachment haozibaobao 2010-1-23 26 9423 magicsun 2015-5-23 17:52:00
Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R (PDF Book) attach_img stiwen 2010-1-23 1 3996 crgo 2013-11-13 17:38:25
【绝对好书,免费】金融时间序列分析(中文第2版)(RueyS.Tsay(蔡瑞雄)) attachment zhangining 2009-12-22 529 88583 山海壹舟 2022-5-24 09:43:10
怎么用SAS拟合疏系数模型 bingo8888 2009-11-26 9 6705 jgzjjy17 2018-1-30 16:03:28
[下载]时间序列分析(麻省理工学院,Guido M.Kuersteiner) attachment cjf0826 2009-11-20 21 4232 a524631266 2015-10-6 15:07:57
【下载】非线性时间序列分析 attachment wngbaq 2009-11-19 33 10459 markkingle 2016-6-4 11:02:34
[共享新书] 《Introductory Time Series with R》, Spring 2009 attachment xzq_whu 2009-10-10 17 5867 LudwigEisberg 2020-4-15 11:02:44
MARKET RESPONSE MODELS-Econometric and Time Series Analysis attachment chuan_pku 2009-9-27 2 2431 zxn2011 2014-6-29 06:07:48
【下载】金融时间序列数据分析方法(English) attachment reaver2001 2009-8-31 4 3744 reaver2001 2009-12-3 04:08:45
R软件操作入门(陈毅恒 2006) ---高清晰带书签PDF格式 attachment l001 2009-8-26 92 18299 jizhangluan 2017-6-25 08:51:16
MATLAB在时间序列分析中的应用-张善文、雷英杰、冯有前编著.pdf attach_img wkdiws 2009-8-4 78 16708 11879245 2015-1-5 16:45:10
协整理论与应用-马薇.pdf attachment eagle_fly 2009-8-4 29 9223 love784400 2019-3-25 12:46:36
2009新书Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R attachment chenguanghua 2009-7-15 46 13347 夜月流觞 2015-9-15 09:32:43
2009新书Hidden Markov Models for Time Series: An Introduction Using R attachment chenguanghua 2009-7-9 49 15291 tianwk 2020-11-13 12:55:17
2009新书:Dynamic Linear Models with R attachment chenguanghua 2009-7-8 22 5870 zhediedexingfu 2016-8-4 14:41:02
[下载]Longitudinal and Panel Data: Analysis and Applications in the Social Science attachment 蜻蜓点水 2009-5-19 25 8706 zxch206 2018-12-10 20:49:13








steventung 2020-9-14:

thinking2009 2019-9-21:

miragew 2017-4-18:

fengyu006 2016-12-27:

vi_ender 2016-5-29:

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