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文库将收集国内外最顶尖的中英文杂志,The Economist、Time、Business Week、Harvard Business Review、Newsweek、Fast Company、New Scientist、Markets、中国经济周刊、财经、环球人物、新闻周刊、财经国家周刊、三联生活周刊、
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【2019新书】Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, Hybrid attachment slowry 2019-4-17 23 5795 ETNBI 2023-1-21 20:14:22
华盛顿邮报-2019-04-15 attach_img sfbzx 2019-4-17 2 787 512661101 2019-10-17 23:53:01
USA Today 04.15.19 attachment ccfenghuang 2019-4-16 4 1141 tonytang2010 2019-8-13 16:24:10
The Wall Street Journal-2019-04-15 PDF attach_img william9225 2019-4-15 38 2198 MouJack007 2019-4-21 00:57:11
Manager Today 经理人月刊 2019年4月刊 attachment hill0429 2019-4-14 12 1970 monica2557 2019-8-19 17:45:02
The Wall Street Journal-2019-04-11 PDF attach_img william9225 2019-4-11 36 2318 laswell 2019-4-19 21:06:48
华尔街日报-2019-4-10 attach_img sfbzx 2019-4-11 3 378 saplow 2022-12-21 17:12:44
The Atlantic_April 大西洋月刊2019年4月 attachment baoyongshun 2019-4-11 5 1347 thirstar 2019-5-24 18:43:33
The Washington Post 20190409-10 bonds 2019-4-11 1 615 sofree 2019-4-15 22:26:33
The_Independent英国独立报_-_07_04_2019 attach_img huangtsingde 2019-4-8 3 1022 laswell 2019-4-19 20:26:13
华尔街日报-2019-4-1 attach_img sfbzx 2019-4-2 3 671 512661101 2019-10-11 18:45:44
卫报-2019-03-30 attach_img sfbzx 2019-4-2 3 688 laswell 2019-4-18 22:35:54
今日美国-2019-03-29 attach_img sfbzx 2019-4-2 1 510 sofree 2019-4-2 23:19:38
USA Today 04.01.19 attachment ccfenghuang 2019-4-2 0 663 ccfenghuang 2019-4-2 07:42:45
The Wall Street Journal-2019-03-29 PDF attach_img william9225 2019-3-30 34 2495 zuoqing1217 2019-4-2 18:14:38
The_Wall_Street_Journal_-_29_03_2019 attachment ccfenghuang 2019-3-30 5 859 laswell 2019-4-18 23:08:15
洛杉矶时报-2019-03-25 attach_img sfbzx 2019-3-29 3 612 fin-qq 2019-3-30 15:31:52
今日美国-2019-03-11 attach_img sfbzx 2019-3-29 1 505 laswell 2019-3-30 00:05:19
华盛顿邮报-2019-03-20 attach_img sfbzx 2019-3-29 2 610 ghch2008 2019-8-25 19:52:31
波斯顿环球报-2019-03-23 attach_img sfbzx 2019-3-29 1 472 laswell 2019-3-30 00:05:57
介绍美团企业Bloomberg Businessweek Asia, EU, USA 04.01.2019亚洲、欧洲和美国版 attachment chate21 2019-3-29 8 1481 三重虫 2021-8-13 20:41:46








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