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Mathematics NewOccidental

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数学分析教程 下册 (宋国柱,任福贤,许绍溥,姜东平)1990 attachment hylpy1 2018-10-19 16 3230 celerity 2018-10-22 16:36:49
数学分析教程 上册 (许绍溥,姜东平,宋国柱,任福贤)1990 attachment hylpy1 2018-10-19 20 8858 三江鸿 2022-4-21 23:03:43
数学之美 吴军 attachment eastriver 2018-10-14 3 1277 heiyaodai 2018-10-28 11:10:32
mathmatica软件下载 attachment Fabbit 2018-9-12 5 1724 hqu_sun 2020-5-26 09:20:44
高等代数的思想与方法 刘振宇著,2009 attachment hylpy1 2018-9-12 38 6851 三江鸿 2022-3-18 21:35:34
【2018新书】Illustrating Finance Policy with Mathematica attachment slowry 2018-9-8 25 4480 wangyong8935 2019-11-25 12:37:29
常微分方程浙大教材 蔡燧林著 attachment tuyan233321 2018-9-6 1 1799 三月狼 2019-1-24 07:01:38
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists attachment ramboz2 2018-9-3 1 928 tsangwm 2018-9-3 10:08:39
《概率统计解题方法与技巧》冯卫国, 武爱文 attach_img 金哥123 2018-8-26 6 2412 Glorevo 2018-9-3 16:10:17
大学数学学习方法指导丛书《数学分析 第2版》姚允龙,2007- attachment hylpy1 2018-8-17 20 3269 zpjzpj 2022-2-5 12:23:37
Matrix-Algebra-Useful-for-Statistics 2nd edition for pdf version attachment wang021112 2018-8-14 8 2826 三江鸿 2022-10-29 22:09:31
MATLAB Programming for Biomedical Engineers and Scientists attach_img igs816 2018-8-6 13 2034 dada3210 2021-11-19 17:08:31
Communication Systems Principles Using MATLAB attach_img igs816 2018-8-5 9 1676 lixuewei3 2018-8-21 15:01:46
MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving 5th attach_img igs816 2018-8-4 40 4701 惊天的大水 2018-12-2 12:26:44
线性代数及其应用-上海交通大学出版社,2006 attachment hylpy1 2018-7-23 15 3269 anye0904 2019-1-13 20:03:04
Linear Algebra 2018 attach_img igs816 2018-7-23 43 1504 heiyaodai 2018-9-8 22:41:38
Modern Algebra: An Introduction six edition attach_img huayouz 2018-7-23 10 2045 eeabcde 2018-8-14 17:00:59
A Guide to Maple attach_img Glorevo 2018-7-21 4 1133 agodangel 2018-8-4 21:33:12
Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists attach_img Glorevo 2018-7-21 3 918 追赶时光的人 2018-7-27 10:20:01
【首发好书】《数学分析中的正反例研究》叶润萍 邹青 编著,2017 attachment hylpy1 2018-7-13 53 9974 三江鸿 2022-11-22 21:29:21
高等数学实例教程 胡红亮主编,2012 attachment hylpy1 2018-7-12 37 2981 fin-qq 2018-8-29 18:45:16
诡谲数学 田廷彦编著,2013 attachment hylpy1 2018-7-6 29 3152 三江鸿 2023-1-8 19:33:08
【2018新书】Mathematics for Economics and Business, 9/E attachment slowry 2018-7-3 49 7069 slowry 2020-11-6 00:09:51
Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics attach_img igs816 2018-6-30 18 1024 pika44 2019-1-14 19:11:35
高等数学易错(易混淆)概念辨析讲解 attachment hylpy1 2018-6-25 36 3896 Quokkka 2018-7-4 11:36:50
数学之美 第2版 attach_img sensung 2018-6-9 21 5126 天蓝草绿 2020-1-6 14:10:34
国际数学家大会图解历史 attachment robinfang 2018-5-28 1 341 hylpy1 2018-5-28 19:01:34
Markov Decision Processes: Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming (PDF)下载 attachment zhibubba 2018-5-16 10 5832 三江鸿 2023-1-17 18:03:19
MATLAB R2016a完全自学一本通新书及源码 attachment mxc0807 2018-4-30 20 7447 松松3417 2022-3-3 14:26:02
微积分基础:引入Mathematica软件求解 第2版 余敏,叶佰英著,2016 attachment hylpy1 2018-4-24 14 2475 sunshinenone 2018-8-11 17:07:02








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