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Mathematics NewOccidental

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组合数学英文版(第五版)布鲁迪 Introductory Combinatorics Richard A.Brualdi attachment oldpeter 2010-1-20 10 7244 mu_lifeng 2022-7-17 19:48:34
国外统计经典教材《Experiments, Planning, Analysis, and Optimization》最新版 attachment huanglibuaa 2010-1-15 48 15073 shenweis 2016-6-3 11:07:09
James Stewart calculus 6th E (微积分) attachment 领航 2010-1-3 57 16041 2018SS 2019-1-8 17:01:52
Study Guide for Linear Algebra And Its Applications - David C Lay - 3rd ed attachment 领航 2010-1-3 26 9912 e0g411k014z 2016-7-10 15:21:02
高等代数上下册,丘维声 attachment yehowax 2009-12-22 39 16053 三江鸿 2022-4-24 09:55:47
中国奥数练习书《Mathematical Olympiad in China: Problems and Solutions》(免费) attachment plucesiar 2009-12-19 17 2926 noflaws 2023-7-25 22:49:05
经典教材:那汤松实变函数论中英文版 attachment mmdzz 2009-12-9 25 15581 三江鸿 2022-5-17 23:16:17
《高等代数学习指导书 下》(丘维声)jpg 下载 attachment gr9909 2009-12-8 32 12192 三江鸿 2022-4-21 11:58:57
高等代数学习指南(蓝以中)pdf 下载 attachment gr9909 2009-12-8 46 24043 三江鸿 2022-4-21 11:58:25
经典书籍: Global Sensitivity Analysis. The Primer (wiley PDF) attachment yweirt 2009-12-2 14 6515 ruthqi1989 2016-11-19 12:40:43
pdf 下载 高等代数学习指导书上 丘维声(北大) attachment gr9909 2009-11-29 41 25202 三江鸿 2022-4-24 10:03:46
浙大第四版概率论与数理统计的课件 attachment 葛新龙 2009-11-27 91 24183 graymice648 2024-3-27 19:55:27
北大版高等代数课件及答案 attachment tongtongxue 2009-11-18 18 4232 SherlockO 2017-7-22 11:27:02
数学比赛书本 (Putnam & USSR Olympiad) attachment plucesiar 2009-11-15 7 1698 512661101 2019-3-21 19:45:36
《高中数学解题思维与思想》word格式 精美版 attachment lwjxz 2009-11-9 13 2382 saplow 2022-12-25 15:09:57
经典Applied Dynamic Programming by Bellman 《应用动态规划》 attachment janci 2009-11-5 35 14707 三江鸿 2022-3-25 00:07:38
华师大:常微分方程习题集 attachment fgq5910 2009-10-23 9 3315 caifacai 2016-4-1 09:00:26
复变函数全解及导学[西安交大 第四版]_复变函数第四版 attachment chengjue 2009-10-23 2 3090 forrest03031 2019-5-2 18:31:34
下载 matrix analysis for statistics attachment 提月亮登太阳 2009-10-6 4 4499 nxzlj 2011-12-1 09:15:13
Probability and Statistics By Degroot, M. H. attachment lonsir 2009-9-20 26 11713 kakajin 2016-6-10 14:08:28
同济大学 线性代数第四版教材电子版 attachment hunao1000 2009-9-19 21 18233 mx_sweet 2020-2-11 10:25:27
Introduction to Vector and Matrix Differentiation attachment 止戈为武 2009-9-12 4 2221 bigfatcat 2015-5-4 13:26:46
浙大《概率论与数理统计》4版+同济《工程数学:线性代数 》5版(教材+习题全解) attachment fainshare 2009-9-10 320 55616 lichemail 2018-7-15 11:22:46
申请加精Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series attachment yadangsmi 2009-9-8 42 8384 三江鸿 2023-1-23 14:19:56
[下载]应用极值理论 attachment lzy225 2009-9-3 41 13834 shgzzg 2022-4-16 10:50:04
概率论与数理统计(浙大版 盛骤等编著) 全部课件 共12章 attachment mathmli 2009-8-28 95 27940 graymice648 2024-3-28 08:54:36
麻省理工学院概率论教材:Introduction To Probability attachment abigman 2009-8-25 22 17634 kaixian_2003 2017-7-19 19:43:26
(免费下载)程士宏的高等概率论 attachment shuangfu 2009-8-21 54 12715 xy78 2022-9-4 01:15:53
常微分方程-数学名著译丛.常微分方程(阿诺尔德) attachment hawk_tang 2009-8-13 14 5036 三江鸿 2022-4-18 17:16:20
常微分方程数值解法 中科大数学系 attachment wangdaji 2009-8-5 10 3216 yumiao8706 2011-10-17 22:50:43








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