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Mathematics NewOccidental

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Discrete Mathematics and Functional Programming attach_img igs816 2018-4-18 7 553 saplow 2022-11-12 13:02:50
高等数学[汉英对照](上下册) 王立冬编,2012 attachment hylpy1 2018-4-18 20 2761 18920312537 2018-7-16 08:34:10
Finite Mathematics, 7th Edition by Stefan Waner, Steven R. Costenoble attach_img igs816 2018-4-18 39 3134 南风楠 2018-5-10 20:24:22
高等数学引论_华罗庚_4本 attachment iiam04210817 2018-4-15 16 3704 shgzzg 2023-10-2 10:45:02
拓扑学基本教程 attachment iiam04210817 2018-4-15 5 1754 caifacai 2018-4-17 14:37:12
实分析基础(王友方) attachment iiam04210817 2018-4-15 11 3371 三江鸿 2022-4-6 13:34:30
同调代数(林子炳) attachment iiam04210817 2018-4-15 4 1815 yangwag 2018-4-16 12:02:03
同调代数(周伯埙) attachment iiam04210817 2018-4-15 8 2135 chenjingjay 2020-1-3 14:46:30
Tensor Methods in Statistics attachment Nicolle 2018-4-12 36 2661 restalker 2019-7-25 11:47:15
矩阵论-程文鹏-第三版-高清版 attachment iiam04210817 2018-4-10 10 3818 小黄黄人 2020-6-20 12:48:32
普林斯顿数学指南 attachment iiam04210817 2018-3-25 19 6374 門外漢 2023-3-22 07:26:04
数学恩仇录:数学家的十大论战 (美)哈尔·赫尔曼着 attachment iiam04210817 2018-3-25 9 1963 lsqcqcn 2018-12-17 12:15:31
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing With Maple & Mathematica attachment goodmangis 2018-3-24 5 1466 eaglestar 2018-3-26 16:11:21
奇妙的排列组合 宋耀生编著,安徽教育出版社,1989 attachment hylpy1 2018-3-16 14 2735 追赶时光的人 2018-7-27 10:22:22
Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications attach_img nivastuli 2018-3-1 8 1921 三江鸿 2023-1-28 13:28:06
数学的过去、现在和未来 周金才,梁兮编著,1982 attachment hylpy1 2018-2-26 17 2507 鹤影花魂WYN 2018-2-27 23:50:40
【首发资源】《高等代数思维导图》李荣,曲国锋著.2013 attachment hylpy1 2018-2-12 40 10817 shgzzg 2022-6-17 05:53:00
矩阵计算的理论与方法【徐树方】 attachment xingyuchen 2018-2-11 12 4069 2009070246 2022-1-8 17:35:56
概率统计就在我们身边 刘颖,马恩林著,2000 attachment hylpy1 2018-2-10 18 2058 jessie68us 2020-6-27 13:22:33
Applied Abstract Algebra with MapleTM and MATLAB® attach_img nivastuli 2018-2-10 4 2052 zhystar 2018-11-28 18:46:15
GTM004 Hilton,Stammbach. A Course in Homological Algebra. 2nd ed.pdf(有书签) attachment 1206411001 2018-2-5 5 1784 wxwpxh 2023-2-5 20:11:45
Applied Matrix Algebra in the Statistical Sciences attachment fengyg 2018-2-5 1 953 jjxm20060807 2018-2-5 22:05:52
无穷粒子马尔可夫过程引论 严士健著,1989 attachment hylpy1 2018-1-28 8 1037 gerryli 2018-2-11 03:29:35
Probability Theory: A First Course in Probability Theory and Statistics attach_img igs816 2018-1-28 32 1465 512661101 2019-3-18 23:23:44
考研必读 高等数学 齐植兰 编著,2000 attachment hylpy1 2018-1-25 9 1886 canghx 2018-4-24 22:36:04
基础拓扑学(胡适耕) attachment 金哥123 2018-1-20 20 8317 三江鸿 2022-3-10 20:04:29
Real Analysis Modern Techniques and Their Applications 2nd Edition Folland 高清 attachment Dogesick丶 2018-1-16 12 5944 雅Ele 2022-12-8 16:13:44
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science attach_img igs816 2018-1-14 18 1085 timmyou2004 2018-9-4 11:04:32
大学数学概论-沈京一主编,2005 attachment hylpy1 2018-1-14 10 1964 小噗呆呆 2018-1-15 18:14:42
高等代数范例选讲 attach_img daoxiaomeng 2018-1-13 11 5034 三江鸿 2022-4-1 01:09:09








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rucanuo 2019-10-29:

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