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【统计检验】 Simple Statistical Tests for Geography (2016) attach_img cmwei333 2016-12-29 9 1178 li_mao 2017-1-1 14:01:49
Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer 4th edition attach_img nivastuli 2016-11-15 6 1777 三江鸿 2023-1-28 15:10:46
Probability and Statistics with R, Second Edition attachment nelsoncwlee 2016-2-21 20 4287 wh7064rg 2019-11-24 14:55:32
[Stata]One Hundred Nineteen Stata Tips, Third Edition(自编版) attach_img 匿名 2015-10-12 18 5350 铁锷未残 2019-7-24 13:11:36
【经典教材系列】Stationary Stochastic Processes for Scientists and Engineers attach_img wwqqer 2015-9-26 20 3479 三江鸿 2023-1-17 17:51:13
【经典教材系列】Statistical Methods in Biology attach_img wwqqer 2015-8-15 71 10010 olympic 2022-8-9 11:36:04
【经典教材系列】Modern Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2015-7-21 164 10258 olympic 2022-8-6 20:42:08
Introductory Statistics for the Health Sciences attach_img pcstar 2015-7-2 5 1418 wcwei5800 2015-7-9 11:52:12
Dennis, Brian-The R Student Companion-CRC Press (2013) attachment nieqiang110 2015-6-4 6 3068 bu2zhouzhu 2020-1-4 09:39:56
《Essentials of Multivariate Data Analysis》 attach_img digest 大家开心 2015-6-2 115 11246 胡明敏 2019-3-29 12:51:35
Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for the Life Sciences(R) attach_img igs816 2015-5-2 106 10131 bioyang 2017-6-16 10:23:53
[好书不断]Data Analysis Using Stata, Third Edition attach_img digest crystal8832 2014-12-22 115 29101 残血苍海 2023-3-28 18:00:36
A Gentle Introduction to Stata 4th attach_img igs816 2014-12-10 34 15956 博B105 2022-1-17 14:11:39
Analytic Methods in Sports attach_img 飞侠zl 2014-11-20 1 1578 资料狂人 2015-3-17 17:16:40
Probability and Statistics: A Didactic Introduction attach_img 大家开心 2014-8-31 33 4621 jojogaotian 2014-10-18 03:42:21
The R Primer attach_img igs816 2014-8-31 3 2266 tianwk 2019-7-27 18:43:55
[好书首发]Paradoxes in Scientific Inference attachment Nicolle 2014-7-25 33 4292 东西方咨询 2015-11-29 08:39:28
统计学的过去现在与未来Past, Present, and Future of Statistical Science attach_img saintsophia 2014-6-5 162 24796 illdownload 2022-11-21 10:44:22
[大牛巨献]Analysis of Multivariate Social Science Data 2e_David J. Bartholomew attach_img saintsophia 2014-2-18 167 18512 dongfh00001 2021-7-6 08:50:59
Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures attachment myyjwc 2013-11-16 7 2517 atwoodcloyd 2020-1-30 15:50:07
悬赏 Introduction to Time Series using Stata - [已解决] attachment Lisrelchen 2013-10-18 4 2297 hl6662006 2016-3-9 02:31:29
电子书共享:Visualizing Statistical Models and Concepts attach_img xinchuzu 2013-7-13 0 927 xinchuzu 2013-7-13 17:05:58
A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, 3rd Edition dxystata 2012-1-2 14 8265 newfei188 2016-10-17 01:02:11
新书免费下载 Introduction to Data Analysis with R for Forensic Scientists attachment qoiqpwqr 2010-11-2 20 5738 hunter0224 2015-3-11 10:38:35
[下载]Fundamentals Of Probability with Stochastic Processes(3rd Edition) attachment judezhu 2010-8-8 27 15008 三江鸿 2023-1-17 18:06:06








冰族王子 2023-5-6:

haha01 2020-7-15:

wq37 2019-6-13:

wind2599 2019-6-13:

suzhzh 2018-9-14:

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