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文库关键词:经济  金融  管理 


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宏观经济学分析框架和经典教材 attach_img 脑仁疼 2018-10-9 56 23114 i☆hecate 2020-1-17 23:54:39
中美经贸摩擦白皮书(图文完整版)-中国ZF-2018.9-51页 attachment digest fin-qq 2018-9-25 280 39017 leixiaona 2022-11-20 17:30:48
370页银行人的笔记:金融行业干货汇总稿 attach_img digest fin-qq 2018-9-5 166 35849 落羽杉 2024-2-7 10:15:00
北大纵横—中国上市公司管理白皮书(2017年度)—2018.6—158页 attachment 麦麦糖纸 2018-8-9 15 1790 512661101 2020-4-21 21:53:54
Artificial Intelligence: Everything you need to know about the coming AI. A Lady attach_img igs816 2018-8-8 19 812 lifeinwar 2018-8-11 21:43:52
Frontiers of Risk Management, Volume I & II attach_img igs816 2018-8-8 17 786 saplow 2022-10-22 13:06:12
An Introduction to Econometric Theory attach_img igs816 2018-8-8 24 2733 大禛 2018-8-11 23:55:40
未来版图:全球聪明公司的科技创新趋势和商业化路径 - 麻省理工科技评论(8.2) attachment 麦麦糖纸 2018-8-8 5 834 fin-qq 2018-9-16 12:34:09
Frontiers of Risk Management Volume I和Volume II: Key Issues and Solutions attachment newever 2018-8-6 3 491 saplow 2022-10-22 13:06:23
How Behavioral Economics Influences Management Decision-Making A New Paradigm attach_img igs816 2018-8-6 34 1888 aibieli731001 2018-8-7 23:22:32
Introduction to Finance: Markets, Investments, and Financial Management 16th attach_img igs816 2018-8-5 41 5908 adrianqin8259 2020-12-24 12:02:17
Optimization Methods in Finance 2nd Edition attach_img igs816 2018-8-5 47 3138 三江鸿 2022-11-20 01:17:19
《管理学(原书第7版) (MBA教材精品译丛)》[美]斯蒂芬 P. 罗宾斯.mobi attach_img xgz6151 2018-5-26 13 2104 saplow 2022-11-13 21:52:13
本版置顶 eviews实证分析超详细操作步骤! attach_img wuxin19950510 2017-1-29 125 73600 slee1108 2023-8-25 10:16:47
经典中的经典!美国知名财经作家Jason Zweig投资入门书推荐!(附下载链接) attach_img wwqqer 2014-11-26 349 34264 浑噩没晕 2022-10-21 09:29:34
【比尔盖茨系列】美国总统与新闻业的黄金年代:The Bully Pulpit attach_img wwqqer 2014-10-18 86 5200 saplow 2022-10-27 20:09:56
Eviews多重共线性检验及补救 attach_img 胖胖小龟宝 2014-3-28 21 129809 张璐漪 2021-6-24 15:02:25
[城市经济学与房地产市场](美).丹尼斯・迪帕斯奎尔.扫描版.zip attachment net654 2014-3-26 15 3574 lzxjump 2018-8-6 14:45:54
在eviews中做多重共线性检验方法(免费) attachment 胖胖小龟宝 2014-2-14 35 19337 PROTECTOR-Z 2021-10-10 22:03:09
麦肯锡、罗兰贝格等咨询管理项目资料 attachment bbh66 2010-11-26 19 2855 Ilqxlm 2018-7-25 22:51:57








周小淦 2018-8-12:

newever 2018-8-6:

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