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  • 流化床厌氧反应器工艺研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文文摘II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 工艺设计概述1 1.2 污泥颗粒概述4 2 实验部分8 2.1 实验试剂及仪器8 2.2 测定项目及方法9 2.3 实验流程10 2.4 实验步骤11 3 结果与讨论13 3.1 蠕动泵标准曲线的测定13 3.2 流量对反应床层膨胀率的影响研究13 3.3 流化床厌氧反应器生产负荷变化规律研究15 3.4 流量对各组分产气量的影响研究18 3.5 流量对产生气体中各组分含量的影响研究20 3.6 气体产生对床层膨胀率的影响研究20 3.7 流量对反应器内污泥颗粒大小的影响研究21 3.8 污泥性质与成分的测定22 4 中试规模厌氧反应器处理猪粪废水工艺设计24 4.1 工艺流程设计24 4.2 主要设备选型25 5 总结与展望28 致 谢29 参考文献30 摘 要:本文研究了流量对反应床层特性的影响,获得了流化床厌氧反应器生产负荷变化规律,流量对反应床层膨胀率、各组分产气量、产生气体中各组分含量、反应器内污泥颗粒大小的影响和气体产生对床层膨胀率的影响;并对中试规模的关键设备进行了选型及设计计算,同时规划了工艺流程。研究结果显示:床层实际初始流化流量vmf在3.73~4.16mL·min-1之间,与理论计算值3.864mL·min-1一致;在一定范围内,流量增大对反应量的提高是有利的,当流量为11.2mL·min-1时,单位时间内的反应量达到最大,反应负荷为4.66mg·L-1·min-1;适当提高流量有利于提高各组分的产气量,但流量对气体相对含量的影响不显著,甲烷含量约是二氧化碳含量的7倍;由于气体产生,热模时床层膨胀率明显高于冷模,在实验范围内,随流量的增大,膨胀率相差有越来越大的趋势;适当提高流量有助于污泥颗粒的成长。 关键词:污泥颗粒;流量;反应器;工艺设计 Study on the Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactor Abstract:In this paper, the influence of flow on the bed characteristics is researched, variation of the production load of the fluidized bed anaerobic reactor, the influence of the flow on the bed expansion rate, gas production of each component, the relative content of the gas produced, the size of granular sludge and the influence of the gas produced on the bed expansion rate are obtained. The key pilot scale equipments are selected on the basis of calculation and the process flow is designed. Research shows that: actual minimum fluidization flow, 3.73~4.16mL·min-1, is in good consistency with minimum fluidization flow, 3.864mL·min-1, in theory. Within a certain range of the flow, large flow is help to production load. When the flow is 11.2mL·min-1, the maximum production load is 4.66mg·L-1·min-1. Improving the flow properly is help to gas production of each component, but influence of flow on the relative content of the gas produced is not significant, the content of CH4 is almost 7 times than CO2. The bed expansion rate in cold model test is obviously higher than it in hot model test due to the gas produced. Within a certain range of the experiments, the difference value of bed expansion rate in the tests becomes larger when improving the flow. Improving the flow properly is help to the growth of the granular sludge. Keywords:Granular sludge; Flow; Reactor; Technology design

  • 二氯甲烷清洁回收工艺研究

    目录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 概述1 1.1.1二氯甲烷对人类的危害 2 1.1.2二氯甲烷的来源2 1.2 二氯甲烷的国内外市场及发展趋势2 1.3 二氯甲烷的回收方法5 1.4本文的工作6 2. 实验部分7 2.1 实验目的 7 2.2实验原理7 2.3 仪器与试剂 8 2.4 实验方法与步骤8 2.5用测定气液两相浓度的方法测定二氯甲烷在吸收剂中的亨利系数8 2.6.吸收试验8 3. 结果与讨论10 3.1 测定二氯甲烷在吸收剂中的亨利系数实验数据预处理10 3.2吸收剂吸收二氯甲烷的实验数据处理11 3.3典型工艺流程概述11 3.4二氯甲烷的回收工艺设计计算 12 4.总结与展望17 致谢18 参考文献19 附图21 摘 要:随着有机合成和石油化工行业的迅猛发展,工业有机废气的排放量不断增加,进入大气的有机化合物种类也越来越多,大气污染日趋严重。二氯甲烷是一种挥发性卤代烃污染物,对人体有致癌作用,是全球最为重要的气态有机污染物之一,因此,回收二氯甲烷已成为一个迫在眉睫的课题。 本文测定了二氯甲烷在吸收剂中亨利系数以及吸收效果,计算了流程方案的设备参数。根据吸收实验数据和平衡实验数据,提出了一种较为合理的治理流程。实验测得亨利系数H为1.33,相平衡常数m为1.8 x10-3平均吸收效率达到了92.67% 关键词:二氯甲烷 ;吸收剂 ; 有机废气 ;吸收 ;气液平衡 Study on the Clean Recycling Technology of Dichloromethane Abstract: With the rapid development of organic synthesis and petrochemical industry, and the emissions of industrial organic waste gas is continujava script:void(0)e to increaing, types of organic compounds that entering the atmosphere become more and more ,and the air pollution is turn to serious day by day. Methylene Chloride is a volatile halocarbons pollutants ,and are carcinogenic to humans, is one of the world's most important gaseous organic pollutants, therefore, recovery dichloromethane has become a pressing issue. This article has mensurates the Henry coefficient and the effection of absorb in absorbent of dichloromethane , and calculated the equipment parameters of flow scheme . According to the experimental data of absorbing and balancing ,bring forward a more reasonable treatment processes. Measured Henry coefficient of 1.33 for H, equilibrium constant m of 1.8 x10-3 absorption efficiency reached 92.67% in an average. Keywords:Dichloromethane ;Absorbent;Organic emissions ;Absorption;Gas-liquid balance

  • 栝楼籽中活性成分分离及分析方法研究

    目 录 1 绪论1 1.1 栝楼的特性1 1.2 栝楼的食用特点和价值1 1.3 栝楼的药理作用2 1.4 栝楼的经济效益3 1.5 栝楼的开发前景3 1.6 角鲨烯4 1.7 栝楼籽油的制备法6 1.7.1索氏提取法6 1.7.2压榨法6 1.8 高效液相色谱分析法7 2 实验部分8 2.1 实验原料、试剂与仪器8 2.2 栝楼籽仁中粗脂肪的含量测定8 2.3 酸价的测定9 2.4 皂化值的测定9 2.5 色谱条件10 2.6. 用螺旋榨油机榨油10 3 结果和讨论11 3.1 标准曲线的绘制11 3.2 未经水化脱胶的油脂中角鲨含量测定13 3.3 经水化脱胶的油脂中角鲨烯含量测定14 4 总结与展望18 致 谢19 参考文献20 摘 要:随着科学技术的发展,近些年发现栝楼具有很好的医疗作用,因此,国内需求量和出口量增长很快,显示出良好的发展势头。我国是栝楼传统主产国之一,历来国际信誉较高,只要好种植区域,并注意用生物防治法防病治虫,限制农药的使用种类、使用量以及使用时间,并及时作好商品检验和监督,人工栽培栝楼的生产前景是十分广阔的。实验对栝楼籽仁油脂的提取以及油脂的酸价、皂化值和角鲨烯含量进行了分析和测定。结果表明:栝楼籽仁酸价( KOH)为19.23mg/g,皂化值( KOH)为204.84mg/g,角鲨烯含量约为0.1%。确立色谱条件为:色谱柱型号:Hyperil ODSe,流动相为甲醇/乙腈:60/40、检测波长为203nm、流速为2ml/min、柱温为40℃。 关键词:角鲨烯;栝楼籽;成分分析;高效液相色谱 Separation of Active Components and Analysis Method of Trichosanthes Kiriowii  Abstract : Along with the development of trichosanthes kirilowii in recent years, trichosanthes kirilowii is found good medical effects, therefore, the domestic demand and output grows fast, shows a good development momentum. China is one of the trichosanthes kirilowii traditional production countries with high international prestige. As long as we choose the good planting area and pollution prevention with biological pesticide, limit pest prevention of species, usage and using time, make timely commodity inspection and supervision, the prospect of production of artificial cultivation trichosanthes kirilowii will be very wide.Trchosanthes kiriowii Maxim seed was used as material. Itcomponent s and it s oil properties were studied. The acidvalue( KOH) is 19.23mg/g,saponificationvalue(KOH) is 204.84mg/g, Squalene is 0.1%.The HPLC conditions are the best:column:Hyperil ODSe; mobile phase,V(acetonitrile)/V(methano1)=60/40;detection wavelength:203nm; flow rate,2ml/min;tmperature:40℃ Keywords : Squalene;Trchosanthes kiriowii Maxim;Component analysis;HPLC

  • 小波变换-主成分回归分光光度法同时测定感冒液成分的研究

    目 录 中文摘要...............................................................Ⅰ 英文摘要...............................................................II 目录...................................................................III 1. 绪论.................................................................1 1.1 小波分析.........................................................1 1.2 小波变换在化学计量学中的应用.....................................1 1.3 主成分回归.......................................................2 1.4 本研究的主要思路与方法...........................................3 2. 多组分同时测定的原理及实验方法.......................................4 2.1 计算分光光度法测定多组分的原理...................................4 2.2 实验方法与技术...................................................4 3. 算法基本原理.........................................................7 3.1 小波变换基本原理.................................................7 3.2 PCR数学原理.....................................................8 3.3 WT-PCR算法......................................................9 4. 实验部分............................................................11 4.1 实验仪器........................................................11 4.2 实验试剂........................................................11 4.3 实验方法........................................................11 5. 结果与讨论.........................................................13 5.1 吸收曲线与测定波长的选择.......................................13 5.2 样品稳定性分析.................................................14 5.3 训练样本的确定.................................................14 5.4 最佳小波基和截取尺度的选择.....................................16 5.5 主成分数的确定.................................................17 5.6 标准样品试验...................................................19 5.7 方法适用性试验.................................................19 5.8 加标回收试验...................................................20 5.9 未知样品预报...................................................21 6. 总结与展望..........................................................22 致谢...................................................................23 参考文献...............................................................24 附录MATLAB相关程序....................................................26 摘 要:在多组分样品的分光光度法测定中,吸收曲线常会发生不同程度的重叠,采用一般分光光度法难于定量每一组分,而近年来发展起来的小波变换(WT)已成为信息科学中的一个新兴研究领域,越来越多地应用于化学研究领域中各种复杂的、非线性的问题,也取得了很好效果。本文根据小波变换具有将信号分频的特点,采用db9小波在4尺度低频系数构造分析矩阵进行主成分回归(PCR),预测结果优于原始数据全谱模型。利用小波变换与主成分回归相结合的一种多元校正算法对感冒液中对乙酰氨基酚、愈创木酚甘油醚、咖啡因和扑尔敏四组分体系进行了同时测定。加标回收率介于91.67-102.37%,结果基本满意。使用小波系数进行PCR建模,不仅可以有效地减小主成分向量残留噪声所引起的误差,而且较大地压缩了数据量,显著提高多元校正准确性,提高了预测精度。 关键词:小波变换;主成分回归;紫外分光光度法;多组分同时测定 The Study of Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination for Cough Syrup by Principal Component Regression Based on Wavelet Transform Abstract: In multi-component spectrophotometric determination, the absorption curve offen overlaps in varying degrees , It is difficult to quantitate each component using spectrophotometry generally, wavelet transform(WT)which is developed in recent years has become an emerging field of research in information science, and more and more used in the field of chemical research in a variety of complex, nonlinear problems, also achieved good results. In this paper, based on wavelet transform in accordance with the signal frequency characteristics, using wawelet db9 at level 4 to reconstruct a standard low-frequency coefficient for the original absorbance data to structure analysis matrix to rincipal component regression (PCR) regression analysis, forecasting results is better than the original entire spectrum model.Using a algorithm for multivariate calibration which was combining the WT and PCR technique applied to the simultaneous determination the Cough Syrup which has four components: acetaminophen, guuaifenesin, caffeine, p-aminophenol.the recovery ranged from 91.67% to 102.37% .the result is basically satisfied. Using wavelet coefficients to build PCR model, can not only effectively reduce the principal component vector of residual errors caused by noise , but also can greatly reduce the volume of data, significantly improve the accuracy of multivariate calibration to improve the prediction accuracy. Keywords: Wavelet transforrrmtion;PCR;UV spectrophotometry;Simultaneous determination of multiple components;

  • 乙酸乙酯废气吸收处理工艺研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 概述1 1.2 乙酸乙酯的国内外研究现状2 1.3 乙酸乙酯控制高新技术6 2. 实验部分8 2.1 引言 8 2.2 仪器与试剂8 2.3 实验装置图8 2.4验证吸收剂对乙酸乙酯的吸收效果9 2.5测定乙酸乙酯在吸收剂中的亨利系数9 3. 结果与讨论11 3.1验证吸收剂对乙酸乙酯的吸收效果数据11 3.2测定乙酸乙酯在吸收剂中的亨利系数结果11 3.3 典型工艺流程概述12 3.4 设计计算13 4. 总结与展望18 致谢21 参考文献22 验证吸收剂对乙酸乙酯的吸收效果附图1—523 摘要:在人类日益注重环保的今天,采用高档溶剂用于涂料、油墨生产是大势所趋。作为高档溶剂,乙酸乙酯在国内经济持续稳定增长,建筑、汽车等行业发展迅速的趋势下,会带动对乙酸酯类溶剂的需求。本文通过实验探索一种经济而有效的乙酸乙酯回收方法,从而能降低工业生产成本;并且可以减少乙酸乙酯造成的环境污染和对资源造成的浪费。进行技术改进克服传统吸收工艺的缺陷,开发出乙酸乙酯尾气回收处理的新型清洁工艺,并设计工艺流程。实验研究测定出吸收效率为90%,吸收效率良好。测得亨利系数为1.59,从而进行设计计算求得塔高为8.6米。 关键词:乙酸乙酯;吸收;工艺设计 Study on the Absorption Processing Technology of Ethyl Acetate Abstract: Now days people increasingly pay attention to environmental protection, so using high-grade solvents in paint and ink production is the general trend. As the country’s economic sustained growth, construction、automobile and other industries rapidly development, it will drive more and more demand on ethyl acetate which was considered a high-grade solvent. This article explore an economical and effective method to recycle ethyl acetate by experiments, thus decrease industrial production costs and reduce environmental pollution when ethyl acetate solvent used in industry and reduce the waste of resources. Design a technical improvement to overcome the shortcomings of traditional absorption, develop a new type of cleaning technology of recycling ethyl acetate exhaust and design process. Experimental determination of the efficiency of absorption is 90%, Henry coefficient is 1.59, so calculate and design the high of tower is 8.6 meters. Keywords:ethyl acetate; absorption; process design

  • 生物抗氧化剂麦角硫因的合成

    目 录 生物抗氧化剂麦角硫因的合成I The synthetic biology antioxidants ergothioneineII 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 麦角硫因的理化性质及分布1 1.2 麦角硫因的生物学功能2 1.3 麦角硫因的新陈代谢4 1.4 麦角硫因的合成发展和应用前景5 2 实验部分7 2.1 主要实验试剂与仪器7 2.2麦角硫因的合成7 2.3 麦角硫因各步反应产物的测定10 3 结果与分析11 3.1 麦角硫因合成过程中反应条件的选择11 3.2 麦角硫因中间体的图谱分析13 4 总结与展望17 致 谢18 参考文献19 摘 要: 麦角硫因是自然界中一种稀有天然氨基酸,国外研究表明其具有较强的抗氧化作用,在机体内具有重要的生理活性。本文利用国外专利合成路线,以L-组氨酸甲酯二盐酸盐为初始原料,苯甲酰氯、浓盐酸等作辅料,在四氢呋喃、甲醇等多种溶剂中,采用多步反应法,希望逐步制得目标产物麦角硫因。试验旨在研究合成过程中不同反应条件对反应的影响,主要利用红外光谱仪及核磁共振波谱仪对各步反应产物进行定性测定。对一系列不同反应条件下的产物的分析数据表明:温度是合成过程中一个较大的影响因素,温度过高,容易发生副反应;温度过低,反应不完全。得到的产物均含有较多的杂质。此外,当几种辅料同步加入反应时,其加入比例对反应也有明显影响,比例不适时原料溶解不好,使反应难以进行。 关键词:麦角硫因;L-组氨酸甲酯二盐酸盐;红外光谱 The synthetic biology antioxidants ergothioneine Abstract: Ergothioneine (EGT) is a rare amino acid in the nature, studies have demonstrated that EGT can act as a natural antioxidant, it is an important active substance found in fungi and various animal tissues. The article used the foreign patents synthetic route which used L-histidine methyl ester dihydrochloride as the initial materials, added benzoyl chloride、concentrated hydrochloric acid etc, by in THF and methanol as the solvents, used multi-step reaction, in order to obtained target ergothioneine. We tried to study effect that different condition in the experiment,and reaction product of each step as well as qualitative measurement by Infrared spectrometer and NMR spectrometer. The analysis of product by series different conditions showed that: the temperature was a big factor in the experiment. Neither the high temperature nor the low temperature the product was impure. On the other hand, the scale when we added the auxiliary material was a factor also, the wrong scale made materials dissolved unsuccessful, it made the reaction couldn’t succeed. Keywords:ergothioneine; L-histidine methyl ester dihydrochloride; IR.

  • 流化床厌氧反应器特性研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 工艺设计概述1 1.2 污泥颗粒概述4 2 实验部分8 2.1 实验试剂及仪器8 2.2 测定项目及方法9 2.3 实验流程10 2.4 实验步骤11 3 结果与讨论13 3.1 蠕动泵标准曲线的测定13 3.2 污泥性质与成分的测定13 3.3 流量对反应床层膨胀率的影响研究15 3.4 流化床厌氧反应器生产负荷变化规律研究17 3.5 流量对各组分产气量的影响研究19 3.6 流量对产生气体中各组分含量的影响研究21 3.7 气体产生对床层膨胀率的影响研究21 3.8 流量对反应器内污泥颗粒大小的影响研究22 4 中试规模厌氧反应器处理猪粪废水工艺设计23 4.1 工艺流程设计23 4.2 主要设备选型25 5 总结与展望29 致 谢30 参考文献31 摘 要:本文对流化床厌氧反应器的流化及反应特性进行了研究,考察了流量对床层膨胀率、产气量、气体中各组分含量、反应器内污泥颗粒大小的影响,以及床层流化特性因实验过程中所产气体而发生的变化;并对中试规模的关键设备进行了选型及设计计算,同时规划了厌氧处理工艺流程。研究结果显示:床层实际初始流化流量vmf在3.73~4.16mL·min-1之间,与理论计算值3.864mL·min-1一致;在一定范围内,流量增大对反应量的提高是有利的,当流量为11.2mL·min-1时,单位时间内的反应量达到最大,反应负荷为4.66mg·L-1·min-1;适当提高流量有利于提高各组分的产气量,但流量对气体相对含量的影响不显著,甲烷含量约是二氧化碳含量的7倍;由于气体产生,热模时床层膨胀率明显高于冷模,在实验范围内,随流量的增大,膨胀率相差有越来越大的趋势;适当提高流量有助于污泥颗粒的成长。 关键词:污泥颗粒;流量;反应器;工艺设计 Study on the Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactor Abstract:In this paper, the influence of flow on the bed characteristics is researched, variation of the production load of the fluidized bed anaerobic reactor, the influence of the flow on the bed expansion rate, gas production of each component, the relative content of the gas produced, the size of granular sludge and the influence of the gas produced on the bed expansion rate are obtained. The key pilot scale equipments are selected on the basis of calculation and the process flow is designed. Research shows that: actual minimum fluidization flow, 3.73~4.16mL·min-1, is in good consistency with minimum fluidization flow, 3.864mL·min-1, in theory. Within a certain range of the flow, large flow is help to production load. When the flow is 11.2mL·min-1, the maximum production load is 4.66mg·L-1·min-1. Improving the flow properly is help to gas production of each component, but influence of flow on the relative content of the gas produced is not significant, the content of CH4 is almost 7 times than CO2. The bed expansion rate in cold model test is obviously higher than it in hot model test due to the gas produced. Within a certain range of the experiments, the difference value of bed expansion rate in the tests becomes larger when improving the flow. Improving the flow properly is help to the growth of the granular sludge. Keywords:Granular sludge; Flow; Reactor; Technology design

  • 含镧固体酸催化蔗糖制备乙酰丙酸的研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 前言1 1.2 乙酰丙酸3 1.3 固体超强酸7 1.4 本章小结10 2 实验部分11 2.1 实验试剂与仪器11 2.2 催化剂的制备11 2.3 催化剂的表征12 2.4 乙酰丙酸的制备和检测13 2.5 本章小结13 3 结果与讨论14 3.1 固体超强酸比表面积分析14 3.2 固体超强酸红外光谱分析15 3.3 固体超强酸活性分析16 3.5 本章小结18 4 总结与展望19 致 谢20 参考文献21 摘 要:本文采用溶胶-凝胶法制备稀土改性的新型固体超强酸S2O82-/TiO2-La2O3催化剂。采用单因素试验法,通过改变镧的含量,焙烧温度和焙烧时间等条件制备一系列固体酸催化剂。通过BET表面吸附仪,红外光谱仪对催化剂的比表面积和表面结构进行表征。在一定条件下以生物质蔗糖为原料,进行催化水解转化为乙酰丙酸反应,利用高效液相色谱仪对催化剂的活性进行分析。实验结果表明:S2O82-/TiO2-La2O3催化剂在镧含量为1.2%,焙烧温度为750℃,焙烧时间为3h时具有最高的催化活性;同时,反应温度为160℃,反应时间为24小时,催化剂加入量为0.3g,乙酰丙酸的收率最高。 关键词:S2O82-/TiO2-La2O3固体酸催化剂;乙酰丙酸;溶胶凝胶法;蔗糖。 Preparation of levulinic acid from sucrose over La solid acid catalyst Abstract: A new type of rare earth solid superacid catalyst S2O82-/TiO2-La2O3 was prepared by The Sol-gel method in this paper. A series of catalysts were prepared by single factor test method with changing the La content, temperature and time of calcination. The specific surface area and the surface structure of the Catalyst were characterized by means of BET adsorption and infrared spectroscopy. The levulinic acid were prepared from Sucrose by catalytic and hydrolysis under certain conditions, and the activity of the catalytic was analysed by liquid chromatography. The results of the experiment show that:The Catalyst haved the highest activity when the La content of 1.2%, calcination temperature of 750 ℃ and the calcination time of 3 hours. Then, The highest yield of levulinic acid had reached when the reaction temperature was 160 ℃, reaction time was 24 hours, amount of catalyst was 0.3g. Keywords: S2O82-/TiO2-La2O3 Solid acid catalyst; Levulinic acid; Sol-gel method; Sucrose.

  • 利用壳聚糖在碱化条件下与一氯乙酸反应生成羧甲基壳聚糖

    摘 要 利用壳聚糖在碱化条件下与一氯乙酸反应生成羧甲基壳聚糖,并以戊二醛(GA) 为交联剂对羧甲基壳聚糖进行交联制备出水凝胶, 重点研究了羧甲基壳聚糖的制备工艺条件以及水凝胶的溶胀率、PH敏感性和各因素对羧甲基壳聚糖水凝胶溶胀性能的影响,如羧甲基壳聚糖脱乙酰度对水凝胶溶胀率的影响、交联剂的浓度对水凝胶溶胀率的影响。实验结果表明制备羧甲基壳聚糖的工艺条件:壳聚糖:氢氧化钠:一氯乙酸(质量比)为1:5:2.5,Na0H的质量百分比浓度50%,壳聚糖低温碱化处1-2小时,反应控制在45~50℃为宜; 反应时间随反应温度而不同, 一般选择4小时左右,所得产物为白色或淡黄色固体。另外羧甲基壳聚糖的脱乙酰度、交联剂用量对水凝胶溶胀率的影响较大。pH = 3.0时,水凝胶收缩,而pH = 1.0 ,5.0 ,7.4 ,9.0时,水凝胶溶胀,且在碱性条件下水凝胶的溶胀率远大于酸性条件下的溶胀率。 关键词 羧甲基壳聚糖 水凝胶 溶胀率 PH敏感性 Title The preparation of carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogel Abstract In alkaline conditions using chitosan and TCA make of carboxymethyl chitosan, and making glutaraldehyde (GA) as the crosslinker cross-link carboxymethyl chitosan for Carboxymethyl. Focusing on the conditions of chitosan and swelling of the hydrogel, PH sensitivity and various factors on swelling properties of carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogel, such as the impact of deacetylation carboxymethyl chitosan for swelling rate and the impact of crosslinker concentration for swelling rate of hydrogel. The results show that the preparation processing conditions of carboxymethyl chitosan: chitosan: sodium hydroxide: TCA (ratio) for the 1:5:2.5. The percentage of the quality concentration of Na0H is 50%, The chitosan is treated in low temperature of alkalization for 1-2 hours,and the reaction controlled in the 45 - 50 ℃ .The reaction time varies with the temperature, generally choosing about four hours, the product is white or pale yellow solid. In addition the deacetylation of chitosan carboxymethyl and crosslinker amount of hydrogel are important factors for swelling rate of hydrogel.when the PH equai to 3.0, the hydrogel is shrinking, and when the pH equal to 1.0, 5.0, 7.4, 9.0 , hydrogel is swelling, and the swelling rate of gel in alkaline water conditions far greater than the ones under the acidic conditions . Keywords Carboxymethylchitosan hydrogel swelling rate PH sensitivity 目录 一文献综述2 1.1甲壳素2 1.1.1甲壳素的简介2 1.1.2甲壳素的功能2 1.2壳聚糖2 1.2.1壳聚糖的分子结构特征2 1.2.2壳聚糖的理化性质2 1.2.3壳聚糖的提取工艺2 1.2.4壳聚糖的应用前景2 1.2.5壳聚糖的市场现状及前景展望2 1.3羧甲基壳聚糖2 1.3.1羧甲基壳聚糖的分子结构与理化性质2 1.3.2羧甲基壳聚糖的药理作用10 1.3.3羧甲基壳聚糖的性能2 1.3.4羧甲基壳聚糖在生物医学领域的应用2 1.3.5羧甲基壳聚糖的应用前景2 1.4水凝胶2 1.4.1水凝胶简介2 1.4.2水凝胶的制备2 1.4.3水凝胶的性质研究2 1.4.4水凝胶在医学领域的研究热点2 1.4.5水凝胶在医学领域的应用2 1.5本课题的意义和创新点2 1.5.1选题的意义2 1.5.2创新点2 二 实验部分2 2.1主要材料和仪器2 2.1.1实验用主要材料2 2.1.2实验用主要仪器2 2.2 羧甲基壳聚糖的制备2 2.2.1羧甲基壳聚糖的化学反应原理2 2.2.2制备过程2 2.3 羧甲基壳聚糖水凝胶的制备2 2.3.1戊二醛交联羧甲基壳聚糖原理2 2.3.2 实验步骤2 2.4 水凝胶溶胀率的测定2 2.5 羧甲基壳聚糖的脱乙酰度(DD) 对水凝胶SR 的影响2 2.6交联剂的浓度对水凝胶SR 的影响2 三 结果和讨论2 3.1 羧甲基壳聚糖制备工艺的讨论2 3.2 羧甲基壳聚糖水凝胶的性能2 3.2.1羧甲基壳聚糖水凝胶溶胀动力学2 3.2.2羧甲基壳聚糖水凝胶的pH敏感性2 3.3各因素对羧甲基壳聚糖水凝胶溶胀性能的影响2 3.3.1 羧甲基壳聚糖的脱乙酰度(DD)对水凝胶SR的影响2 3.3.2交联剂的浓度对水凝胶SR的影响2 四 结论31 致 谢32 参考文献33

  • 有机硅改性水性聚氨酯合成及其性能研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1.前言1 2.实验部分4 2.1主要化学试剂、原料4 2.2主要的仪器设备5 2.3合成工艺流程5 2.4实验装置6 2.5性能测试6 3结果与讨论9 3.1合成反应式示意图、原理9 3.2产品结构表征10 3.3亲水基含量对乳液稳定性的影响11 3.4不同异氰酸酯对乳液稳定性的影响12 3.5有机硅改性对聚氨酯乳液粒径大小及其分布的影响13 3.6扩链剂含量对膜力学性能的影响13 3.7交联剂含量对膜力学性能的影响15 4.结论16 致谢17 参考文献18 摘要:本论文研究了以异氰酸酯、聚醚多元醇、2,2-二羟甲基丙酸、有机硅为主要原料,经预聚、扩链、有机硅改性,合成了一系列水性聚氨酯乳液,并用红外光谱进行结构表征,讨论了有机硅用量对乳液表面张力的影响;不同异氰酸酯、聚醚多元醇对乳液稳定性的影响;亲水基用量对乳液外观、黏度、稳定性及成膜以后力学性能的影响;以及扩链剂、交联剂用量对膜力学性能的影响等。结果表明,合适的交联剂和扩链剂用量所制得的乳液在一定温度下制成的膜的力学性能有很大的提高,有机硅材料改性对聚氨酯薄膜的力学性能也有很大提高。 关键词:有机硅;改性;水性聚氨酯;乳液;力学性能 Synthesis and Properties of Waterborne Polyurethane Modified with Organic Silicon Abstract: In this paper, a series of waterborne polyurethane (WPU) were prepared by reaction of diisocyanate, polyether polyols, 2,2 - dimethylol propionic acid and organic Silicon through prepoling, chain-extending, modifing with Organic Silicone. The structure of the emulsion was characterized with infrared spectra. Impact on emulsion surface tension of the Organic Silicon consumption; the emulsion stability for different isocyanate, polyether polyols; hydrophilic amount on appearance, viscosity , stability and mechanical properties after becoming membrane; and the chain extender, the initiator of the mechanical properties of membranes impact were discussed. The results showed that, suitable cross linker and chain extender used in the emulsion system which membraned under certain temperature made the mechanical properties greatly improved, Organic Silicon material modified also improve a lot to polyurethane mechanics performance of membrane. Keywords:Organic Silicon; Modify; Waterborne Polyurethane; Emulsion; Mechanical Properties