楼主: evanescencecgl
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[CFA] 痛苦的选择季来临,求比较Waterloo和SFU,求各位大牛支招! [推广有奖]

evanescencecgl 发表于 2013-4-26 10:09:51 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
maomaochongz 发表于 2013-4-26 08:34


damonloveavril 在职认证  发表于 2013-4-26 10:24:44 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
evanescencecgl 发表于 2013-4-26 10:09
确实!你说的communication skill我也很看重,我一直希望把自己这块锻炼起来,你是美本,有没有对network ...

这是我写的关于找精算实习的一些经验 你可以看看


evanescencecgl 发表于 2013-4-26 10:27:44 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
damonloveavril 发表于 2013-4-26 10:24

这是我写的关于找精算实习的一些经验 你可以看看
I appreciate that!


KevinOu 发表于 2013-4-26 10:33:10 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
if you really want to work in actuarial field in canada, i would suggest waterloo.

canada's life insurance industry is dominated by the big three, namely manulife, great west life, and sun life (ranked by market cap). both manulife and sun life have their canadian headquarter in waterloo and corporate (global) headquarter in toronto. alumni of waterloo have dominated actuarial departments (even non-actuarial functions) of these two companies. great west life locates its headquarter in winnipeg, manitoba, and has canada life as a subsidiary in toronto and london life another in london, ontario. although there are not as many waterloo alumni as in the other two, waterloo students still have quite some presence in great west life. in addition to the big three and life, waterloo also have network in property and casualty, reinsurance, pension fund, consulting, academia and government agencies. in one word, the network of waterloo could not be matched by any other, and network is where opportunity comes from. in job hunting, you will have resources inaccessible by competitors from other schools (unless they wish to diversify employee base on purpose).

please be aware that enrolling in a co-op program does not guarantee a co-op position. if you cannot find a co-op, then you are out of the game and have to be in the regular program. of course, companies (especially manulife) will hire co-ops specifically and the pool of competitors will be much different from that of full-time. I won't deny that fighting for a co-op may be less competitive, but i incline to think that it is rather a sense of security than a reality. say you are a waterloo co-op (undergraduate; they just don't call graduate student co-op). co-op positions are mostly for waterloo students as other school don't have that huge supply, so you are competing with your fellow students and your ("prestigious") school or program does not distinguish you, even your manager or interviewer is an alumnus or alumna. but if you are looking for a full-time, school helps a lot, especially in the first few rounds and if you are not that outstanding (though i wish not the case). people always claim they hire the best but they usually don't partly because misinformation comes into play. reputation is a kind of misinformation that could work in favor for you if properly used (of course i don't mean something else). back to the topic, do you still think finding a co-op is easier than a full-time? when it comes to job hunting, there is no difference between co-op and full-time. take both seriously.

it is widely observed that co-ops do land in a better full-time position or find a full-time job more easily than regulars. please note that it is an observation or relation, but explanations could vary and could be complex. yes, the industrial experience gained on a co-op significantly enhances one's skills and increases the odds of employment. is it the only explanation (i am being cautious here by avoiding the word "reason") to the observation? not everyone is able to be in co-op: co-ops are "left-truncated". those who are incapable to find a job quickly (no matter co-op position or full-time) will never be in co-op program or be kicked out; those who survive can still find a job quickly even without co-ops. this also makes statistics of co-op look fancy because this is a "conditional probability". so co-op helps the good become the better, and it hardly transforms the uncompetitive to the good. this effect should be taken into account when you interpret the numbers on hand. i hope you belong to the good, so co-op only "helps" you but you should be fine without it. your goal is a full-time position anyway.

if you are eager for working experience before graduation, no one will stop you finding an intern. simply take a term break and work as an intern (though procedures should be followed). on the other hand if you are tired of co-ops, just quit it. schools won't force you to finish your degree as soon as possible. neither will they plan or schedule for you. you are the master of your study and career. so please forget about things like one-year or two-year.

there are tons of chinese on waterloo campus, which may not be a good thing. however, there are even far more chinese in greater vancouver, which may also not be a good thing. in terms of english communication and cultural integration, neither is more helpful than the other. you have to be self-disciplined anyway. just don't let it complicate your decision.

by the way, waterloo is not as stellar as outsiders think. neither is actuarial science (compared to investment banking, portfolio management...). no matter which school you attend, what subject you learn, it is almost always true that no pains no gains. good luck.
已有 3 人评分论坛币 学术水平 热心指数 收起 理由
maomaochongz + 36 + 2 热心帮助其他会员
evanescencecgl + 1 + 1 好的意见建议
jasmine.p + 1 + 1 观点有启发,十分赞同!

总评分: 论坛币 + 36  学术水平 + 2  热心指数 + 4   查看全部评分


jasmine.p 发表于 2013-4-26 10:34:35 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

waterloo我不太知道master program是怎么操作,但是在本科的话,就算没有COOP也是可以使用学校里找工作的系统的。有了这个系统jobmine,对于学生真是很大便利,所有工作申请面试之类的都可以通过这个系统进行。然后学校每个学期都有有一些workshop提供一些就业经验什么的(当然这个我估计每个学校都有。。。)

还有一点就是看你是不是想追求一下学术上的造诣?phd什么的?还是就毕业找工作?精算我觉得考了几个证还是蛮重要的 然后假期自己找一下实习。跟教授一起做一些research应该也是很有用的经历啦 然后大家说的networking  确实很重要。
WATERLOO每个学期都会有很多大公司来做一些介绍的presentation,你可以在结束后跟那些人攀谈,留下你的简历什么的(这个好像是蛮有用的但是我还没试过 哈哈)就算对这个公司没什么兴趣,去蹭个吃的。。呃。。也是不错的。。咳咳




evanescencecgl 发表于 2013-4-26 11:14:08 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
KevinOu 发表于 2013-4-26 10:33
if you really want to work in actuarial field in canada, i would suggest waterloo.

canada's life  ...
Your answer is more than helpful!

Still, I have some other questions:

1. 我认为我最大的劣势在于working experience,and I'll definitelytry to find some kind of intern during my graduate study. 但是如果没有找到精算的intern,其他其他与保险相关的intern是否对未来full-time的Actuarial job是否有帮助,或是回国寻找精算intern的机会?

2. 对于Networking skill,前辈能否给出一些建议,这样建立一个比较好的人脉资源网络,项目时间很短我该如何利用这样的短期建立比较好的人脉系统?

3. 语言沟通交流方面的能力,前辈有没有一些Tips?



evanescencecgl 发表于 2013-4-26 11:15:41 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
jasmine.p 发表于 2013-4-26 10:34



jasmine.p 发表于 2013-4-26 11:16:30 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
evanescencecgl 发表于 2013-4-26 11:15
是滴 嘿嘿


maomaochongz 发表于 2013-4-26 12:03:08 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
evanescencecgl 发表于 2013-4-26 10:07
谢谢你的回答!对我考虑很有帮助,虽然说很想在国外就业,但是我觉得最终目的都是回国,我非常看好中国未 ...




evanescencecgl 发表于 2013-4-26 13:33:06 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
maomaochongz 发表于 2013-4-26 12:03
呃呃呃。。看来后面大家都是一边倒的支持去滑铁卢的,但是我只能尽量客观的说。。。大家对滑铁卢的“关系 ...


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