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     为了回馈各位网友共享的优秀资源,介绍更多优秀资源与大家共同学习讨论, 现在介绍一套Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research,意图抛砖引玉,希望能有更多的网友分享更多的好书,希望里面的每一本书对大家都有所收获,希望读到会意的网友来相互讨论心得。      这套书主要年份是2006--2014年,相对比较新,相对于本版块主要是中文书籍是一个比较好的补充。楼主自己本人也在看,只是看的比较慢而已。。。后面每一回帖是一本书,有详细介绍,喜欢的网友留下来讨论。


1,Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions: Volume II   (2楼已更新)
Jan E. Stets, Jonathan H. Turner  (2014)
2,Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality  (3楼已更新)
Jane D. McLeod, Edward J. Lawler… (2014)
3,Handbook of Social Psychology (36楼更新)
John DeLamater, Amanda Ward (2013)
4,Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research (8楼更新)
Stephen L. Morgan  (2013)
5,Handbook of Neurosociology (10楼更新)
David D. Franks, Jonathan H. Turner (2013)
6,Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health(11楼更新)
Carol S. Aneshensel, Jo C. Phelan… (2013)
7,Handbook of Sociology of Aging (13楼更新)
Richard A. Settersten, Jacqueline L. Angel  (2011)
8,Handbook of the Sociology of Health, Illness, and Healing  (14楼更新)
A Blueprint for the 21st Century
Bernice A. Pescosolido, Jack K. Martin…  (2011)
9,Handbook of the Sociology of Morality (15楼更新)
Steven Hitlin, Stephen Vaisey  (2010)
10,Handbook of Politics
State and Society in Global Perspective (16楼更新)
Kevin T. Leicht, J. Craig Jenkins (2010)
11,Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines  (25楼更新)
Bert Klandermans, Conny Roggeband (2010)
12,andbook on Crime and Deviance (26楼更新)
Marvin D. Krohn, Alan J. Lizotte… (2009)
13,Handbook of Disaster Research  (27楼更新)
Havidán Rodríguez, Enrico L. Quarantelli… (2007)
14,Handbook of Community Movements and Local Organizations  (28楼更新)
Ram A. Cnaan, Carl Milofsky  (2007)
15,Handbooks of the Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations  (29楼更新)
Hernán Vera, Joe R. Feagin (2007)
16,Handbook of Drug Abuse Prevention  (30楼更新)
Zili Sloboda, William J. Bukoski (2006)
17,Handbook of the Sociology of the Military  (31楼更新)
Giuseppe Caforio (2006)
18,Handbook of Religion and Social Institutions  (32楼更新)
Helen Rose Ebaugh  (2006)
19,Handbook of Social Psychology  (4楼更新)
John Delamater  (2006)
20,Handbook of the Sociology of Gender  (33楼更新)
Janet Saltzman Chafetz (2006)
21,Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions  (35楼更新)
Jan E. Stets, Jonathan H. Turner  (2006)
22,Handbook of Population  (34楼更新)
Dudley L. Poston, Michael Micklin  (2005)


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玄一无相 在职认证  学生认证  发表于 2014-8-22 22:49:36 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions: Volume IIEditors: Jan E. Stets, Jonathan H. Turner
Discusses a comprehensive primer on the sociological aspects of emotion
Addresses directions for future research into the sociology of emotions
Brings together leading scholars in different areas in the discipline of Sociology ​
Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions Volume II presents all new chapters in the ever developing area of the sociology of emotions. The volume is divided into two sections: Theoretical Perspectives and Social Arenas of Emotions. It reviews major sociological theories on emotions, which include evolutionary theory, identity theory, affect control theory, social exchange theory, ritual theory, and cultural theory among others. Social arenas where emotions are examined include, but are not limited to, the economy and the workplace, the family, mental health, crime, sports, technology, social movements, and the field of science. All the chapters review the major theories and research in the area, and each chapter ends with some discussion of directions for future research.

The Sociology of Emotions is a fast growing and vital field in the broad discipline of Sociology. This volume II follows the Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions which was first published in 2006. In 2008, this first handbook received the “Outstanding Recent Contribution” in the Emotions Section of the American Sociological Association.

With contributions from leading scholars from different areas in the discipline, such as neurosociology, culture, economics, mental health, gender, social movements, discussing state-of-art theory and research on emotions in sociology this volume will generate wider appeal to the sociological community.​

Content Level » Research

Keywords » Affect Control Theory and Emotions - Crime and Emotions - Culture and Emotions - Emotions and Neurosociology - Emotions in Justice Processes - Emotions in Social Change - Future Research on Emotions - Measuring Emotions - Mental Health and Emotions - Neurosociology and Emotions - Research on emotions in sociology - Social Arenas of Emotions - Sociology of Emotions - The Evolutions of Emotions in Humans - Theoretical Perspectives on Emotions

Related subjects » Personality & Social Psychology - Social Sciences
1 Introduction .................................................................................... 1
Jan E. Stets and Jonathan H. Turner
Part I Theoretical Perspectives on Emotions
2 The Evolution of Human Emotions ............................................. 11
Jonathan H. Turner
3 Emotions in Identity Theory ......................................................... 33
Jan E. Stets and Ryan Trettevik
4 Emotions in Affect Control Theory .............................................. 51
Kathryn J. Lively and David R. Heise
5 Emotions and Group Ties in Social Exchange ............................ 77
Edward J. Lawler, Shane R. Thye and Jeongkoo Yoon
6 Emotions in Justice Processes ....................................................... 103
Karen A. Hegtvedt and Christie L. Parris
7 Emotions in Expectation States Theory ....................................... 127
Murray Webster, Jr. and Lisa Slattery Walker
8 Status, Power and Felicity ............................................................. 155
Theodore D. Kemper
9 Emotions and Societal Stratification ............................................ 179
Jonathan H. Turner
10 Emotions in Ritual Theories ......................................................... 199
Meredith Rossner and Mythily Meher
11 Emotions and Cultural Theory ..................................................... 221
Eva Illouz, Daniel Gilon and Mattan Shachak
12 A Retrospective Look at Emotions ............................................... 245
Thomas J. Scheffvi Contents
13 Emotions and Neurosociology ....................................................... 267
David D. Franks
14 Measuring Affect and Emotions ................................................... 283
Kimberly B. Rogers and Dawn T. Robinson
Part II Social Arenas of Emotions
15 The Economy and Emotions ......................................................... 307
Jocelyn Pixley, Peter McCarthy and Shaun Wilson
16 Work and Emotions ....................................................................... 335
Amy S. Wharton
17 Families and Emotions .................................................................. 359
Rebecca J Erickson and Marci D. Cottingham
18 Class, Race, and Emotions ............................................................ 385
Amy C. Wilkins and Jennifer A. Pace
19 Gender and Emotions .................................................................... 411
Douglas Schrock and Brian Knop
20 Mental Health and Emotions ........................................................ 429
Robin W. Simon
21 Morality and Emotions .................................................................. 451
Sarah K. Harkness and Steven Hitlin
22 Crime and Emotions ...................................................................... 473
Jody Clay-Warner
23 Sports and Emotions ...................................................................... 495
Gretchen Peterson
24 Technology and Emotions ............................................................. 511
Daniel B. Shank
25 Social Movements and Emotions .................................................. 529
James M. Jasper and Lynn Owens
26 The Sociology of Science and Emotions ....................................... 549
John N. Parker and Edward J. Hackett
Index ........................................................................................................ 573

Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions-- Volume II.pdf (6.38 MB, 需要: 10 个论坛币)


玄一无相 在职认证  学生认证  发表于 2014-8-22 22:52:37 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality

Editors: Jane D. McLeod, Edward J. Lawler, Michael Schwalbe
The first comprehensive overview of social psychological research on inequality
Draws on all of the major theoretical traditions in sociological social psychology
Demonstrates what a focus on psychological mechanisms can do for advancing the discipline
This handbook provides the first comprehensive overview of social psychological research on inequality for a graduate student and professional audience. Drawing on all of the major theoretical traditions in sociological social psychology, its chapters demonstrate the relevance of social psychological processes to this central sociological concern. Each chapter in the handbook has a distinct substantive focus, but the chapters will also share common emphases on:

- The unique contributions of sociological social psychology

- The historical roots of social psychological concepts and theories in classic sociological writings

- The complementary and conflicting insights that derive from different social psychological traditions in sociology.

This Handbook is of interest to graduate students preparing for careers in social psychology or in inequality, professional sociologists, and university/college libraries   

Content Level » Research

Keywords » Behavioral Interchange Patterns - Categorization and Intersectionality - Construction of Social Differences - Creating Inequality with Language and Talk - Double Standards and Emotions - Dramaturgical Social Psychology - Emotions and Affect - Equality and Justice - Gender Inequality - Gender and Status - Global Change and the Reproduction of Inequality - Health Inequalities in the United States - Ideology and Social Inequalities - Immigration and Inequality - Inequality and Families - Inequality and Its Legitimation - Inequality and Social Connections - Interpersonal Status Hierarchies - Labeling and Stereotyping - Matrix of Domination - Micro Stratification - Neighborhoods and Inequality - Power and Resource Inequality - Race, Ethnicity and Social Inequality - Self and Identity - Sexual Identities and Social Psychology - Social Class and Status - Social Identity - Social Inequality in Crime and Deviance - Social Inequality in Schools - Social Influence and Conformity - Social Justice and Interpersonal Influence - Social Movements and Social Inequality - Social Networks and Social and Cultural Capital - Social Organization of Age - Social Psychology of Inequality - Social Psychology of Inequality at Work - Socialization and Inequality - Stigma and Social Inequality - Symbolic Interactionism - Urban Sociology

Related subjects » Psychology - Social Sciences

Part I Orienting Perspectives and Concepts
1 Status ............................................................................................. 3
Cecilia L. Ridgeway and Sandra Nakagawa
2 Theoretical Perspectives on Power and
Resource Inequality ..................................................................... 27
Shane Thye and Will Kalkhoff
3 Stigma and Social Inequality ...................................................... 49
Bruce G. Link, Jo C. Phelan and Mark L. Hatzenbuehler
4 Inequality: A Matter of Justice? ................................................. 65
Karen A. Hegtvedt and Deena Isom
5 Intersectionality .............................................................................. 95
Judith A. Howard and Daniel G. Renfrow
Part II Creating, Reproducing, and Resisting Inequality
6 Constructing Difference .............................................................. 125
Amy C. Wilkins, Stefanie Mollborn and Boróka Bó
7 Dramaturgy and Dominance ...................................................... 155
Michael Schwalbe and Heather Shay
8 Language and Talk ....................................................................... 181
Jocelyn A. Hollander and Miriam J. Abelson
9 Social Capital and Inequality: The Significance
of Social Connections ................................................................... 207
Karen S. Cook
10 Social Justice in Local Systems of Interpersonal Influence ..... 229
Noah E. Friedkinviii Contents
11 Theoretical and Substantive Approaches to Socialization
and Inequality in Social Psychology ........................................... 243
Jeylan T. Mortimer and Heather McLaughlin
12 Self, Identity, and Social Inequality............................................ 273
Peter L. Callero
13 Emotions and Affect as Source, Outcome
and Resistance to Inequality ....................................................... 295
Steven Foy, Robert Freeland, Andrew Miles,
Kimberly B. Rogers and Lynn Smith-Lovin
14 Ideologies ...................................................................................... 325
Matthew O. Hunt
15 Legitimacy and Inequality .......................................................... 353
Henry A. Walker
Part III Contexts of Inequality
16 Unequal but Together: Inequality Within
and Between Families .................................................................. 381
Kathryn J. Lively, Jamie Oslawski-Lopez and Brian Powell
17 Schools ........................................................................................... 409
Barbara Schneider, Justina Judy and Kri Burkander
18 The Social Psychology of Inequality at Work:
Individual, Group, and Organizational Dimensions ................ 437
Nancy DiTomaso and Rochelle Parks-Yancy
19 Social Psychological Processes in Studies of
Neighborhoods and Inequality.................................................... 459
Lincoln Quillian
Part IV Dimensions of Inequality
20 The Social Psychology of Gender Inequality ............................. 485
Amy Kroska
21 Ethno-Racial Attitudes and Social Inequality ........................... 515
Frank L. Samson and Lawrence D. Bobo
22 Current Theorizing and Future Directions in the
Social Psychology of Social Class Inequalities........................... 547
Melissa A. Milkie, Catharine H. Warner and Rashawn RayContents ix
23 The Social Psychology of Immigration and Inequality ............ 575
Guillermina Jasso
24 The Life Course and the Social Organization of Age ............... 607
Lynn Falletta and Dale Dannefer
25 Sexualities ..................................................................................... 627
Douglas Schrock, J. Edward Sumerau and Koji Ueno
Part V Outcomes of Inequality
26 Social Movements and Social Inequality: Toward a More
Balanced Assessment of the Relationship .................................. 657
David A. Snow and Peter B. Owens
27 Social Inequality, Crime, and Deviance ..................................... 683
Ross L. Matsueda and Maria S. Grigoryeva
28 Health Inequalities ....................................................................... 715
Jane D. McLeod, Christy Erving and Jennifer Caputo
Index ...................................................................................................... 743

Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality.pdf (8.84 MB, 需要: 10 个论坛币)


玄一无相 在职认证  学生认证  发表于 2014-8-22 23:10:25 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Handbook of Social Psychology
Editors: John Delamater

Social Psychology is an important interdisciplinary field within Sociology. Psychology, focusing on processes that occur inside the individual and Sociology, focusing on social collectives and social institutions, come together in social psychology to explore the interface between the two fields. Social Psychology is the study of how both intra-individual factors and social interaction influence and are influenced by individual behavior. The core concerns of social psychology include:
- the impact of one individual on another;
- the impact of a group on its individual members;
- the impact of individuals on the groups in which they participate;
- the impact of one group on another.
This successor to Social Psychology: Social Perspectives and Sociological Perspectives in Social Psychology expands on previous handbooks in social psychology by including recent developments in theory and research and SUBSTANTIAL COVERAGE of major theoretical perspectives.

A major reference work and a seminal text, it is essential reading for sociologists and psychologists involved with the study of social psychology and those studying this field of research.

Content Level » Research

Related subjects » Psychology - Social Sciences

I: Theoretical Perspectives. 1. The Symbolic Interactionist Frame; S. Stryker, K.D. Vryan. 2. Expectation States Theory; S.J. Correll, C.L. Ridgeway. 3. Social Exchange Theory; K. Cook, E. Rice. 4. Social Structure and Personality; J.D. McLeod, K.J. Lively. 5. Evolutionary Social Psychology: Adaptive Predispositions and Human Culture; D. Kenrick, J. Ackerman, S. Ledlow. II: Development and Socialization. 6. Development and Socialization in Childhood; W.A. Corsaro, L. Fingerson. 7. Socialization in Adolescence; D. Eder, S. Kawecka Nenga. 8. Development and Socialization Through the Adult Life Course; K. Lutfey, J.T. Mortimer. III: Intrapersonal Processes. 9. Self and Identity; T.J. Owens. 10. Language and Social Interaction; D. Maynard, A. Perakyla. 11. Social Cognition; J.A. Howard, D.G. Renfrow. 12. Ideologies, Values, Attitudes, and Behavior; G.R. Maio, J.M. Olson, M.M. Bernard, M.A. Luke. 13. Emotions and Sentiments; J.E. Stets. IV: Interpersonal Processes. 14. Attraction and Interpersonal Relationships; T.L. Orbuch, S. Sprecher. 15. Interaction in Small Groups; P.J. Burke. 16. Interaction in Social Networks; D.H. Felmlee. 17. Social Structure and Psychological Functioning: Distress, Perceived Control and Trust; C.E. Ross, J. Mirowsky. V: The Individual in Sociocultural Context. 18. Social Psychological Perspectives on Deviance; H.B. Kaplan. 19. Intergroup Relations; M.A.Hogg. 20. Social Psychological Perspectives on Crowds and Social Movements; D.A. Rohlinger, D.A. Snow. 21. Cross-Cultural Social Psychology; K. Miller-Loessi, J.N. Parker.

Handbook of Social Psychology.pdf (44.58 MB, 需要: 10 个论坛币)


树杪百重泉 发表于 2014-8-23 14:30:10 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


chenjun24102 发表于 2014-8-23 22:49:42 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


改革同步 发表于 2014-8-24 12:10:54 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


玄一无相 在职认证  学生认证  发表于 2014-8-24 19:37:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research
Editors: Stephen L. Morgan
Addresses the main debates in the methodology of social inquiry
Offers overview material on causal inference and covers many central issues in the identification of systems of causal relationships
Brings together leading scholars in Sociology, Statistics, Public Health, Computer Science and Human Development

What constitutes a causal explanation, and must an explanation be causal? What warrants a causal inference, as opposed to a descriptive regularity? What techniques are available to detect when causal effects are present, and when can these techniques be used to identify the relative importance of these effects? What complications do the interactions of individuals create for these techniques? When can mixed methods of analysis be used to deepen causal accounts? Must causal claims include generative mechanisms, and how effective are empirical methods designed to discover them? The Handbook of Causal Anlaysis for Social Research tackles these questions with nineteen chapters from leading scholars in sociology, statistics, public health, computer science, and human development.  

Content Level » Research

Keywords » Causal Analysis in the Social Sciences - Causal inference - Causality and Structural Equation Models - Cause-effect - Counterfactuals Causal Analysis - Hybrid Models for Causal Analysis - Partial Identification - Research Design - Social Networks - Sociological Methodology - Using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

Related subjects » Social Sciences - Social Sciences & Law


Preface.- Chapter 1. Introduction; Stephen L. Morgan.
- PART I. BACKGROUND AND APPROACHES TO ANALYSIS.- Chapter 2. A History of Causal Analysis in the Social Sciences; Sondra N. Barringer, Erin Leahey and Scott R. Eliason.- Chapter 3. Types of Causes; Jeremy Freese and J. Alex Kevern.

- PART II. DESIGN AND MODELING CHOICES.- Chapter 4. Research Design: Toward a Realistic Role for Causal Analysis; Herbert L. Smith.- Chapter 5. Causal Models and Counterfactuals; James Mahoney, Gary Goertz and Charles C. Ragin.- Chapter 6. Mixed Models and Counterfactuals; David J. Harding and Kristin S. Seefeldt.

- PART III. BEYOND CONVENTIONAL REGRESSION MODELS.- Chapter 7. Fixed Effects, Random Effects, and Hybrid Models for Causal Analysis; Glenn Firebaugh, Cody Warner, and Michael Massoglia.- Chapter 8. Heteroscedastic Regression Models for the Systematic Analysis of Residual Variance; Hui Zheng, Yang Yang and Kenneth C. Land.- Chapter 9. Group Differences in Generalized Linear Models; Tim F. Liao.- Chapter 10. Counterfactual Causal Analysis and Non-Linear Probability Models; Richard Breen and Kristian Bernt Karlson.- Chapter 11. Causal Effect Heterogeneity; Jennie E. Brand and Juli Simon Thomas.- Chapter12. New Perspectives on Causal Mediation Analysis; Xiaolu Wang and Michael E. Sobel.

- PART IV. SYSTEMS AND CAUSAL RELATIONSHIPS.- Chapter 13. Graphical Causal Models; Felix Elwert.- Chapter 14. The Causal Implications of  Mechanistic Thinking: Identification Using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs); Carly R. Knight and Christopher Winship.- Chapter 15. Eight Myths about Causality and Structural Equation Models; Kenneth A. Bollen and Judea Pearl.

- PART V. INFLUENCE AND INTERFERENCE.- Chapter 16. Heterogeneous Agents, Social Interactions, and Causal Inference; Guanglei Hong and Stephen W. Raudenbush.- Chapter 17. Social Networks and Causal Inference; Tyler J. VanderWeele and Weihua An.

- PART VI. RETREAT FROM EFFECT IDENTIFICATION.- Chapter 18. Partial Identification and Sensitivity Analysis; Markus Gangl.- Chapter 19. What You can Learn from Wrong Causal Models; Richard Berk, Lawrence Brown, Edward George, Emil Pitkin, Mikhail Traskin, Kai Zhang and Linda Zhao.-

Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research.pdf (6.33 MB, 需要: 10 个论坛币)


玄一无相 在职认证  学生认证  发表于 2014-8-24 19:37:42 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
改革同步 发表于 2014-8-24 12:10


玄一无相 在职认证  学生认证  发表于 2014-8-24 19:39:42 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Handbook of Neurosociology
Editors: David D. Franks, Jonathan H. Turner

First handbook to cover this emerging field
Includes all the top researchers in this area
Will be of interest to sociologists working in emotions, symbolic interaction and social psychology, as well as other working in cognitive neuroscience

Until recently, a handbook on neurosociology would have been viewed with skepticism by sociologists, who have long been protective of their disciplinary domain against perceived encroachment by biology. But a number of developments in the last decade or so have made sociologists more receptive to biological factors in sociology and social psychology. Much of this has been encouraged by the editors of this volume, David Franks and Jonathan Turner. This new interest has been increased by the explosion of research in neuroscience on brain functioning and brain-environment interaction (via new MRI technologies), with implications for social and psychological functioning. This handbook emphasizes the integration of perspectives within sociology as well as between fields in social neuroscience. For example, Franks represents a social constructionist position following from G.H. Mead’s voluntaristic theory of the act while Turner is more social structural and positivistic. Furthermore, this handbook not only contains contributions from sociologists, but leading figures from the psychological perspective of social neuroscience.

Content Level » Research

Keywords » Affective Neuroscience - Bio-behavioral science - Cognitive Neuroscience - Social interactions - Social psychology

Related subjects » Neurology - Neuropsychology - Social Sciences

Forward Douglas Massey.- Chapter 1. Introduction: Summaries and Comments; David D. Franks and Jonathan H. Turner.- PART I. LARGE ISSUES.- Chapter 2:  Neural Social Science; George Lakoff.- Chapter 3: Why We Need Neurosociology as Well as Social Neuroscience; David D. Franks.- Chapter 4: Social Cognitions and the Problems of Minds; John Shook.- Chapter 5:  Social Neuroscience of Human Aggression: Genetic, Hormonal and Neural Underpinnings; Pranjal Metha, Stefan Geotz and Justin Carre.- Chapter 6: Social Neuroscience and the Modern Synthesis of Social and Biological Levels of Analysis; Greg J. Norman, Louise C. Hawkley, Maike Luman, John T. Cacioppo and Gary G. Berntson.- Chapter  7: Can the Two Cultures Reconcile? Reconstruction and Neuropragmatism; Tibor Solymoski.-Chapter  8:  Notes Towards a Neuroethics; David D. Franks.-Chapter  9:  Emergence in Sociology and Neuroscience; David D. Franks.- PART II. NEUROLOGY, SELF, INTERACTION, AND SOCIALITY.- Chapter 10: Neurology and Interpersonal Behavior: The Basic Challenge for Nuerosociology; Jonathan H. Turner.- Chapter 11: Neurology Supports of G. H. Mead and Relations to Symbolic Interaction; David D. Franks.- Chapter 12: What are the Neurobiological Foundations of Identities and Identity Related Processes; Richard Niemeyer.- Chapter 13: The Emergent Self: How Distributed Neural Networks Support Self-Representations; Istvan Molnar-Szakacs and Lucina Uddin.- Chapter 14: The Human Mirror Neuron System, Social Control and Language; Shook-Lei Liew and Lisa Aziz- Zadeh.- Chapter 15: A Neurosociological Theory of Weberian Rationality: Its Cognitive, Conative, and Neurobiological Foundations; Warren D. TenHouten.- Chapter 16: Theory of Mind; Rosemary Hopcroft.- Chapter 17: Attachment, Interaction and Synchronization: How Innate Mechanisms in Attachment Give Rise to Emergent Structure in Networks and Communities; Thomas S. Smith.- PART III. EVOLUTION OF THE BRAIN.- Chapter 18: The Mind of a Hominin: An Evolutionary Story; Alexandra Maryanski.- Chapter 19: The Evolution of the Neurological Basis for Sociality; Jonathan H. Turner and Alexandra Maryanski.- Chapter 20: Neurophysiology of Rewards: Implications for Sociology; Michael Hammond.- PART IV. THE NEUROLOGY OF SOCIAL ISSUES AND PROBLEMS.- Chapter 21:  The Effect of Persistent Poverty on the Brain; Jeffery Davis.- Chapter 22:  Prejudice, and Stereotyping; Todd Nelson.- Chapter 23:   Testosterone, Dominance and Violence; Allan Mazur.- Chapter 24:  Comprehending the Neurological Substratum of Paraverbal Communications: The Invention of SplitSpec Technology; Stanford Gregory and William Kalkhoff.-Chapter 25:  Neurosociology and Mental Health, by Anne Eisenberg.-

Handbook of Neurosociology.pdf (4.32 MB, 需要: 10 个论坛币)


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