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[数据挖掘理论与案例] Mastering React Native [推广有奖]

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Mastering React Native
Preface 1
Chapter 1: Building a Foundation in React 7
Library versus framework 8
Motivation for React 8
Getting started in React 9
Describing components in JSX 11
The component 13
Component composition 14
Props and PropTypes 15
Accepting props 15
PropTypes 16
Passing props 20
Default props 21
Props.children 24
Event handlers 25
State 27
The component lifecycle 32
The update cycle 34
Unmounting the component 36
Alternate component forms 37
React.createClass 37
Functional components 39
Summary 40
Chapter 2: Saying HelloWorld in React Native 41
Understanding the mobile app development ecosystem 42
Adobe PhoneGap 43
Ionic 43
NativeScript 43
React Native 45
Extending React Native 46
Introducing style and layout in React Native 46
Understanding all the React Native tools 47
Xcode 48
Google Chrome 48
[ ii ]
Homebrew (also known as brew) 48
Node.js and npm 49
Watchman 49
Flow 49
React Native command-line interface (CLI) 50
Installing our tools 50
Installing Xcode 51
Installing Homebrew 51
Installing Node and npm 53
Installing Watchman and Flow 54
Installing the React Native CLI 54
Creating our first React Native app 56
React Native Packager 61
Understanding our HelloWorld app 62
Importing dependencies using ECMAScript 2015 63
Our HelloWorld component 64
HelloWorld style code 66
Registering the root component 66
Why import React? 67
Debugging a React Native app 68
Enabling the Chrome Debugger 68
Breakpoints 71
Summary 73
Chapter 3: Styling and Layout in React Native 74
Constructing and applying styles 74
Inline styles 75
Styles as objects in your React Native components 76
Stylesheet 78
Using Stylesheet.hairlineWidth 81
Applying component-specific style properties 83
Styling without inheritance 85
Understanding React Native's take on the box model and flexbox 86
Box model 87
Understanding Flexbox 91
Covering the other axis 97
Flex shrinking and growing 100
Setting flexBasis 100
Growing and shrinking flex items 100
Styling text with React Native 102
Text style properties 104
[ iii ]
Encapsulating text styles in reusable components 106
Styling images 109
Background images 110
Inspecting and debugging styles 111
Using the React Native Inspector 111
Adding media query behavior to React Native 113
Using Dimensions 113
Using onLayout per View 114
Summary 116
Chapter 4: Starting our Project with React Native Components 117
Native components 118
Text 119
Props 122
View 124
Props 126
Image 128
Props 132
Static methods 133
Touchable 133
Props 136
ListView 137
DataSource 138
renderRow 139
Props 139
Modal 143
Props 144
WebView 150
Props 151
TabBarIOS 153
Props 154
TabBarIOS.Item 155
Props 155
TextInput 158
Props 159
Other input components 163
Native APIs 164
ActionSheetIOS 164
Alert 167
Vibration 169
StatusBar 169
Summary 170
[ iv ]
Chapter 5: Flux and Redux 171
The Flux architecture 172
Motivation 172
Implementing Flux 174
Creating our view 175
Actions and action creators 179
Dispatcher 180
Stores 183
Rendering updated data 186
Getting started with Redux 190
Principles of Redux 190
Installing Redux 191
Implementing Redux 191
Refactoring the store 191
Reducer 191
Creating the store 194
Multiple reducers 195
Action creators 196
Subscribing to the store 197
React-Redux 199
Installing React-Redux 199
React context and providers 199
Container and presentational components 200
Middleware 204
Summary 206
Chapter 6: Integrating with the NYT API and Redux 207
Understanding the NYT API data 208
Wiring up our Redux data flow 211
Creating the Redux state tree 213
Wiring up Redux data to our app 216
Refactoring and reshaping 218
Refactoring the components 219
Reshaping the data 220
Introducing Reselect 222
Adding search 223
Wiring up the NYT API with asynchronous requests 227
Fixing iOS transport security 229
Adding pull to refresh and a loading spinner 231
Summary 234
Chapter 7: Navigation and Advanced APIs 235
Navigation landscape 236
[ v ]
NavigatorIOS 236
Navigator 237
NavigationExperimental 238
Choosing a navigator 238
Using Navigator 240
The Navigator component 242
Navigation bar 246
Advanced navigation with NavigationExperimental 251
Representing the navigation state 251
Managing the navigation state 253
The CardStack component 255
Navigation header 260
Tabbed navigation 262
Adding in the modal 268
Other advanced APIs 276
Offline messages with NetInfo 276
Opening the browser with linking 280
Saving bookmarks locally with AsyncStorage 283
Summary 291
Chapter 8: Animation and Gestures in React Native 292
Introducing LayoutAnimation and Animated 293
Building the basic Onboarding experience 293
Getting started 293
Adding LayoutAnimation 306
Adding a bit more animation 309
Understanding Animated 313
Refactoring our Onboarding experience 314
Adding Animated to our Onboarding experience 315
Interpolating Animated Values 318
Using PanResponder with the Animated API 322
Touching up PanResponder 325
Summary 326
Chapter 9: Refactoring for Android 327
Installing the necessary tools 328
Installing the Java Development Kit 328
Installing Android Studio 330
Configuring Android Studio 332
Configuring ANDROID_HOME and your PATH 334
[ vi ]
Verifying that the CPU/ABIs are installed 335
Starting the Android emulator 336
Adding Android support to RNNYT 337
Branching platform logic 339
Refactoring RNNYT for Android 341
Fixing Android vibration 343
Using DrawerLayoutAndroid 344
Customizing Android styling 347
Enabling LayoutAnimation 351
Summary 352
Chapter 10: Using and Writing Native Modules 353
Using native modules 354
Installing native modules 354
Using the library 355
Profile page 355
Adding the profile to the iOS home screen 358
Adding the profile to the Android home screen 362
Writing native modules 365
Native modules in iOS 366
Setting up the module 366
Exporting methods 372
Communicating with callbacks 378
Communicating with promises 381
Communicating with events 384
Exporting constants 387
Native modules in Android 388
Setting up the module 388
Exporting methods 394
Communicating with callbacks 395
Communicating with promises 396
Communicating with events 398
Exporting constants 399
Summary 402
Chapter 11: Preparing for Production 403
Testing 403
Unit testing 405
Component testing 408
Performance 411
Problematic ListView 412
Using Perf Monitor 412
Analyzing a Systrace 415
The React Perf Library 422
[ vii ]
shouldComponentUpdate and PureRenderMixin 424
Minimizing the impact of state changes 425
The ListView data source 427
Additional optimizations 428
Unresponsive touch and slow navigation 430
Mitigating unresponsive touch 431
Smoothing out animations with InteractionManager 434
Performance summary 436
Running on physical devices 436
Debugging on an iOS device 436
Testing your app on an iOS device using Release 438
Debugging on Android devices 438
Generating a signed APK 439
Deploying our application 439
Remove debugging code 440
iOS 441
Creating provisioning profiles 442
Registering an application in iTunes Connect 443
Adding icons and updating the launch screen 444
Creating an archive 445
Beta testing and release 448
Android 448
Signing the application 448
Testing the release build 449
Generating the APK 450
Beta-test and release 450
Summary 450
Chapter 12: React Native Tools and Resources 451
Evaluating React Native Editors, Plugins, and IDEs 451
Atom and Nuclide 452
Taking React Native beyond iOS and Android 458
Introducing React Native Web 458
Configuring React Native Web 459
React Native plugin for Universal Windows Platform 462
Configuring the React Native plugin for UWP 462
React Native macOS 463
Configuring React Native macOS 464
Summary 465
References 465
Index 467


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strive for the best, prepare for the worst.
sacromento 学生认证  发表于 2019-1-25 12:34:10 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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