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  1. 一、deap2.1
  2. http://www.uq.edu.au/economics/cepa/software.php
  3. 二、matlab的deatoolbox
  4. https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-4975049-1-1.html
  5. 这个需要先安装matlab并将这个工具箱加载到matlab工作路径中方可调用
  6. 三、OSDEA
  7. http://opensourcedea.org/?title=Open_Source_DEA
  8. 这个是开源的DEA软件,下载了OSDEA GUI之后,按照网站上的说明将
  9. swt.jar file粘到lib文件夹之中就可启用[/size][/font][/b]
  1. 四、R语言的Benchmarking的package https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-3571386-1-1.html[/indent]


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关键词:学习心得 DEA Economics 希望对大家有帮助 software

拂去尘缘 发表于 2018-3-1 12:47:30 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
  1. DEAP V2.1

  2. A Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer) Program

  3. This page describes the computer program DEAP Version 2.1 which was written by Tim Coelli. This program is used to construct DEA frontiers for the calculation of technical and cost efficiencies and also for the calculation of Malmquist TFP Indices.

  4. The program has three principle DEA options:
  5. Standard CRS and VRS DEA models that involve the calculation of technical and scale efficiencies (where applicable).

  6. The extension of the above models to account for cost and allocative efficiencies.

  7. The application of Malmquist DEA methods to panel data to calculate indices of total factor productivity (TFP) change; technological change; technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change.

  8. All methods are available in either an input or an output orientation (with the exception of the cost efficiencies option). The output from the program includes, where applicable, technical, scale, allocative and cost efficiency estimates; slacks; peers; and TFP indices.

  9. The program is compiled using a Lahey F77LEM/32 compiler for an IBM compatible PC. The program package includes the executable program; data files for four simple examples; and a 47 page user’s guide (in pdf format).

  10. If you wish to obtain a copy of the program you can download the zip file DEAP-xp1.zip which contains all the necessary files.

  11. If you obtain a copy of the program you are advised to send some brief email to Tim Coelli at t.coelli@economics.uq.edu.au so that he can advise you of any bugs or new versions.

  12. If you have any technical questions regarding the use of this computer program you can contact Tim Coelli by email at t.coelli@economics.uq.edu.au. Brief questions (involving less than 10 minutes of time) will be answered as quickly as is possible. A consultancy service is available for those who have more lengthy enquiries. Consultancy fees will be provided on request.


拂去尘缘 发表于 2018-3-1 12:49:16 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
  1. Why Open Source DEA?

  2. There exist DEA software programs although these are generally either not really comprehensive or really expensive. Besides, few simple open source DEA projects can be found. This project is an attempt to provide free (as in free beer but also freedom to use and modify) open source code which can be used and modified by anyone.

  3. Who could be interested?

  4. This project is of use to people who have an interest in DEA and who have some knowledge of programming in JAVA. This could particularly be:

  5. Researchers,
  6. Students,
  7. Operational Research folks.
  8. Anybody with an interest in Data Envelopment Analysis open source code and software.
  9. Contribution

  10. The following people have contributed either directly or through the Creative Common License ©:

  11. Hubert Virtos, the project holder.
  12. Cihan Cetin, Ian Cliffe and Richard Harrop for their help and suggestion on how to improve the code.
  13. Expert web monkey Ryan Bolton who spent hours explaining me the basics of HTML, css and scripting languages.
  14. Sirea icons from rw-designer.com.
  15. Interested in contributing? If you are interested in the project and want to contribute to developing OSDEA, just send an email so that you can get started!

  16. Why the cooking pot icon?

  17. No particular reason except that it looks nice.

  18. Icon was found in an icon library made by Sirea.

  19. Contact

  20. Please do not hesitate to send an email should you have any question or suggestions! Any feedback is always welcomed!


拂去尘缘 发表于 2018-3-1 12:50:39 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
matlab的DEA toolbox
  1. DEA Toolbox

  2. Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox is a new package for MATLAB that includes functions to calculate efficiency and productivity measures. The package covers the radially oriented, directional, additive, allocative, Malmquist índices and Malmquist-Luenberger formulations.


Zarene 学生认证  发表于 2018-3-1 13:32:48 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


拂去尘缘 发表于 2018-3-6 22:26:21 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
  1. Benchmarking-package {Benchmarking}        R Documentation
  2. Data Envelopment Analyses (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analyses (SFA) – Model Estimations and Efficiency Measuring

  3. Description

  4. The Benchmarking package contains methods to estimate technologies and measure efficiencies using DEA and SFA. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) are supported under different technology assumptions (fdh, vrs, drs, crs, irs, add), and using different efficiency measures (input based, output based, hyperbolic graph, additive, super, directional). Peers are available, partial price information can be included, and optimal cost, revenue and profit can be calculated. Evaluation of mergers are also supported. A comparative method for estimating stochastic frontier function (SFA) efficiencies is included. The methods can solve not only standard models, but also many other model variants, and they can be modified to solve new models.

  5. The package also support simple plots of DEA technologies with two goods; either as a transformation curve (2 outputs), an isoquant (2 inputs), or a production function (1 input and 1 output). When more inputs and outputs are available they are aggregated using weights (prices, relative prices).

  6. The package complements the book, Bogetoft and Otto, Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R, Springer-Verlag 2011, but can of course also be used as a stand-alone package.

  7. Details

  8. Package:         Benchmarking
  9. Type:         Package
  10. Version:         0.26 ($Revision: 152 $)
  11. Date:         $Date: 2015-07-07 12:02:02 +0200 (ti, 07 jul 2015) $
  12. License:         Copyright
  13. dea         DEA input or output efficience measures, peers, lambdas and slacks
  14. dea.dual         Dual weights (prices), including restrictions on weights
  15. dea.direct         Directional efficiency
  16. sdea         Super efficiency.
  17. dea.add         Additive efficiency; sum of slacks in DEA technology.
  18. mea         Multidirectional efficiency analysis or potential improvements.
  19. eff         Efficiency from an object returned from any of the dea or sfa functions.
  20. slack         Slacks in DEA models
  21. excess         Calculates excess input or output compared to DEA frontier.
  22. peers         get the peers for each firm.
  23. dea.boot         Bootstrap DEA models
  24. cost.opt         Optimal input for given output and prices.
  25. revenue.opt         Optimal output for given input and prices.
  26. profit.opt         Optimal input and output for given input and output prices.
  27. dea.plot         Graphs of DEA technologies under alternative technology assumptions.
  28. dea.plot.frontier         Specialized for 1 input and 1 output.
  29. dea.plot.isoquant         Specialized for 2 inputs.
  30. dea.plot.transform         Specialized for 2 outputs.
  31. eladder         Efficiency ladder for a single firm.
  32. eladder.plot         Plot efficiency ladder for a single firm.
  33. make.merge         Make an aggregation matrix to perform mergers.
  34. dea.merge         Decompose efficiency from a merger of firms
  35. sfa         Stochastic frontier analysis, production, distance, and cost function (SFA)
  36. outlier.ap         Detection of outliers
  37. eff.dens         Estimate and plot kernel density of efficiencies
  38. critValue         Critical values calculated from bootstrap DEA models.
  39. typeIerror         Probability of a type I error for a test in bootstrap DEA models.
  40. Note

  41. The interface for the methods are very much like the interface to the methods in the package FEAR (Wilson 2008). One change is that the data now are transposed to reflect how data is usually available in applications, i.e. we have firms on rows, and inputs and output in the columns. Also, the argument for the options RTS and ORIENTATION can be given as memotechnical strings, and there are more options to control output.

  42. The input and output matrices can contain negative numbers, and the methods can thereby manage restricted or fixed input or output.

  43. The return is not just the efficiency, but also slacks, dual values (shadow prices), peers, and lambdas (weights).

  44. Author(s)

  45. Peter Bogetoft and Lars Otto larsot23@gmail.com

  46. References

  47. Bogetoft and Otto; Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R; Springer 2011

  48. Paul W. Wilson (2008), “FEAR 1.0: A Software Package for Frontier Efficiency Analysis with R,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 42, 247–254

  49. Examples

  50. # Plot of different technologies
  51. x <- matrix(c(100,200,300,500),ncol=1,dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:4],"x"))
  52. y <- matrix(c(75,100,300,400),ncol=1,dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:4],"y"))
  53. dea.plot(x,y,RTS="vrs",ORIENTATION="in-out",txt=rownames(x))
  54. dea.plot(x,y,RTS="drs",ORIENTATION="in-out",add=TRUE,lty="dashed",lwd=2)
  55. dea.plot(x,y,RTS="crs",ORIENTATION="in-out",add=TRUE,lty="dotted")
  57. dea.plot(x,y,RTS="fdh",ORIENTATION="in-out",txt=rownames(x),main="fdh")
  58. dea.plot(x,y,RTS="irs",ORIENTATION="in-out",txt=TRUE,main="irs")
  59. dea.plot(x,y,RTS="irs2",ORIENTATION="in-out",txt=rownames(x),main="irs2")
  60. dea.plot(x,y,RTS="add",ORIENTATION="in-out",txt=rownames(x),main="add")

  61. #  A quick frontier with 1 input and 1 output
  62. dea.plot(x,y, main="Basic plot of frontier")

  63. # Calculating efficiency
  64. dea(x,y, RTS="vrs", ORIENTATION="in")
  65. e <- dea(x,y, RTS="vrs", ORIENTATION="in")
  66. e
  67. eff(e)
  68. peers(e)
  69. peers(e, NAMES=TRUE)
  70. print(peers(e, NAMES=TRUE), quote=FALSE)
  71. lambda(e)
  72. summary(e)

  73. # Calculating super efficiency
  74. esuper <- sdea(x,y, RTS="vrs", ORIENTATION="in")
  75. esuper
  76. print(peers(esuper,NAMES=TRUE),quote=FALSE)
  77. # Technology for super efficiency for firm number 3/C
  78. # Note that drop=FALSE is necessary for XREF and YREF to be matrices
  79. # when one of the dimensions is or is reduced to 1.
  80. e3 <- dea(x,y, XREF=x[-3,,drop=FALSE], YREF=y[-3,,drop=FALSE])
  81. dea.plot(x[-3],y[-3],RTS="vrs",ORIENTATION="in-out",txt=LETTERS[c(1,2,4)])
  82. points(x[3],y[3],cex=2)
  83. text(x[3],y[3],LETTERS[3],adj=c(-.75,.75))
  84. e3 <- dea(x,y, XREF=x[-3,,drop=FALSE], YREF=y[-3,,drop=FALSE])
  85. eff(e3)
  86. peers(e3)
  87. print(peers(e3,NAMES=TRUE),quote=FALSE)
  88. lambda(e3)
  89. e3$lambda

  90. # Taking care of slacks
  91. x <- matrix(c(100,200,300,500,100,600),ncol=1,
  92.         dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:6],"x"))
  93. y <- matrix(c(75,100,300,400,50,400),ncol=1,
  94.         dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:6],"y"))

  95. # Phase one, calculate efficiency
  96. e <- dea(x,y)
  97. print(e)
  98. peers(e)
  99. lambda(e)
  100. # Phase two, calculate slacks (maximize sum of slacks)
  101. sl <- slack(x,y,e)
  102. data.frame(sl$sx,sl$sy)
  103. peers(sl)
  104. lambda(sl)
  105. sl$lambda
  106. summary(sl)

  107. # The two phases in one function call
  108. e2 <- dea(x,y,SLACK=TRUE)
  109. print(e2)
  110. data.frame(eff(e2),e2$slack,e2$sx,e2$sy,lambda(e2))
  111. peers(e2)
  112. lambda(e2)
  113. e2$lambda


Rita666 发表于 2018-3-19 16:00:26 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


拂去尘缘 发表于 2018-3-19 22:22:48 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


Rita666 发表于 2018-3-19 16:00


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  • DEA方法介绍.wps


Rita666 发表于 2018-3-21 09:10:06 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
拂去尘缘 发表于 2018-3-19 22:22


NIUKEW 发表于 2018-9-10 18:45:49 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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