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20180615【充实计划】第739期   [推广有奖]

sunhui7108 发表于 2018-6-15 21:00:11 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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chengli 发表于 2018-6-15 21:02:05 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
挑战第一百零九天   读12页书,完成当日目标
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Kerry012 学生认证  发表于 2018-6-15 21:17:23 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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lijunjie555 发表于 2018-6-15 21:29:34 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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shiraishisai 发表于 2018-6-15 21:32:56 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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jclpym 发表于 2018-6-15 21:57:13 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
充实每一天 发表于 2018-6-15 07:32

|新充实挑战|    |公告【想成为牛人】|
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myJGw 发表于 2018-6-15 22:07:07 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

1. 今天阅读到的有价值的全文内容链接:

https://www.vanharen.net/blog/va ... nt-use-terminology/
Best Practice, Model, Framework, Method, Guidance, Standard: towards a consistent use of terminology
Author: Bart Verbrugge

2. 今天阅读到的有价值的内容段落摘录:
There is a lot of confusion regarding the use and meaning of the terms ‘standard’, ‘best practice’, ‘body of knowledge’, ‘framework’, ‘guidance’, ‘method’, ‘model’ etc. In order to promote and establish a consistent use of these terms within VHP publications we have developed this document. It is, of course, based on a ‘best practice’ approach and is the result of input from various stakeholders.
In this document, these terms are explained in relation to each other, using simple and consistent descriptions. These descriptions align with the VHP publications within the following domains: Business Management, Project Management, IT & IT Management and Enterprise Architecture.
Terms and definitions
Practice is the description of the way in which professionals work within their profession, in order to carry out a specific task. Best practice is the description of the best way of working based on the situation in hand. Such a description can be used by (future) professionals. The term ‘good practice’ is also in use.
A model is the presentation in schematic form, often in a simplified way, of an existing or future state or situation. The modelling technique determines the way in which the situation is represented in a schematic way. Popular modelling techniques are: process model, workflow model, life cycle model.
A method is a systematic approach to achieve a specific result or goal, and offers a description in a cohesive and (scientific) consistent way of the approach that leads to the desired result/ goal. Minimally a method consists of a way of thinking and a way of working. Possible additional components of a method are: management model(s), presentation model(s), support model(s) (prescriptions, instructions, tips, examples, etc.), based on the modelling techniques mentioned above. The meanings of the terms ‘practice’ and ‘model’ are much broader than the term ‘method’.
A framework is an entity between a ‘model’ and a ‘method’. A framework is, or contains, a (not completely detailed) structure or system for the realization of a defined result/goal. Many frameworks comprise one or more models, based on the modelling techniques mentioned above and often based on (best) practices. Compared with methods, frameworks give the users much more freedom regarding the (partial or entire) use of the framework and the use of the models or techniques therein.
A body of knowledge (BOK or BoK) is the complete set of concepts, terms and activities that make up a professional domain, as defined by the relevant community of professionals or professional association. A body of knowledge is the accepted set of standard terminology (also: ontology) for a specific domain. Mostly, a BOK is more than simply a collection of terms. It is (a.o.): a professional reading list; a library; a website or a collection of websites; a description of professional functions; or even a collection of information.
The international standardization organizations, e.g. ANSI, IEEE, ISO, etc., make a distinction between a ‘guidance’ (or ‘guideline’) and a ‘standard’.
ISO definition: A standard is a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose.
Definition of guidance/guideline: Recommended practice that allows some discretion or leeway in its interpretation, implementation, or use. For ISO, a guidance/guideline is the first version of a document that is intended to become a standard. In general, the period between publication of a guidance/guideline and the official status as a standard is five years.
1. PMBOK Guide is set up as a Body of Knowledge and also it is both a framework and an (ANSI-) standard; PRINCE2 is a method and is designated by the UK government as a ‘de-facto standard’. Therefore it is formally not a standard.
2. Within the agile family there are clear differences: Scrum is a framework; RUP and DSDM/Atern are methods.
3. New ISO guidances for programme management and portfolio management are in progress.
4. The ICB and the e-CF are competence frameworks.
‘Method’ versus ‘methodology’
In many publications the term ‘methodology’ is wrongly used in place of the term ‘method’. The correct definitions of the term ‘methodology’ are:
the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques.
the design process for carrying out research or the development of a procedure; it is not in itself an instrument for doing those things.
Governance of models, frameworks, methods and standards
A large number of models, frameworks, methods and standards are managed by a governance organization. These organizations manage the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) and are the central point for activities and products regarding the subject matter, aimed at the target group(s). In some cases a certification/examination program is offered.
Often these organizations develop new, improved versions. The websites of these organizations clarify the situation regarding the latest version and stipulate the conditions that anyone who intends to apply the model/method/framework should adhere to. Usually, the most recent version is the one to apply.

3. 今天阅读的自我思考点评感想

For self-learners, it is a vital first point to have a correct understanding of these terms before putting any further investment of time into studying. The author took examples to illustrate the definitions of the terms and differences between Practice, Model, Framework, Method, Guidance and Standard, where a consistent use of terminology is targeted. For anyone who is thinking to manage his knowledge base and experiences to summarize out some method, models, framework or add any components into current standard and guidance as a contribution, reading this paper would be a smart choice before starting his/her work.
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shangxuan000 发表于 2018-6-15 22:09:19 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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jjxm20060807 发表于 2018-6-15 22:13:42 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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sulight 学生认证  发表于 2018-6-15 22:20:24 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
投资者可以分为四类:一、价格投机者,显然这类投资者更愿意跟随市场大氛围选择购买股票;二、价值投资者,这类投资者会精细计算商业模型,考虑增长速度和利润率以及商业模式。从这类投资者看来,好未来新东方的股价当然贵了,但是这个行业目前又没有其他公司的股票值得持有,所以会暂时持有股票,一旦有风吹草动就可能抛售股票。三、概念投资者,这类投资者愿意相信一些还没有具体实现的概念来购买股票,比如好未来的高股价很大程度上来自于对互联网教育概念的引导。四、信仰投资者,此类投资者购买股票为信仰充值,更容易在高黏性的服务行业中出现。好未来和新东方都有大量学生家长和员工持股,都是属于信仰投资者,此类投资者不会去考虑市盈率,只要他们相信公司会越来越好,就会持续地持有股票。我们在做投资时,一般可以将资金均匀划分成10份,进行团队作战。最终的业绩也将取决于它们的搭配效果,这种搭配叫做资产配置。有“资产配置之父”的加里.布林森曾说,从长远看,大约90%的投资收于来自于成功的资产配置。由于资产的收益来源可以区分为业绩(盈利)、估值和分红(利息)三部分,其中波动大的进攻型品种侧重于业绩快速增长,波动小的防守型品种侧重于分红多(股息收益率高或者利息高),攻守兼备的品种主要是业绩增速适中,分红适中,但是估值较低的品种。所以股票或者基金投资中,参考上述常胜队型,我们可以:1. 使用40%的资金配置在防守型品种中,例如高股息的股票、红利基金、债券基金等;2. 20%的资金配置攻守兼备的品种,例如低估值的白马股、行业指数基金、宽基指数或混合型基金等;3. 40%的资金配置在进攻型品种,例如高增长、高弹性的成长股,小盘股指数,互联网指数基金,医药指数基金等。目前个人场外的“守正出奇”组合,使用高股息指数基金做为防守的40%,使用家电行业指数做为中场的20%,使用高成长的互联网和医药主题基金做为前锋的40%。效果如何,还有待接受市场的进一步检验。最后,记得留一个“守门员”,购买货币基金或者直接留现金,作为家庭最后的保障吧。
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