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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
行政管理论文范文 目录 摘要1 Abstract1 一、依法治国的本质属性及其历史回溯2 二、“四项基本原则”前提下的依法治国3 三、依法治国的基本要求5 四、依法行政中的制度创新8 参考文献11 摘要:本文从历史角度扼要分析了依法治国的基本条件,回溯了社会主义制度下依法治国的确立过程。然后从“四项基本原则”入手,说明了社会主义制度下依法治国区别于资本主义制度下依法治国的本质特征。接着,我们又以法制建设的“十六字”方针为内容,论述了社会主义依法治国基本要求;从依法治国的制度创新出发,探讨了以依法行政为工作重点的行政执法、行政司法等内容的创新与改革。 关键词: 依法治国; 依法行政; 制度创新 Abstract :This text analyzed in summary to cure the basic condition of country by law from the history angle, looking back socialism to cure country to really sign process by law. Commence from four basic principles, explained socialism to cure country to discriminate between the essence characteristic that the capitalism cures country by law by law. Take"16 words"policy of the legal system construction as a contents, discussed socialism to cure the country basic request by law .From cure the system innovation of country to set out by law , discuss with by law administration for work point of the administration enforce the law, the administration judicial contents of innovation and reform. Keyword:Legally rules a nation , Legally administration ,System innovation
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