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发布时间:2015-01-12 来源:人大经济论坛
市场营销论文范文 摘 要 旅游业是最具活力的朝阳产业,充分挖掘利用旅游资源,为把发展旅游业培育成新的经济增长点,开发具有地方特色的旅游项目,积极推动茂名社会经济发展,有着重要意义。在当前茂名经济全面转入科学发展新阶段这一重要时期,促进茂名社会经济的协调发展,发挥茂名旅游业在“扩内需、保增长、调结构”中的积极作用,显得更加迫切。在介绍茂名旅游业发展基本概况的基础上,探讨了茂名市旅游业进行营销战略规划的必要性,分析了茂名市旅游业发展的优势、劣势、机遇及威胁。针对茂名旅游业中存在的营销问题包括品牌营销意识薄弱、茂名旅游形象欠鲜明、资源整合不全面、旅游产品开发不到位等问题,提出了改善茂名旅游业营销策略的途径,分别通过明确形象定位、加强营销意识、提升产品策略等方面来论述,并加以加大与周边合作,加大人才培养措施来保障竞争策略的实施。 关键词:旅游业 品牌营销 旅游形象 营销策略 Abstract Tourism is a sunrise industry. It fully tap the use of tourism resources for the development of tourism, develops new economic growth, the development of tourism projects with local characteristics, and actively promote social and economic development in Maoming. In this important period Maoming economy turn into a comprehensive new stage , and promote coordinated social and economic development of Maoming, Maoming tourism play an emportant role in the "expanding domestic demand, keeping growth, adjueting structural " , and it seems to be even more urgent. This paper describes the basic overview of Maoming tourism development and the need for strategic planning, analysis the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Maoming's tourism marketing issues including weak awareness of brand marketing, tourism image less sharp, incomplete integration of resources, tourism product develop slowly. List the improvement strategy, through positioning a clear image、strengthen marketing awareness, enhance product strategies, etc. with increaseing cooperation with neighboring and increase personnel training measures to protect the implementation of competitive strategy. Keywords: tourism brand marketing tourisim image marketing strategy 目 录 摘 要I 一、引言1 (一)研究的意义1 (二)研究的主要内容1 二、茂名市旅游业发展概况2 (一)旅游业发展基本情况2 (二)茂名市旅游资源介绍2 1. 海滨海岛旅游资源2 2. 生态旅游资源2 3. 人文历史资源3 三、茂名市旅游业SWOT分析4 (一)优势4 (二)劣势4 (三)机会6 (四)威胁7 四、茂名市旅游业存在的主要营销问题分析7 (一)品牌营销意识不强7 (二)城市旅游形象定位不明确7 (三)旅游配套设施不齐全8 (四)资源缺乏系统整合8 五、改善茂名市旅游业营销策略的途径10 (一)明确市场形象定位10 1. 打造茂名市旅游品牌10 2. 加强塑造城市旅游形象10 3. 体验营销增强城市形象感知11 (二)完善旅游产品策略11 1. 旅游资源整合11 2. 通过招商引资加快旅游产品的建设12 3. 开发、生产独特的旅游纪念品12 (三)加强与周边区域合作13 (四)加大人才培养力度13 六、结论14 参考文献15 致 谢16 附件17
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