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发布时间:2015-01-16 来源:人大经济论坛
计算机专业论文范文 摘要 近年来,网络已经成为了人们生活中必不可少的事物。不论是生活,新闻,教育,娱乐,样样都可以看到网络的身影。但是,当人们在应用网络享受它的方便的同时,一些不方便的因素也飞快的产生。毕竟人是因为有了计算机才有了网络,计算机本身的局限性就注定了网络的局限性。当你的电脑遇到麻烦的时候,你就会素手无策。本系统正是在这样的背景下,希望能突破计算机本身的距离限制,为使用者的远程帮助创造方便。 本系统采用Java Socket编程和Java AWT以及Swing图形编程实现。在开发过程中将计算机网络知识和软件编程相结合。实现了以下功能:在服务器端能方便的得到被监控端的界面图形变化,在被监控端模拟服务器端的鼠标以及键盘动作,同时能够远程对被监控端进行关机,重启的操作以及DOS命令的执行,还可实现文件的上传和下载。 关键词:Java Robot,TCP/IP,屏幕截取,Java Socket ABSTRACT In recent years, the network has become essential to people's lives things. Whether it is life, news, education, entertainment, everything can be seen the shadow of network. However, at the same time ,when people enjoy it in the application of the convenience in the network, a number of factors is not convenient for selecting. After all, is only because of the network computer, the computer itself, the limitations on the limitations of the network is doomed. When your computer was in the trouble, you will be Su-hands-free policy. The system is against this background, hoping to break away from restrictions on the computer itself, in order to help users create a convenient remote. The system uses Java Socket programming and Java AWT and Swing graphics programming. Process in the development of computer network software programming knowledge and the combination. To achieve the following functions: the server side can be easily monitored client graphical changes. In the client was to monitor server-side movements of the mouse and keyboard. At the same time,it is able to remotely monitor the client's shutdown, restart the operation, as well as the order of DOS. And to achieve the uploading and downloading files. Keywords: Java Robot, TCP/IP, Screen Capture, Java Socket 目录 摘要I ABSTRACTII 第1章 引言1 1.1 背景1 1.2 认识远程监控2 1.3 设计原理2 第2章 相关技术4 2.1 Socket的基本概念4 2.1.1 Socket的引入4 2.1.2 Java Socket的分类4 2.2 基本套接字函数调用5 2.2.1 创建套接字6 2.2.2 指定本地地址6 2.2.3 建立套接字连接6 2.2.4 数据传输7 2.2.5 关闭套接字8 2.3 TCP/IP协议8 第3章 系统总体设计11 3.1 模型建立11 3.1.1 Server端设计11 3.1.2 Client端设计11 3.2 系统各功能流程解析12 3.2.1 Client启动12 3.2.2 Server启动13 3.2.3 命令传递14 3.2.4 图形显示15 3.2.5 鼠标,键盘的模拟16 3.2.6 文件上传流程17 3.2.7 文件下载流程18 第4章 系统功能的实现19 4.1 界面的实现19 4.2 菜单功能的实现19 4.2.1 C/S通信的实现19 4.2.2 命令的实现20 4.2.3 图形截取的实现22 4.3 本章小结23 第5章 系统功能测试24 5.1 测试环境24 5.2 测试工具24 5.3 相关功能的截图 24 5.4 鼠标、键盘的模拟28 5.5 关机、重启的操作28 第6章 结束语29 致谢30 参考文献31
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