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发布时间:2015-01-18 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I 第一章 绪论1 1.1 研究背景及意义1 1.2 国内现状和存在的问题1 1.3 国内外发展趋势2 1.4 本论文主要研究内容3 第二章 总体方案设计4 2.1 生产工艺要求4 2.2 系统总体结构设计5 第三章 系统硬件设计7 3.1 触摸屏概述7 3.1.1 触摸屏简介7 3.1.2 触摸屏的工作原理7 3.1.3 触摸屏特点7 3.1.4 触摸屏的主要类型8 3.1.5 TP100系列触摸屏9 3.2 PLC的简介12 3.2.1 PLC的特点和应用12 3.2.2 PLC选型及性能介绍12 3.2.3 PLC运行时注意事项15 第四章 系统软件设计17 4.1 系统开发环境17 4.1.1 STEP 7 MicroWIN V4.017 4.1.2 TPDesigner19 4.2 系统程序设计22 4.2.1 PLC程序设计22 4.2.2 触摸屏程序设计24 4.3 PLC与触摸屏通讯26 第五章 系统的调试28 5. 1 PLC部分的调试28 5. 2 触摸屏部分的调试28 5. 3 系统调试28 第六章 总结30 致 谢31 参考文献32 摘 要 当前国内成熟的食品加工生产控制系统一般是由人工操作或由工控机、操作台及配电柜几部分组成,虽然该系统能满足控制系统的工艺要求,但具有体积大、可靠性低、修改困难的缺点。基于这些缺点及PLC控制技术飞速发展的背景,本文提出了“PLC+触摸屏”这样一种既经济又可靠的食品加工生产控制系统方案,并详细分析了这种控制系统的需求,根据需求,对系统的软、硬件结构进行系统而全面的分析与设计。 首先,论文给出了选题的背景及意义,并给出了本论文需要完成的主要工作;接着分析了控制系统的控制流程、工艺要求通过分析给出了的总体设计方案;其次,论文对控制系统特征进行分析,结合生产线的控制要求,设计出系统的硬件原理框图;最后,论文对程序流程和友好的人机交互界面设计进行全面的论述,在屏幕上可以看到控制流程步骤的显示。通过模拟调试表明控制系统的设计是正确有效的。 本课题研究成功,可以大大提高生产效率,节约劳动力,以满足市场的需求。 关键词:触摸屏;PLC;食品;生产线 Abstract Currently,the domestic food processing production control system are carried out by manual operation or by the industrial computer, console and distribution cabinet consists of several. Although the system can meet the process control system, but has the shortcomings of a bulky, low reliability, difficult to amend. PLC-based control of these defects and the background of the rapid development of technology, In this paper, the "PLC + touch screen," such an economical and reliable control system for food processing production program, and a detailed analysis of the demand for such a control system, according to the needs of the system software and hardware structure of systematic and comprehensive analysis and design. First of all, the discourse gives the background and significance of topics, and gives the discourse the main work to be done; Followed by an analysis of the control flow control system, technical requirements are given through the analysis of the overall design program; Finally, the thesis of the program flow and friendly man-machine interface design for a comprehensive exposition can be seen on the screen display control process steps. Debugging by simulation show that the control system design is correct and effective. The success of this research can greatly increase productivity, save labor, to meet the needs of the market. Keywords:Touch screen; PLC; Food, Production line
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