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发布时间:2015-01-22 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目录 摘 要I AbstractI 引 言1 1 设计方案1 1.1 设计方案1 2 硬件设计2 2.1 输入输出回路的设计3 2.1.1 输入回路的设计3 2.1.2 输出回路的设计3 2.2 计数显示模块的选定4 2.3 I/O口分配与接线4 2.3.1 PLC的I/O口分配4 2.3.2 I/O接线图5 3 软件设计6 3.1 自动状态的设计6 3.2 紧急状态的设计9 3.3 手动状态的设计10 3.4 数码管显示倒计时的设计11 4 结 论14 参考文献15 谢 辞16 摘 要:为了对交通进行有效的管理,本设计以交通灯为对象,通过可编程控制器对其实行控制。设计中针对交通灯的控制方式、LED灯的显示、倒计时功能进行了硬软件的总体设计。通过设计,交通灯具有可根据交通的不同状况,人工选择不同的工作状态,兼带有两位七段数码管实时显示倒计时的功能。通过设计,大大提高了对交通的控制功能,使交通秩序得到有效的控制。 关键词:可编程控制器;交通灯;LED The Design of Traffic Lights Control System Based on PLC Abstract:In order to carries on the effective management to the transportation, this design take the traffic light as an object, implements the control through the programmable controller to it.This design in view of the traffic light control mode, the LED lamp demonstration, the countdown function has carried on the hardware and software system design. Through the design, the traffic light has may act according to the transportation the different condition, the artificial selection different active status, concurrently has two seven section of digital tubereal for time display countdown function. Through the design, enhanced greatly to the transportation the control function, enable the transportation order to be under the effective control.. Keywords : PLC;traffic lights;LED
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