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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目录 摘要I AbstractI 1 简介1 1.1 计算机网络与路由1 1.2 路由选择算法1 1.3 路由选择算法分类2 2 静态路由选择算法4 3 动态路由选择算法4 3.1 简述4 3.2 动态路由选择算法分类4 3.3 距离矢量路由算法5 3.4 链路状态路由算法5 3.5 距离矢量与链路状态算法的比较5 4 静态与动态路由选择算法的对比6 5 因特网的路由选择协议6 6 路由协议7 6.1 内部网关协议7 6.2 外部网关协议(EGP)7 7 内部与外部网关协议的对比8 8 路由选择信息协议(RIP)8 9 RIP路由表9 9.1 RIP路由表介绍9 9.2 RIP协议的实现10 9.3 RIP启动和运行的整个过程11 9.4 RIP的限制12 10 SPF协议12 11 总结13 参考文献13 谢 辞13 摘要:计算机网络中,我们需要将数据包从一个网络移动到不同的网络,所以我们必须用一种方法,使数据包在网络中快速,流畅的传输,这就是我要研究的路由选择算法。路由选择算法主要包括动态路由选择算法和静态路由选择算法两种。本论文主要对各种算法做具体的研究,对比出它们的优缺点,从而可以清楚的看到在什么样的环境中用什么样的算法能使网络传输达到最优。 关键词:动态路由选择算法;静态路由选择算法 ;数据包 Computer Network Communications Routing Algorithm Analysis Abstract: Computer network, data packets we need to move from one network to a different network, so we must use a method, so that packets in the network fast, smooth transmission, that is what I need to study the routing algorithm. Routing algorithm including dynamic and static routing algorithm routing algorithm two. In this paper, the main algorithm to a variety of specific research, as compared with their advantages and disadvantages, so that we can clearly see what kind of environment with what kind of algorithm can achieve the optimal network. Keywords: Dynamic routing algorithm;Static routing selection algorithm;Packet
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