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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目录 摘 要I AbstractII 第一章课题背景1 1.1课题来源1 1.2课题背景与意义1 1.2.1课题背景1 1.2.2课题意义1 1.3应解决问题2 1.4技术要求2 1.4.1熟悉C/S架构2 1.4.2熟悉Java网络编程5 1.4.3了解Eclipse SWT/Jface7 1.5小结8 第二章国内外研究现状9 2.1国外研究现状9 2.1.1Weka10 2.1.2Intelligent Miner11 2.2国内研究现状12 2.2.1AlphaMiner12 2.2.2MFDM13 2.3小结14 第三章需求分析15 3.1架构扩展15 3.1.1描述15 3.1.2为什么进行架构扩展15 3.1.3如何进行架构扩展15 3.2功能分析16 3.2.1架构原理16 3.2.2功能描述16 3.2.3开发环境16 3.2.4需求描述16 3.2.5系统流程图17 3.2.6业务描述18 3.3开发工具简介19 3.3.1Eclipse简介19 3.3.2Eclipse平台结构19 3.4小结20 第四章系统设计与实现21 4.1总体设计21 4.1.1系统目标设计21 4.1.2系统功能分析21 4.2详细设计21 4.2.1系统模块设计21 4.2.2系统功能模块图23 4.2.3应用系统HIPO图23 4.3功能模块设计24 4.3.1客户端24 4.3.2服务器端25 4.3.3通信子协议包数据结构28 4.4小结29 第五章测试报告30 5.1系统客户端主界面30 5.2客户端操作流程30 5.2.1操作流程描述30 5.2.2操作流程图34 5.3系统服务器流程35 5.4远程执行性能评测36 5.5小结39 结束语40 致 谢41 参考文献42 摘 要 本文详细介绍了客户/服务器架构以及基于此架构的一个简单实现。一般来说,处理数据时个人PC机计算能力通常比较有限,常常不能满足大数量的处理要求。这时若将系统扩展为客户/服务器的模式,既能降低客户端软件成本,又能减轻客户机负担。针对这种系统,本文采用客户/服务器架构开发了一种求圆周率的简单应用。 客户机/服务器架构是一种软件系统体系结构,通过它可以充分利用两端硬件环境的优势,将任务合理分配到客户端和服务器端来实现,降低了系统的通讯开销。它还可以增加数据存储业务扩展为三层客户/服务器架构。 本文首先介绍了相关的背景知识,包括课题的来源、背景、意义及相关的技术知识,而后对整个系统进行了需求分析,主要是对客户端的需求分析,然后对系统进行了总体设计和详细设计,主要设计了客户端与服务器端各自的功能模块,详尽介绍了各模块的执行原理,并给出了各自的执行流程图,最后执行应用程序,给出测试报告。 测试报告表明,本地任务执行和远程执行都能取得令人满意的结果。 关键词:客户/服务器,圆周率,需求分析,详细设计 Abstract This paper describes a client / server architecture and a simple realization based on the architecture. In general, the processing of personal data in PC-computing power is usually limited, and often cannot meet the large number of processing requirements. Then if the system should be extended for client / server model, client software can reduce costs, but also reduce the burden on the client. In view of this system, using client / server architecture for the development of a simple application of pi. Client / server architecture is a software system architecture, which can take full advantage of the advantage of both ends of the hardware environment, the rational allocation of tasks to the client and server-side to achieve, reducing the overhead of communication systems. It also can increase the data storage business expansion for the three-tier client / server architecture. This paper first introduces the relevant background knowledge, including the source of the subject, background, significance and relevance of technical knowledge, and then the whole system needs analysis, mainly for analysis of client needs, and then on the system design and detailed design .The main design of the client and server-side function of the respective modules, each module includes detailed descriptions of the implementation of the principle, and given the implementation of their flow chart, and finally the implementation of applications, given a test report. Test report shows that the implementation of local and long-range implementation of the task can be a satisfactory outcome. KeyWords: Client / server,Pi, Needs analysis, Detailed design
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