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发布时间:2015-03-09 来源:人大经济论坛
本科毕业论文范文 摘要 企业信息管理系统是一个企业单位不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于各类生产企业的决策者和管理者来说都至关重要,所以企业信息管理系统应该能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的数据处理手段。但一直以来人们使用传统人工的方式进行信息管理,这种管理方式存在着许多缺点,如:效率低、保密性差,另外时间一长,将产生大量的文件和数据,这对于查找、更新和维护都带来了不少的困难。 本文是讲述企业信息管理系统的开发与设计。该系统,基于JSP,目的是减少企业员工的重复工作量,并通过计算机技术使信息的管理流程化、简单化。 该系统的主要功能有:登录、注册、退出、短消息管理的发送短消息及删除、公司公告的发布与删除、通讯录管理的修改与删除、会议记录修改与删除等。 这篇论文详细论述了该系统的各模块功能,以及主要功能模块的设计和实现过程。 关键词:企业信息,管理系统,JSP技术 ABSTRACT Enterprise Information Management System is an indispensable part of business units, its content for the various types of manufacturing enterprises are crucial to decision-makers and managers, so enterprise information management system should be able to provide users with sufficient information and quick data processing means. But there has been people to use the traditional manual approach to information management, this management approach, there are many disadvantages, such as: low efficiency, poor security, another over time, will generate a large number of documents and data, which for finding, updating and maintenance of have brought a lot of difficulties. This article is about the enterprise information management systems development thesis. The system, based on JSP, the purpose is to reduce the duplication of the workload of employees and, through computer technology to information management processes, simplifies. The system's main functions are: login, registration, out of three major basic functions, as well as the management of short message send text messages and to delete, the company announcement released and removed, address book management, modification and deletion, modification and deletion, etc. minutes of meetings. This paper discusses in detail the function of each module of the system, as well as the main function modules of the design and implementation process. Key word: Enterprise information,Management system,The JSP technology 目录 摘要I ABSTRACTII 目录III 第1章 绪论1 1.1 背景1 1.2 研究内容1 第2章 系统开发工具简介3 2.1 JDK简介3 2.2 Tomcat6.0简介4 2.3 Eclipse简介5 2.4 MySQL简介6 2.5 JSP简介8 第3章 数据库设计10 3.1 数据库的分析10 3.2 数据表的结构11 3.3 连接和操作数据库13 3.4 本章小结14 第4章 系统功能15 4.1企业信息管理系统功能15 4.2 开发基础功能16 4.3 开发列表页功能19 4.4 开发删除功能函数24 4.5 开发插入功能函数25 4.6 开发修改功能函数26 4.7 开发更新功能函数28 第5章 页面介绍30 5.1 注册界面30 5.2 登录界面35 5.2.1 通信工具38 5.2.2 个人管理43 5.2.3 企业管理47 5.3 退出界面51 5.4 本章小结52 第6章 结束语53 致谢54 参考文献55
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