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发布时间:2015-04-02 来源:人大经济论坛
制药工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 研究的背景1 1.2 研究的意义1 1.3 胆碱简介3 1.4 非诺贝特酸简介4 1.5 胆碱盐及其合成方法介绍4 2. 实验部分8 2.1 实验原理8 2.2 实验试剂10 2.3 实验仪器 10 2.4 实验基本操作10 2.5 产物分析10 3. 结果与讨论10 3.1 实验结果10 3.2 实验讨论11 4.总结与展望15 致谢17 参考文献18 附录20 摘要:非诺贝特酸胆碱是一种新型降脂药物。本论文提出一条新的制备非诺贝特酸胆碱的原料路线,即三甲胺和非诺贝特酸在异丙醇作溶剂条件下,首先酸碱中和反应成盐,然后该盐在H+的催化下再与环氧乙烷反应生产氢氧化胆碱盐。这是一个自催化反应。实验中,我们详细研究了反应物配比、溶剂种类、反应时间、加料时间及加料速度等因素对产品纯度及产率的影响。在最佳工艺条件下,得到精制后产品质量20.93g,最终收率达95%以上。产物结构由IR得到证明,产品用HPLC进行分析,纯度为99.80%。 关键词:非诺贝特酸胆碱;胆碱;自催化;有机合成 Abstract:The Choline Fenofibrate Acid is a new type of lipid-lowering drugs.In this study,a new material route for preparation of Choline Fenofibrate Acid was provided. That is using Trimethylamine and Fenofibrate Acid to prepare salt in the Isopropanol, then using the salt and Ethylene Oxide to synthesize Choline Hydroxide salt and H+ as catalyst. This is a selfcatalysis reaction. In the experimental, the conditions of synthesis such as proportions, kinds of solvents, reaction time, feeding times, feeding speeds and etc.were investigated in detail and see the impact on the purity and the yield. In the best conditions,the quality of refined product is 20.93g, and the yield was reached more than 95%.The structure of the product was confirmed by IR,and the product was analysised with HPLC and the purity was morn than 99.8%. Keywords: Choline fenofibrate acid; Choline; Selfcatalysis;Organic synthesis
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