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发布时间:2015-04-06 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 研究的背景1 1.2 研究的意义1 2 印刷品质量评价3 2.1 主观评价3 2.2 基于密度值的印刷品评价4 2.3 基于色度值的印刷品评价7 3 实验方案9 3.1 实验目的9 3.2 实验基本内容9 3.3 实验仪器9 4 实验结果分析10 4.1 实验数据10 4.2 综合分析12 5 结论17 致谢18 参考文献19 摘 要:现代印刷工业的彩色化正在趋于完善,色彩直接决定了印刷品质量,是印刷品质量的基础,因而建立正确的色彩评价体系极为重要。色彩评价仅仅依靠主观的视觉评判远远不能满足日益发展的高品质印刷要求,所以必须结合客观的色彩测量。色彩测量是一种客观而科学地、定量地描述色彩的原理及方法,它通过仪器代替人的视觉系统“感知”光线从印刷品表面反射出来的光量,并通过一定的运算形成一个客观的数量描述。 本文论述了彩色印刷品的主观评价和客观评价中的各要素,具体对样品不同颜色不同网点覆盖率色块进行密度测量和色度测量,并对其测量结果进行了分析。 关键词:主观评价;密度测量;色差;印刷质量 Abstract:The modern color priting industry is perfecting,of which decide directly to the print quality and is the basis factors of quality.Therefore,building a right eva luation system is very important.The color measurement relying solely on subjective visual judge cannot satisfy the incessant growth of high quality requirements,so it must be combined with the objective of the survey.The measurement is an objective and science and quantitatively described the principles and methods,instrumenting in place by the visual system perception light from the printed surface of reflections of light,and must have the operation of an objective description. This article briefly discusses the different elements of the subjective eva luation and the objective eva luation in the color printing, and Specificly measures percentage of the sample in different blocks of color measurement and color measurement of density,of which measurement results were analyzed. Keywords:Subjective eva luation;Density measurement;Printing chromaticity;print- ing quality
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