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发布时间:2014-10-20 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 蚕沙简介1 1.2卟啉及金属卟啉简介2 1.3课题研究意义7 2 试验部分8 2.1试验所需药品和仪器列表8 2.2实验原理及工艺流程图8 2.3蚕沙中叶绿素提取工艺条件10 2.4叶绿素制取卟啉铜钠盐的实验12 2.5 分析检测方法13 3 结果与讨论14 3.1蚕沙中叶绿素含量测定结果14 3.2微波提取法与溶剂提取法的对比试验14 3.3蚕沙中叶绿素提取试验15 3.4叶绿素制取卟啉铜钠盐的试验20 4 总结与展望26 致 谢27 参考文献28 摘 要:植桑养蚕是我国一些地区的传统产业,在养蚕过程年产近百万吨的蚕沙。为了合理利用蚕沙资源,本课题主要研究了制备叶绿素铜钠盐的新工艺,并优化了工艺条件,以指导工业生产。首先对原料蚕沙进行叶绿素提取率的测定,并将微波提取法与普通溶剂提取法进行比较。结论证明,微波提取法的提取率要比普通溶剂提取法的提取率高出一倍。其次考察了预处理过程中微波辐射时间、溶剂用量、溶剂与物料比例等因素的影响,确定初步的蚕沙萃取工艺条件,并优化相关的工艺条件。在试验范围内所得的数据表明:在微波辐射时间90s、破壁剂浓度40%、破壁助剂用量1:2(V[ml]:W[g]) 、提取温度60min的条件下,提取效果最佳。最后,研究了所提取的叶绿素溶液皂化条件,并摸索了叶绿素铜钠盐的制取条件。发现分离操作中,温度40℃、皂化60min效果明显,在酸性pH值为2.4的条件下铜代的60min效果较好,得到的产品品质也好。 关键词:蚕沙;微波辅助萃取;金属卟啉 Research on porphyrin-Copper-Sodium separate from silkworm Abstract: For rationally utilizing silkworm faeces,it was primarily researched in this article on the new processing of preparing sodium copper chlorophyllin from silk worm and the optimal processing faeces to coaching industry production. Firstly,some work has been done on the chlorophyll extraction rate from silkworm with two different method.The conclusion proves that the extraction rate of microwave assistant extacrtion is two times than the conventional one.In this study,the influence factors were studied including irradiated time,volume of solvent,co-agent proportion etc. during the microwave pretreatment procedure.And by these investigations,tussah extracted condition was determined and optimiezd. The results indicated best that under the following conditions:irradiaetd time 90s,the concentration of cell wall crack agent 40%,the ratio of material and cell wall crack agent is 1:2(V[ml]:W[g]),extracted temperature 60℃.Lastly,the operating conditions were found for chlorophyll solvent separation and chlorophyllin-copper-sodium preparation. The excellent Saponification effect can be obtained under the following parameters:tempeartuer 40 saponated time 60min; Under the acidity condition,the yieldis higher after 60 min copper exchanged reaction. Keywords:silkworm;microwave assistant extraction; metalloporphyrin
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