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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
1 frictional unemployment is a long run economics phenomenon
2 selected of Nobel prize winner usually reflects the current economics situation on this ground paul krugman can be regarded as Keynesian in 2008 this short run policy may be very important
3 according to the rational expectation ,the rational theorists suggested that government expansionary policy is a useful and effective tool
4 keynes emphasis so much on the role of money, he suggested adopting the rule of certain increase of money supply
5technology improvements shift aggregate supply curve to the right
6 iT can be said that china‘s saving caused U.S current account deficits(s-I=x-M)
7 if market exchange rate changed from 1$=6yuan to 1$=7yuan, and Chinese CPI is increasing the same rate , the real exchange rate has not been changed
8 rich people have advantages in inflation period because they have lots of money
9 house cleaning company earns money but we clean our home which is not counted in GDP
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