人大经济论坛 文库 Time Series(時間序列分析)
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文库创建人:Lisrelchen | 共同维护人: Nicolle 

New Occidental Research Centre
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PHP and MySQL Recipes, 2nd Edition attachment Lisrelchen 2013-12-8 14 5744 jjxm20060807 2016-4-9 08:00:58
中国人民大学《应用时间序列分析》第二版教材,王燕编著 attachment 孤峰傲雪 2013-12-4 24 9637 freejishu 2021-4-28 22:00:59
《金融时间序列分析》分章思维导图与简评 attach_img xuruilong100 2013-12-1 80 29834 想着星星的月亮 2022-8-5 18:16:22
【R语言 】boxcox变换 attach_img oxin224 2013-11-22 13 44850 hzcybyq 2018-2-26 17:12:06
[Lecture Notes]Advanced Time Series using R University of New Mexican 2008 attachment SASCHEN 2013-11-11 1 1683 yiweidon 2013-11-11 08:48:05
【下载】《时间序列预测实践教程》清华大学出版社 (教材+数据+R代码) attachment ering310 2013-11-7 59 7276 lonestone 2017-3-7 06:33:13
求R代码for Statistics and Data with R:An Applied Approach Through Examples attachment king64 2013-10-15 7 1622 周唯实 2016-9-13 10:39:36
An Introduction To Analysis of Financial Data With R的数据与R程序代码 attachment xxka917 2013-10-6 19 9873 pbgpbg2003 2021-9-6 17:01:28
得到DCC-GARCH 的结果,为什么有两个DCC?? 向日葵丸子 2013-10-2 4 3330 zx92187 2014-7-4 23:32:27
悬赏 McLeod.Li.test结果如何解释 - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] attach_img jinchanzi 2013-9-17 8 14278 青雾Selina 2023-12-20 11:12:38
R语言如何将因子向量转化为设计矩阵 168lijijie 2013-9-14 2 8269 ntsean 2013-9-14 22:08:22
《协整理论与波动模型--金融时间序列分析及应用》第二版(2009)130M高清PDF attachment mrsapphire 2013-8-14 97 16891 徒步在原野 2019-7-17 17:13:06
一个R语言绘制散点图的问题 pony2001mx 2013-8-8 10 15938 skytreee 2014-11-20 11:27:48
《时间序列分析与SAS应用》 attachment wxy_1988 2013-7-24 22 10920 shujusikao 2022-3-5 20:56:31
Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, 4th Ed-2008 attachment rmatrix 2013-7-15 12 4245 andrepku 2015-3-3 09:31:01
Time series analysis and its applications with R examples(时间序列分析及应用-R) attachment stdyxn12 2013-7-9 38 18487 真好玩 2022-4-13 23:43:36
范剑青(高清英文版):NonlinearTime Series:Nonparametric and Parametric Meth attachment chinazbr 2013-6-27 7 2069 barbara429 2018-10-8 17:26:48
清华大学出版社 的<<时间序列预测实践教程 >>的R代码分享。 attachment net_test 2013-4-17 7 2622 sigmund 2013-9-14 00:15:55
R书籍推荐--十二本R书 kongying168 2013-4-8 43 35421 橙红的果士 2022-1-14 16:38:17
Joint Models of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data: With Applications in R attachment AZURESKY 2013-3-16 24 4777 jgchen1966 2015-9-25 17:24:44
经典的《连续时间金融》,好书 attachment wavepeak 2013-3-14 3 3864 三江鸿 2022-11-23 08:59:53
epoh老师,帮我看看吧~实在搞不定 - [阅读权限 32]attachment 火龙果汽水 2013-2-20 13 704 epoh 2013-3-11 21:40:51
[R语言资料小全].introductory.time.series.with.rsolution attachment gaojiegong 2013-1-6 6 5409 日新少年 2016-10-24 22:28:49
Statistical Modelling in Finance_Application in R老师给的课件 R软件的教学 全英 attachment 几木 2012-12-28 8 1441 syang256 2014-3-31 15:52:25
请问R能做ESTAR模型吗? attachment bertf 2012-12-21 34 9605 聂佳 2018-7-8 08:50:59
如何去除空格 dxystata 2012-10-14 5 9365 xiaoyie 2016-8-5 14:50:37
邓自立——卡尔曼滤波与维纳滤波:现代时间序列分析方法 attachment yutian2999 2012-9-6 4 3080 lichan04 2018-8-10 22:10:56
Rats 程序代码和数据for Analysis of Financial Time Series attachment Kalama 2012-8-24 3 3012 yunxiangcao 2016-2-22 10:50:21
【教材论坛首发】应用时间序列分析(中国人大 王燕)PDF版本 attachment krisdiano 2012-8-19 65 31229 无言独上 2020-2-14 19:57:58
【下载】Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting attachment oliyiyi 2012-8-16 61 9683 Faners 2018-3-13 14:41:41








steventung 2020-9-14:

thinking2009 2019-9-21:

miragew 2017-4-18:

fengyu006 2016-12-27:

vi_ender 2016-5-29:

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