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《国学经典套装精选集17册》王清锐.epub attach_img xgz6151 2017-8-14 39 2798 saplow 2022-10-27 21:05:07
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R Deep Learning Cookbook attach_img igs816 2017-8-10 107 7910 Nicolle 2018-9-8 09:40:52
《徐霞客游记(全四册精)》(中华经典名著全本全注全译丛书)epub attach_img xgz6151 2017-8-7 51 4397 saplow 2022-11-1 14:42:39
《聊斋志异注释插图全本》[清]蒲松龄.epub attach_img xgz6151 2017-8-7 42 5195 saplow 2022-10-29 09:30:58
Advanced Analysis of Variance attach_img igs816 2017-7-31 66 2464 oliyiyi 2018-10-20 22:49:02
Managing the Web of Things: Linking the Real World to the Web attach_img igs816 2017-7-29 35 1270 512661101 2019-3-21 11:25:04
Never eat alone(《别独自用餐》) attach_img ziyang0623 2017-7-25 5 1881 slowry 2018-3-28 21:55:28
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Mastering Java Machine Learning attach_img xpf7622 2017-7-15 5 1746 Nicolle 2020-2-19 08:43:48
Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics, 4th Edition attach_img igs816 2017-7-12 51 2760 saplow 2022-10-16 18:21:04
新人分享几本scala精品电子书,爱好scala的朋友不要错过哦 attachment baiwfg2 2017-7-12 3 2867 LudwigEisberg 2023-7-16 07:41:48
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C++17 STL Cookbook attach_img igs816 2017-7-2 39 6057 arnold0617 2017-10-11 18:23:55
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[Ken Kousen]Modern Java Recipes attachment ReneeBK 2017-6-26 27 1821 Lisrelchen 2017-8-21 10:57:51
Reinforcement Learning with Python: Master Reinforcement Learning in Python With attach_img igs816 2017-6-22 59 6667 heinzmann 2018-9-29 11:15:02
Scala for the Impatient 2nd Edition attachment xpf7622 2017-6-20 2 3438 晓七 2017-6-20 16:52:24
Deep Learning: Practical Neural Networks with Java attachment neverfree911 2017-6-16 14 2257 william9225 2017-7-29 13:25:38
Java Data Science Cookbook attach_img xpf7622 2017-6-16 5 2258 cometwx 2017-10-27 16:17:21
R for Data Science Cookbook attach_img igs816 2017-6-14 36 5062 Dsmile2.0 2018-1-12 20:10:04
digitalizing consumption - how devices shape consumer culture (2017) attach_img loneshark 2017-6-13 4 896 MouJack007 2017-6-14 17:57:18
【2017新书】Data Science with Java: Practical Methods for Scientists and Engin新 attachment jasonwu24 2017-6-13 3 1961 cometwx 2018-1-12 11:18:04
Springer Book Series On Statistics liucg9999 2017-6-11 27 8809 kelffon 2022-11-2 10:59:12
【经典典藏】【KINDLE】世纪三部曲合集(巨人的陨落+世界的凛冬+永恒的边缘) attachment pangpangtv 2017-6-9 32 19529 saplow 2022-10-14 14:24:20
Python Machine Learning Cookbook attach_img igs816 2017-6-8 60 5613 baiwei1637124 2017-10-20 21:02:58
【kindle】文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建 attachment pangpangtv 2017-6-7 4 1563 聂可可 2018-1-18 09:41:45








cqlyzz 2019-6-9:

asyangfei 2019-2-24:

hityou 2019-2-11:

中国人民学生 2018-9-30:

95Joy白云龙 2018-8-29:

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