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文库关键词:CRC  Chapman Hall  Taylor Francis 


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Affordability: Integrating Value, Customer, and Cost for Continuous Improvemen attach_img igs816 2017-7-12 23 948 反氢 2017-8-10 20:34:32
Uncertainty Analysis of Experimental Data with R attach_img igs816 2017-7-10 57 4339 constance781992 2017-8-9 11:28:10
Flexible Regression and Smoothing: Using GAMLSS in R (True PDF) attach_img igs816 2017-6-26 41 7069 wangxia0222 2023-7-3 16:43:24
Introduction to Financial Models for Management and Planning attach_img nivastuli 2017-6-26 8 1569 三江鸿 2023-1-28 14:33:48
sparse modeling Theory, Algorithms, and Applications(稀疏学习) attachment 20115326 2017-6-24 8 3881 snzpro 2020-5-4 07:36:10
Numerical Algorithms:Methods for Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Graphics attach_img igs816 2017-6-22 26 1162 kantdisciple 2017-9-11 14:52:12
global cases in best and worst practice in crisis and emergency management 2016 attach_img loneshark 2017-6-21 6 779 啸傲江弧 2017-6-22 07:45:12
Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R, Second Edition attach_img igs816 2017-6-15 103 7211 iambettyou 2019-5-10 16:43:39
Model-free Hedging: A Martingale Optimal Transport Viewpoint attach_img igs816 2017-6-11 45 5069 晏几道 2023-10-25 13:28:15
分享Algebraic Statistics: Computational Commutative Algebra in Statistics attachment colinwang 2017-6-10 4 1110 tianwk 2020-2-11 01:03:38
分享Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology attachment colinwang 2017-6-7 4 1899 zhaoyuanying 2020-1-9 00:27:53
分享Biosimilar Clinical Development attachment colinwang 2017-6-7 1 1174 olivia-eason 2017-6-11 17:56:20
分享Methods in Comparative Effectiveness Research attachment colinwang 2017-6-7 3 1271 sunhaiquan 2019-3-23 21:07:13
【好书推荐】【回复有奖】Extending the Linear Model with R 2ed attachment oliyiyi 2017-6-5 454 21890 oliyiyi 2023-10-2 01:08:39
Errors, Blunders, and Lies: How to Tell the Difference attach_img igs816 2017-5-28 27 2444 microly 2017-6-16 16:38:09
What Makes Variables Random - Probability for the Applied Researcher attach_img igs816 2017-5-19 43 3332 william9225 2017-7-16 10:16:02
Matlab数值应用!Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists using MatLab attach_img exuan1991 2017-4-28 83 7124 baiwei1637124 2017-12-19 22:32:05
这么多书,该看哪本好呢? attach_img wwqqer 2017-4-2 697 33477 wwqqer 2023-4-24 08:23:42
【2017CRC 新书】Modern Data Science with R attachment jasonwu24 2017-3-26 36 7506 rebornxldeng 2022-11-8 11:44:04
CRC standard probability and statistics tables and formulae attachment wakacheung 2017-3-19 4 1898 atwoodcloyd 2018-7-31 22:26:41
R for Statistics attach_img igs816 2017-3-8 48 3350 no_65 2017-3-25 07:20:28
Agile Model-Based Development Using UML-RSDS by Kevin Lano attach_img igs816 2017-3-1 11 2224 chaohui10 2017-6-7 15:41:42
Big Data Computing: A Guide for Business and Technology Managers attach_img igs816 2017-2-24 45 3379 77公主 2017-3-3 14:11:06
Scientific Computing with MATLAB, Second Edition attach_img igs816 2017-2-23 24 2901 lxnlc 2019-9-25 21:47:10
【统计教材系列】R概率入门 Introduction to Probability - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2017-2-22 170 7750 冰族王子 2022-12-2 16:57:34
【经典教材系列】二进制数据 Modelling Binary Data 第二版 attach_img wwqqer 2017-2-21 66 4857 志在旋风 2018-6-12 16:55:30
【经典教材系列】广义线性混合模型 Generalized Linear Mixed Models - [阅读权限 14]attach_img wwqqer 2017-2-21 157 7673 lehaofeng 2024-4-23 10:00:52
【统计教材系列】统计理论 Exercises and Solutions in Statistical Theory attach_img wwqqer 2017-2-20 158 13808 etoy 2022-8-28 09:13:39
【经典教材系列】参数模型 Richly Parameterized Linear Models attach_img wwqqer 2017-2-20 48 4607 alphabeta12 2022-9-17 18:46:19








冰族王子 2023-5-6:

haha01 2020-7-15:

wq37 2019-6-13:

wind2599 2019-6-13:

suzhzh 2018-9-14:

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