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Stata FAQ and Econometrics

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文库关键词:stata  计量经济学  统计 


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《应用计量经济学》第7版 中文 [美] 施图德蒙德 著 attachment 2005811052 2024-5-5 23 1759 悟空322 2024-5-6 12:30:18
实证研究方法论——Stata应用(高等院校研究生用书) attachment ahc123 2023-1-13 24 3879 lwj666666 2024-7-11 22:11:24
stock计量经济学第三版 清晰 带目录 attachment 吴雨潇 2020-2-25 1 201 tianwk 2020-2-26 15:55:28
James M. Robins最新因果推论书Causal inference:What if attachment huyinhui-79 2020-2-22 17 4643 hyzz2002_1999 2023-12-7 15:05:25
Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach 7th edition attach_img nivastuli 2020-2-19 14 6380 三江鸿 2023-1-27 15:24:18
计量经济学 第三版 中文版 教材pdf attachment Kevin147 2019-9-11 11 17235 caiguanfiv 2023-9-3 16:23:45
Econometrics in Theory and Practice-Analysis Data with Stata 15.1 attach_img yechunyi 2019-9-8 4 1768 yechunyi 2019-11-10 14:59:22
微观经济分析 attachment vanguard 2019-8-1 1 1150 beijin2008 2019-8-6 08:23:02
Introduction to Econometrics 4th Edition(国际版)Stock & Watson attachment leopoldwilson 2019-6-29 124 33983 rabbitbbbbb 2023-9-5 21:47:00
Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods 12th Edition attach_img igs816 2019-6-14 8 1967 西门高 2020-1-30 13:30:27
【2019新书】An Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis Using Stata attachment slowry 2019-6-1 70 9516 dxystata 2021-3-9 11:27:29
在stata中,将一个字符变量定义为另外一个变量的值标签 蓝色 2019-4-23 4 9982 书籍是进步的阶梯 2022-11-12 10:49:18
Applied Econometrics:A Modern Approach Using Eviews and Microfit Revised Edition attachment dream9999 2019-4-22 3 1378 tianwk 2020-2-14 00:21:04
伍德里奇《横截面与面板数据的计量经济分析(第二版)》 attachment 青衫仗剑 2019-3-15 38 19551 jabpjh 2021-10-3 16:48:10
Maddala, G.S. Introduction to econometrics 4th ed attachment zhimou 2018-12-18 2 1903 bearfighting 2018-12-26 22:50:42
PrinciplesofEconometrics5theditionbyR.CarterHill(5th_2018)PDF attachment abigcoldcake 2018-12-11 7 3779 Yana-Yang 2020-10-22 14:40:32
A-Guide-to-Modern-Econometrics 5th,需要的亲自行下载 attachment bdim 2018-12-9 1 1305 hifinecon 2018-12-9 20:24:37
Using SAS for Econometrics, Fourth Edition - Griffiths, William E. attach_img LudwigEisberg 2018-11-26 2 1744 ybzou 2020-3-7 14:34:38
Econometric_Models_and_Economic_Forecasts___Pindyck_4e attachment nusdawa 2018-11-13 2 1287 menglong99 2019-12-5 23:45:28
陈强教学视频 attach_img jxapp_51212 2018-11-7 47 17270 dd秃头研究生 2021-5-26 10:03:32
(OCR版)伍德里奇现代观点-计量经济学教材 attachment jacky0919 2018-10-28 2 1488 王晓娣di 2018-10-28 13:00:01
2018新书-Statistics for Technology 3ed:A Course in Applied Statistics attach_img nanometer 2018-10-16 2 1501 cristineharbe 2019-10-5 10:05:26
Introduction to Econometrics attachment eastriver 2018-10-6 3 2139 wl5f 2018-10-16 07:07:32
Handbook of educational measurement and psychometrics using R (The R Series) attachment pvximii018 2018-9-22 7 2373 yangming98 2019-7-6 23:15:05
Marcellino - Bocconi University - Applied econometric attachment hoalongkiem 2018-9-16 3 1317 nathan9800 2018-9-22 12:42:10
Foundations and Applications of Statistics An Introduction Using R, 2nd Edition attachment Nicolle 2018-9-16 49 4209 420948492 2018-10-24 21:31:50
计量经济学 因果推断 attach_img 1923310016 2018-9-14 4 4275 湘江之水 2020-8-11 14:47:18
stata绘图的可视化指导(第三版)中文版:国内第一版 attach_img digest 天道纵韬 2018-9-9 139 37946 mx6091 2023-4-25 09:24:52








xnYYQ 2020-3-4:

starry9797 2019-3-19:

行者的心 2018-11-14:

磐石cool 2018-10-31:

Nochoal 2018-8-29:

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