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0 664 QuantHu2019-9-22 发表 | 最后回复:QuantHu2019-9-22

Python High Performance - Second Edition (True PDF) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345

46 5474 igs8162017-7-7 发表 | 最后回复:sacromento2019-9-14

PySpark Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach with PySpark2 attach_img  ...2

17 3429 igs8162017-12-11 发表 | 最后回复:update002300232019-9-5

Java: Data Science Made Easy (True PDF) attach_img agree  ...234

36 4999 igs8162017-8-8 发表 | 最后回复:heiyaodai2019-9-3

【资料分享】Python、R语言、计量经济学、投资书籍、研究报告等(Book+Video)! heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

104 15732 houzijiao5152016-1-18 发表 | 最后回复:金銓鑫2019-9-3

【好书分享】迈克尔-柯弗的三本中文书《趋势跟踪》《海归交易特训班》《趋势戒律》 优秀 attach_img agree  ...2

11 6664 gavinp2014-10-14 发表 | 最后回复:明月如来2019-9-2

Data Science: Questions and Answers attach_img agree  ...2345

47 4087 igs8162016-4-13 发表 | 最后回复:Nicolle2019-9-1

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8 4331 子丶宴2018-5-17 发表 | 最后回复:宽客老丁2019-8-23

【2015新书】Mastering QGIS attach_img agree  ...2345

41 5558 kychan2015-5-6 发表 | 最后回复:楚天江南客2019-8-22

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3 3062 snakely2019-7-23 发表 | 最后回复:宽客老丁2019-8-21

MySQL技术内幕:InnoDB存储引擎 (第二版) attachment

2 1423 polili2019-8-14 发表 | 最后回复:heiyaodai2019-8-21

Python Without Fear: A Beginner’s Guide That Makes You Feel Smart attach_img  ...234

34 4724 igs8162017-9-29 发表 | 最后回复:baylor1372019-8-18

股票行业分类大全 attachment

4 2199 薛英杰2019-6-4 发表 | 最后回复:薛英杰2019-8-12

Deep Learning with Python by Francois Chollet (final 版) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7

68 13009 igs8162017-12-27 发表 | 最后回复:恶魔在人间2019-8-3

Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition attach_img  ...2

17 3045 igs8162017-2-27 发表 | 最后回复:tianwk2019-7-31

Learning R Programming - Become an efficient data scientist with R attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

102 7767 igs8162017-5-25 发表 | 最后回复:tianwk2019-7-31

【经典教材系列】Wavelet Theory to Pattern Recognition 第二版 - [阅读权限 16]attach_img heatlevel agree 女生贴 - [回帖奖励 54 ]  ...23456..9

85 5746 wwqqer2016-2-6 发表 | 最后回复:jjxm200608072019-7-30

Learning Bayesian Models with R attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9

88 7879 igs8162015-10-31 发表 | 最后回复:tianwk2019-7-26

Excel Power Pivot and Power Query For Dummies attach_img agree  ...2

15 2595 igs8162016-3-28 发表 | 最后回复:jzmin2019-7-24

Machine Learning for the Web (python) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8

71 5548 igs8162017-5-18 发表 | 最后回复:sacromento2019-7-22

Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Needs to Know attach_img agree  ...234

36 3514 igs8162017-2-23 发表 | 最后回复:starinmind2019-7-21

Smart Grid using Big Data Analytics: A Random Matrix Theory Approach attach_img  ...234

34 5253 igs8162017-3-1 发表 | 最后回复:tianwk2019-7-21

Practical Predictive Analytics (True PDF) attach_img  ...234

34 3634 igs8162017-10-5 发表 | 最后回复:atwoodcloyd2019-7-19

Predictive Analytics For Dummies 2016 attach_img agree  ...23

20 2668 igs8162016-11-20 发表 | 最后回复:atwoodcloyd2019-7-19

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4 2051 lxdemail2015-10-21 发表 | 最后回复:dlxxgk2019-7-17

Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R,第二版(原版PDF) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..13

128 13978 igs8162015-5-11 发表 | 最后回复:cfzhang2019-7-10

Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach 10ed attach_img agree  ...234

34 3114 igs8162017-3-3 发表 | 最后回复:kkwei2019-7-10

Hadoop with Python attach_img agree  ...2345

45 4484 igs8162016-10-11 发表 | 最后回复:iris2112019-7-10

Chemometrics with R attachment agree  ...2

17 2956 lasgpope2015-6-29 发表 | 最后回复:80425549002019-7-10

The Python 3 Standard Library by Example (True AZW3) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7

67 6933 igs8162017-6-16 发表 | 最后回复:RichardK2019-7-9

Managing Data Using Excel attach_img agree  ...2345

46 4324 igs8162015-5-2 发表 | 最后回复:prscrn772019-7-9

Mathematical Modeling : Applications with GeoGebra attach_img agree  ...23

25 4331 igs8162016-10-11 发表 | 最后回复:netkisser2019-7-8

Python for Scientists 2nd Edition attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9

89 6108 igs8162017-6-21 发表 | 最后回复:satelliate10282019-7-8


0 544 欧坤oukun2019-7-8 发表 | 最后回复:欧坤oukun2019-7-8

Beginning Julia Programming attach_img  ...2

17 2397 igs8162017-11-27 发表 | 最后回复:Nicolle2019-7-8

Beginning Python Games Development: With PyGame , Second Edition attach_img agree  ...2

14 2849 igs8162015-7-5 发表 | 最后回复:gurilla2019-7-7

Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications (MATLAB) attach_img agree  ...23

27 3661 igs8162015-5-10 发表 | 最后回复:笑哈哈9992019-7-7

Learning Quantitative Finance with R attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..12

110 8842 igs8162017-6-14 发表 | 最后回复:huadi1234562019-7-7

Social Statistics for a Diverse Society by Chava Frankfort-Nachmias attach_img

9 1666 igs8162017-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:dorothy2019-7-6

Beginning Power BI: A Practical Guide to Self-Service Data Analytics with Excel attach_img  ...234

35 3740 igs8162017-3-2 发表 | 最后回复:残余氮32019-7-6

Practical Guide to Logistic Regression attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7

64 4127 igs8162017-2-18 发表 | 最后回复:太平洋广场2019-7-6

XLSTAT-Premium 2016 ( 重磅) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8

74 14724 igs8162016-4-5 发表 | 最后回复:sihaisanren2019-7-6

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning attach_img  ...2345

40 4502 igs8162018-1-2 发表 | 最后回复:lwell202019-7-6

悬赏 求大神,有没有这本书的pdf版,发到我的邮箱2692153979@qq.com - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment

1 819 gengloushuang02019-6-24 发表 | 最后回复:kayvid2019-7-5

Practical Time Series Forecasting: A Hands-On Guide ,2nd Edition(XLMiner) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456

52 6935 igs8162016-7-6 发表 | 最后回复:wangluanwang2019-7-5

Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7

67 18958 igs8162016-4-25 发表 | 最后回复:BryanWen2019-7-5

【推荐】Python 2 to 3 代码在线转换

1 1014 houzijiao5152019-7-1 发表 | 最后回复:hifinecon2019-7-1

如何搭建一个完整的交易框架 attach_img

3 5043 Dear_Li2018-9-4 发表 | 最后回复:ryx992019-6-28

Modeling Mathematical Ideas attach_img  ...23

20 2165 igs8162017-2-22 发表 | 最后回复:atwoodcloyd2019-6-25

【好书分享】量化炼金术:中低频量化交易策略研发 attach_img agree  ...2

12 3872 酒足饭饱2018-8-10 发表 | 最后回复:cyclexsq2019-6-22

Dark Pools and High Frequency Trading For Dummies attach_img agree  ...234

30 3112 igs8162016-10-11 发表 | 最后回复:thirstar2019-6-21

Excel Data Analysis: Your visual blueprint for analyzing data, charts, and Pivot attach_img agree  ...2345

43 3963 igs8162016-4-7 发表 | 最后回复:atwoodcloyd2019-6-21

Introduction To Financial Reporting With PowerPivot: For Finance Professionals attach_img  ...23

25 3113 igs8162016-5-20 发表 | 最后回复:atwoodcloyd2019-6-21

重磅,中国私募100强榜单发布! attach_img

1 5267 盈时YSQuant2019-6-17 发表 | 最后回复:西门一哥2019-6-20

Learn C# in One Day and Learn It Well attach_img agree  ...2

12 5097 igs8162015-11-25 发表 | 最后回复:feiyoyo2019-6-18

Agile Data Science 2.0:Building Full-Stack Data Analytics Applications with Spar attach_img  ...234

33 5771 igs8162017-6-14 发表 | 最后回复:keyschang22019-6-7

[R语言深度学习]Deep Learning Made Easy with R: A Gentle Introduction For Data attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..14

138 16204 igs8162016-1-13 发表 | 最后回复:zhangok2019-6-3


6 9668 沐如风2017-3-6 发表 | 最后回复:深圳剑客天下行2019-5-29

中文版金融计量chirs brooks PDF,附加习题答案 attachment

1 919 心dong到眼红2019-5-20 发表 | 最后回复:根正苗红有觉悟2019-5-24


0 575 广州鹏海辰移民2019-5-16 发表 | 最后回复:广州鹏海辰移民2019-5-16

Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R, Second Edition attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

103 7182 igs8162017-6-15 发表 | 最后回复:iambettyou2019-5-10

Speed, Data, and Ecosystems: Excelling in a Software-Driven World attach_img  ...2

14 1804 igs8162017-2-22 发表 | 最后回复:slowry2019-5-4

[MATLAB 3-IN-1书籍]Using MATLAB - Dynamical Series 版主推荐 attach_img digestheatlevel agree  ...23456..11

109 13080 kychan2015-3-22 发表 | 最后回复:zhugeyu02019-5-4

【2015新书】Programming Python Masters Handbook attach_img digestheatlevel agree  ...23456..13

127 13279 kychan2015-5-25 发表 | 最后回复:zhugeyu02019-5-4


1 882 randomgame2019-5-1 发表 | 最后回复:胡明敏2019-5-1


1 2097 arthas21602019-4-27 发表 | 最后回复:根正苗红有觉悟2019-5-1


2 1124 newencn2019-3-23 发表 | 最后回复:r92050092019-4-30

悬赏 SAS股票移动平均值计算问题! - [悬赏 1 个论坛币]

0 979 xiao0zheng92019-4-28 发表 | 最后回复:xiao0zheng92019-4-28

Beginning Java 9 Fundamentals: Arrays, Objects, Modules, JShell, and Regular Exp attach_img  ...2

10 2215 igs8162017-11-4 发表 | 最后回复:heiyaodai2019-4-27

Grokking Algorithms:An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious peopl attach_img agree  ...234

30 6349 igs8162016-6-5 发表 | 最后回复:andy2017012019-4-24

Reinforcement Learning With Open AI, TensorFlow and Keras Using Python attach_img  ...234

39 6501 igs8162017-12-9 发表 | 最后回复:jiaminZ2019-4-19

R for Microsoft Excel Users: Making the Transition for Statistical Analysis attach_img agree  ...2345

42 3981 igs8162016-12-24 发表 | 最后回复:robinamos2019-4-14

A User's Guide to Business Analytics (True PDF) attach_img agree  ...234

34 2855 igs8162017-10-26 发表 | 最后回复:suncorpse2019-4-4

中金所杯所用中国期货业协会编制的金融衍生品系列丛书(全套) attach_img  ...2

13 9667 bzdssm2016-5-11 发表 | 最后回复:add20192019-4-4

ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis, Second Edition attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

106 12483 igs8162016-6-14 发表 | 最后回复:greedylearner2019-3-31

“相似性匹配”行业轮动模型回顾——煤炭、有色等行业大涨点评 attachment agree

2 850 宽客老丁2019-3-28 发表 | 最后回复:玩于股涨之上2019-3-31

Using Excel for Business Analysis: A Guide to Financial Modelling Fundamentals attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8

78 7166 igs8162016-1-26 发表 | 最后回复:slowry2019-3-31

Python: End-to-end Data Analysis (True PDF) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10

94 8218 igs8162017-7-30 发表 | 最后回复:chocobocn2019-3-26

Excel 2013 Pivot Table Data Crunching attach_img agree  ...234

36 6388 igs8162015-6-5 发表 | 最后回复:漂泊的旅途2019-3-22

Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

104 9218 igs8162016-11-13 发表 | 最后回复:柠檬上午茶2019-3-10


3 1510 dafanzei2019-2-18 发表 | 最后回复:小天0012019-3-4

Data Science – Analytics and Applications attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8

78 5154 igs8162017-9-23 发表 | 最后回复:人走茶不凉2019-3-3

Real-World Machine Learning attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9

82 8157 igs8162016-10-6 发表 | 最后回复:wangxi21582019-3-1

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow attachment agree  ...2

13 7707 robertdoo2017-3-17 发表 | 最后回复:andy2017012019-2-28

Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7

61 9824 igs8162016-1-3 发表 | 最后回复:andy2017012019-2-28


0 2542 邢不行2019-2-26 发表 | 最后回复:邢不行2019-2-26


1 1209 魔元2016-12-4 发表 | 最后回复:八月之陌2019-2-26


0 928 cc6146435272019-2-26 发表 | 最后回复:cc6146435272019-2-26

Python for Finance - Second Edition (AZW3) attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..11

101 8141 igs8162017-7-6 发表 | 最后回复:tknoman2019-2-25

R Through Excel attachment agree  ...2

10 2021 lasgpope2015-5-12 发表 | 最后回复:Enthuse2019-2-24

用Python玩转数据(视频教程,0.5基础)_python数据分析 已阅图标 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..14

131 14716 igs8162015-11-30 发表 | 最后回复:wfm19722019-2-21


0 2727 13dachen2019-2-13 发表 | 最后回复:13dachen2019-2-13

Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies (True PDF) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9

84 7420 igs8162017-9-6 发表 | 最后回复:4209484922019-2-10

Algorithms For Dummies (python) attach_img agree  ...234

38 3683 igs8162017-9-27 发表 | 最后回复:4209484922019-2-10

机器学习在市场微观结构和高频交易中的应用 attach_img agree

2 2297 JoinQuant2019-1-23 发表 | 最后回复:eeabcde2019-2-6

Python Data Science Handbook attachment

7 3681 charlie3china2017-7-27 发表 | 最后回复:woaidushu2018012019-2-6


0 496 bluepoet10252019-1-28 发表 | 最后回复:bluepoet10252019-1-28

Oxford Module 1 Mathematical and Technical Prerequisites (2016-2017) attachment

0 539 cheeyuen19942019-1-25 发表 | 最后回复:cheeyuen19942019-1-25

Learn to Write DAX: A practical guide to learning Power Pivot for Excel and Powe attach_img agree  ...234

37 8320 igs8162016-2-20 发表 | 最后回复:ReaXu892019-1-25


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