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发布:樱儿 | 分类:微观经济学






也不知道新人发帖这样合不合规矩……刚开始学微观经济……实在是对题目无力……老师都是说了原理也不举例子就直接要我们做作业……求高人指点……哪怕只是说思路也好……谢谢……15.Japanesericeproducershaveextrem ...






15. Japanese rice producers have extremely high production costs, in part due to the high opportunity cost of land and to their inability to take advantage of economies of large-scale production. Analyze two policies intended to maintain Japanese rice production:⑴a per-pound subsidy to farmers for each pound of rice produced, or ⑵a per-pound tariff on imported rice. Illustrate with supply-and-demand diagrams the equilibrium price and quantity, domestic rice production, government revenue or deficit, and deadweight loss from each policy. Which policy is the Japanese government likely to prefer? Which policy are Japanese farmers likely to prefer?

16. In 1983 the Reagan administration introduced a new agricultural program called the Payment-in-Kind Program(实物方案). To examine how the program worked, let’s consider the wheat market. ⑴Suppose the demand function is Qd=28-2P and the supply function is Qs=4+4P. Find the free-market equilibrium price and quantity.

⑵Now suppose the government wants to lower the supply of wheat by 25 percent from the free-market equilibrium by paying farmers to withdraw land from production. However, the payment is made in wheat rather than in dollars——hence the name of the program. The wheat comes from the government’s vast reserves that resulted from previous price support programs. The amount of wheat paid is equal to the amount that could have been harvested on the land withdrawn from production. Farmers are free to sell this wheat on the market. How much is now produced by farmers? How much is indirectly supplied to the market by the government? What is the new market price? How much do farmers gain? Do consumers gain or lose?

⑶Had the government not given the wheat back to the farmers, it would have stored or destroyed it. Do taxpayers gain from the program? What potential problems does the program create?

17. About 100 million pounds of jelly beans are consumed in the United States each year, and the price has been about 50 cents per pound. However, jelly bean producers feel that their incomes are too low, and they have convinced the government that price supports are in order. The government will therefore buy up as many jelly beans as necessary to keep the price at $1 per pound. However, government economists are worried about the impact of this program, because they have no estimates of the elasticities of jelly bean demand or supply.

⑴Could this program cost the government more than $50 million per year? Under what conditions? Could it cost less than $50 million per year? Under what conditions? Illustrate with a diagram. ⑵Could this program cost consumers(in terms of lost consumer surplus) more than $50 million per year? Under what conditions? Could it cost consumers less than $50 million per year? Under what conditions? Again, use a diagram to illustrate.

19. Among the tax proposals regularly considered by Congress is an additional tax on distilled liquors. The tax would not apply to beer. The own-price elasticity of supply of liquor is 4, and the own-price elasticity of demand is -0.2. The cross-elasticity of demand for beer with respect to the price of liquor is 0.1.

⑴If the new tax is imposed, who will bear the greater burden, liquor suppliers or liquor consumers? Why? ⑵How will the new tax affect the beer market, assuming that beer supply is infinitely elastic?

20. The domestic supply and demand curves for hula beans are as follows:

Demand: P=200-2Q; Supply: P=50+Q.

Where P is the price in cents per pound, and Q is the quantity in millions of pounds. We area small country in the world hula bean market, where the current price(which will not be affected by anything we do) is 60 cents per pound. Congress is considering a tariff of 40 cents per pound. Find the domestic price of hula beans that will result if the tariff is imposed. Also compute the dollar gain or loss to domestic consumers, domestic producers, and government revenue from the tariff.

21. You know that the demand for automobiles is characterized by a stock adjustment process. Suppose a special 20 percent sales tax is suddenly imposed on automobiles. Will the share of the tax paid by consumers rise, fall, or stay the same over time? Explain briefly. Repeat for a 50-cents-per-gallon gasoline tax.


Qs=2P, Qd=300-P









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