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1 Zheng, C. 2001. The relationship between HRM and Chinese SME Performance. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 4(4):125-137.
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8 Lepak, D.P., & Snell, S.A. Examining the human resource architecture: The relationships among human capital, employment, and human resource configurations. Journal of Management, 28(4): 517-543.
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12 Guest, D., Michie, J., Conway, N., Trenberth, L., McDonald, E., & Sheehan, M. 2001. An international comparative study of the human resource management company performance relationship: Evidence from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia. Paper presented to the Netherlands HRM Network Conference on “Organizational Renewal: Challenging HRM,” Nijmegen.
13 Fey, C.F., Bjorkman, I., & Pavlovskaya. 2000. The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11: 1-18.
14 Fey, C.F. , & Bjorkman, I. 2000. The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia. SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Business Administration.
15 Bjorkman, I., & Fan, X.C. 2002. Human resource management and the performance of western firms in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13 (6): 853-864.
16 Caligiuri, P.M., & Stroh, L.K. 1995. Multinational corporation management strategies and internal human resource practices: Bringing HRM to the bottom line. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 6: 494-507.
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