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sas 50道模拟题

sas 50道模拟题

发布:sdn1005 | 分类:SAS软件培训






其中BASE部分考试大纲要求:SASBaseProgrammingExamAccessingDataUseFORMATTED,LISTandCOLUMNinputtoreadrawdatafilesUseINFILEstatementoptionstocontrolprocessingwhenreadingrawdatafilesUsevariouscomponentsofa ...

SAS Base Programming Exam
Accessing Data
Use FORMATTED, LIST and COLUMN input to read raw data files
Use INFILE statement options to control processing when reading raw data files
Use various components of an INPUT statement to process raw data files including column and line pointer controls, and trailing @ controls
Combine SAS data sets using the DATA step

Creating Data Structures
Create temporary and permanent SAS data sets
Create and manipulate SAS date values
Use DATA Step statements to export data to standard and comma delimited raw data files
Control which observations and variables in a SAS data set are processed and output
Managing Data
Investigate SAS data libraries using base SAS utility procedures
Sort observations in a SAS data set
Conditionally execute SAS statements
Use assignment statements in the DATA step
Modify variable attributes using options and statements in the DATA step
Accumulate sub-totals and totals using DATA step statements
Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values
Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa
Process data using DO LOOPS
Process data using SAS arrays
Generating Reports
Generate list reports using the PRINT and REPORT procedures
Generate summary reports and frequency tables using base SAS procedures
Enhance reports through the use of labels, SAS formats, user-defined formats, titles, footnotes and SAS System reporting options
Generate HTML reports using ODS statements
Handling Errors
Identify and resolve programming logic errors
Recognize and correct syntax errors
Examine and resolve data errors

The SAS Base Programming Exam is property of SAS Institute Inc. ("SAS") and may not be copied or
disseminated without the prior written consent of SAS.
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other
countries. ? indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright ? 2003 SAS Institute
Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam
1. A raw data file is listed below.
son Frank 01/31/89
daughter June 12-25-87
brother Samuel 01/17/51
The following program is submitted using this file as input.
infile file-specification;
<insert INPUT statement here>
Which INPUT statement correctly reads the values for the variable BIRTHDATE as SAS date values?
A. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate date9.;
B. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate mmddyy8.;
C. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate : date9.;
D. input relation $ first_name $ birthdate : mmddyy8.;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 2 of 50
2. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.areacodes;
phonenumber = 3125551212;
code = '('!!substr(phonenumber,1,3)!!')';
Which one of the following is the value of the variable CODE in the output data set?
A. ( 3)
B. (312)
C. 3
D. 312
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 3 of 50
3. The contents of the SAS data set SASDATA.GROUP is listed below:
name age
Janice 10
Henri 11
Michele 11
Susan 12
The following SAS program is submitted using the SASDATA.GROUP data set as input:
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data group;
file 'file-specification';
put name $15. @5 age 2.;
Which one of the following describes the output created?
A. a raw data file only
B. a SAS data set named GROUP only
C. both a SAS data set named GROUP and a raw data file
D. Output is not created as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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4. Which of the following statements creates a numeric variable named IDNUMBER with a value of 4198?
A. idnumber = 4198;
B. idnumber = '4198';
C. length idnumber = 8;
D. length idnumber $ 8;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 5 of 50
5. Assume the SAS data set SASUSER.HOUSES contains four numeric variables.
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc means data = sasuser.houses mean;
<insert statement(s) here>
The following report is produced:
The MEANS Procedure
CONDO 4 bedrooms 2.7500000
baths 2.1250000
RANCH 4 bedrooms 2.2500000
baths 2.0000000
SPLIT 3 bedrooms 2.6666667
baths 1.8333333
TWOSTORY 4 bedrooms 3.0000000
baths 1.8750000
Which of the following generates the above report?
A. class style;
B. var bedrooms baths;
C. class style;
var bedrooms baths;
D. var style;
class bedrooms baths;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 6 of 50
6. A frequency report of the variable JOBCODE in the WORK.ACTORS data set is listed below:
The FREQ Procedure
Jobcode Frequency Percent Cumulative Cumulative
Frequency Percent
Actor I 2 33.33 2 33.33
Actor II 2 33.33 4 66.67
Actor III 2 33.33 6 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.joblevels;
set work.actors;
if jobcode in ('Actor I', 'Actor II') then
joblevel = 'Beginner';
if jobcode = 'Actor III' then
joblevel = 'Advanced';
joblevel = 'Unknown';
Which of the following represents the possible values for the variable JOBLEVEL in the
A. Advanced and Unknown only
B. Beginner and Advanced only
C. Beginner, Advanced, and Unknown
D. ' ' (missing character value)
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 7 of 50
7. A raw data file is listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file above as input:
data employeestats;
<insert INFILE statement here>;
input name $ age weight;
The following output is desired.
name age weight
Jose 47 210
Sue . 108
Which one of the following INFILE statements completes the program and accesses the data correctly?
A. infile 'file-specification' dsd;
B. infile 'file-specification' pad;
C. infile 'file-specification' dlm = ',';
D. infile 'file-specification' missover;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 8 of 50
8. The following SAS programs are submitted:
data fltaten;
input jobcode $ salary name $;
FLAT1 70000 Bob
FLAT2 60000 Joe
FLAT3 30000 Ann
data desc;
set flatten;
if salary > 60000 then
description = ‘Over 60’;
description = ‘Under 60’;
What is the value of the variable DESCRIPTION when the value for SALARY is 30000?
A. Under 6
B. Under 60
C. Over 60
D. “ “ (missing character value)
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 9 of 50
9. The following report is generated:
Style of homes
Asking price
CONDO 4 $99,313
RANCH 4 $68,575
SPLIT 3 $77,983
TWOSTORY 4 $83,825
Which one of the following steps created the report?
A. proc freq data = sasuser.houses;
tables style price / nocum;
format price dollar10.;
label style = “Style of homes”
price = “Asking price”;
B. proc print data = sasuser.houses;
class style;
var price;
table style,n price*mean*f=dollar10.;
label style = “Style of homes”
price = “Asking price”;
C. proc means data = sasuser.houses n mean;
class style;
var price;
format price dollar10.;
label style = “Style of homes”
price = “Asking price”;
D. proc report data = sasuser.houses nowd headline;
column style n price;
define style / group label = Style of homes”;
define price / mean format = dollar8.
label = “Asking price”;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 10 of 50
10. A raw data record is listed below:
$23,456 750
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
data bonus;
infile 'file-specification';
input salary $ 1 - 7 raise 9 - 11;
<insert statement here>
Which one of the following statements completes the program and adds the values of SALARY and
RAISE to calculate the expected values of the NEWSALARY variable?
A. newsalary = salary + raise;
B. newsalary = put(salary,comma7.) + raise;
C. newsalary = input(salary,comma7.) + raise;
D. newsalary = put(salary,comma7.) + put(raise,3.);
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 11 of 50
11. The SAS data set SASHELP.PRDSALE contains the variables REGION and SALARY with 4
observations per REGION. SASHELP.PRDSALE is sorted primarily by REGION and within REGION
by SALARY in descending order.
The following SAS program is submitted:
data one;
set sashelp.prdsale;
retain temp;
by region descending salary;
if first.region then
temp = salary;
if last.region then
range = salary - temp;
What is the number of observation(s) written to the output data set for each region?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 12 of 50
12. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.inventory;
products = 7;
do until (products gt 6);
products + 1;
What is the value of the variable PRODUCTS in the output data set?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 13 of 50
13. The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
input country $8. date mmddyy10.;
Germany 12/31/2000
France 01/32/2001
What is the value of the variable _ERROR_ when the variable _N_ has a value of 2?
A. 0
B. 1
C. true
D. false
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 14 of 50
14. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
length city $20;
city = 'Paris ';
city2 = trim(city);
Which of the following is the length of the CITY2 variable?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 8
D. 20
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 15 of 50
15. A raw data file is listed below:
1901 2
1905 1
1910 6
1925 1
1941 1
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
data money;
infile 'file-specification';
input year quantity;
total = total + quantity;
What is the value of TOTAL when the data step finishes execution?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 11
D. . (missing numeric value)
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 16 of 50
16. The following program is submitted:
data numrecords;
infile cards dlm = ',';
input agent1 $ agent2 $ agent3 $;
What is the value for the variable named AGENT2 in the second observation?
A. brown
B. spencer
C. ' ' (missing character value)
D. There is no value because only one observation is created.
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17. The following program is submitted:
data test;
average = mean(6,4,.,2);
What is the value of the variable AVERAGE?
A. 0
B. 3
C. 4
D. . (missing numeric value)
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18. Which of the following SAS REPORT procedure options controls how column headings are displayed
over multiple lines?
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19. Which one of the following statements is true when SAS encounters a data error?
A. The execution phase is stopped, and a system abend occurs.
B. A missing value is assigned to the appropriate variable, and execution continues.
C. The execution phase is stopped, and a SAS data set is created with zero observations.
D. A missing value is assigned to the appropriate variable, and execution stops at that point.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 20 of 50
20. The following SAS program is submitted at the start of a new SAS session:
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data sasdata.sales;
set sasdata.salesdata;
profit = expenses - revenues;
proc print data = sales;
The SAS data set SASDATA.SALESDATA has ten observations.
Which of the following explains why a report fails to generate?
A. The DATA step fails to execute.
B. The SAS data set SALES does not exist.
C. The PRINT procedure contains a syntax error.
D. The SAS data set SALES has no observations.
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21. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.building;
code = 'DAL523';
code = 'SANFRAN604';
code = 'HOUS731';
length code $ 20;
Which one of the following is the length of the CODE variable?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 10
D. 20
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 22 of 50
22. The following SAS program is submitted:
ods html file = 'newfile.html';
proc print data = sasuser.houses;
proc means data = sasuser.houses;
proc freq data =;
ods html close;
proc print data =;
How many HTML files are created?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 23 of 50
23. The SAS data set EMPLOYEE_INFO is listed below:
IDNumber Expenses
2542 100.00
3612 133.15
2198 234.34
2198 111.12
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = employee_info;
<insert BY statement here>
Which one of the following BY statements completes the program and sorts the data in sequential order
by descending EXPENSES values within ascending IDNUMBER values?
A. by descending Expenses IDNumber;
B. by descending IDNumber Expenses;
C. by IDNumber Expenses descending;
D. by IDNumber descending Expenses;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 24 of 50
24. A raw data file is listed below:
CONDO 2150 4 2.5JEANS AVENUE $127,150
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
data work.houses;
infile 'file-specification';
<insert INPUT statement here>
Which one of the following INPUT statements reads the raw data file correctly?
A. input @1 style $8.
+1 sqfeet 4.
+1 bedrooms 1.
@20 baths 3.
street 16.
@40 price dollar8;
B. input @1 style $8
+1 sqfeet 4.
+1 bedrooms 1.
@20 baths 3.
street $16
@40 price dollar8.;
C. input @1 style $8.
+1 sqfeet 4.
+1 bedrooms 1.
@20 baths 3.
street $16.
@40 price dollar8.;
D. input @1 style $8.
+1 sqfeet 4.
+1 bedrooms 1.
@20 baths 3
street $16.
@40 price dollar8.;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 25 of 50
25. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc report data = survey nowd;
column age choice1;
<insert DEFINE statement here>
define choice1 / display;
Which one of the following DEFINE statements completes the program and displays values of the AGE
variable in ascending sequence?
A. define age / sort;
B. define age / order;
C. define age / sort by age;
D. define age / order by age;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 26 of 50
26. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
set sasuser.class;
array t{3} <insert text here> (5, 10, 15);
Which one of the following completes the ARRAY statement and creates data elements that are not
included in the SAS data set WORK.TEST?
D. No extra text is needed.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 27 of 50
27. Which one of the following displays the contents of an external file from within a SAS session?
A. LIST procedure
B. PRINT procedure
C. FSLIST procedure
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 28 of 50
28. Which one of the following statements is true when SAS encounters a syntax error in a DATA step?
A. The SAS log contains an explanation of the error.
B. The DATA step continues to execute and the resulting data set is complete.
C. The DATA step stops executing at the point of the error and the resulting data set contains
observations up to that point.
D. A note appears in the SAS log indicating that the incorrect statement was saved to a SAS
data set for further examination.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 29 of 50
29. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc contents data = sasuser.houses;
The exhibit below contains partial output produced by the CONTENTS procedure:
Which one of the following describes the SASUSER.HOUSES data set?
A. The data set is sorted but not indexed.
B. The data set is both sorted and indexed.
C. The data set is not sorted but is indexed.
D. The data set is neither sorted nor indexed.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 30 of 50
30. The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
input animal1 $ animal2 $
mlgramsl mlgrams2;
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39 90800000.87
Which one of the following represents the values of each variable in the output data set?
A. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39 90800000
B. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingb ostrich 54000.39 90800000.87
C. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingbird ostrich 54000.39 90800000.87
D. animal1 animal2 mlgrams1 mlgrams2
hummingb ostrich 54000.39 90800000
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 31 of 50
31. A raw data file is listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
data all_sales;
infile file-specification;
input receipts;
<insert statement(s) here>
Which of the following completes the program and produces a running total of the values of the
RECEIPTS variable?
A. total + receipts;
B. total 0;
sum total;
C. total = total + receipts;
D. total = sum(total,receipts);
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 32 of 50
32. Assume that SAS data sets SASDATA.PRODUCTS and SASDATA.SALES both contain the PROD_ID
Which one of the following SAS DATA steps returns only exceptions or non-matches?
A. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data all;
merge sasdata.products
by prod_id;
if ins = 1 or inp = 1;
B. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data all;
merge sasdata.products(in = inp)
sasdata.sales(in = ins);
by prod_id;
if ins = 1 and inp = 1;
C. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data all;
merge sasdata.products
by prod_id;
if ins = 0 and inp = 0;
D. libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
data all;
merge sasdata.products(in = inp)
sasdata.sales(in = ins);
by prod_id;
if ins = 0 or inp = 0;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 33 of 50
33. The following SAS program is submitted:
do i = 1 to 6 by 2;
trip + i;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable TRIP in the output data set?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 9
D. 10
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 34 of 50
34. Which action assigns a reference named SALES to a permanent SAS data library?
A. Issuing the command:
libref SALES 'SAS-data-library'
B. Issuing the command:
libname SALES 'SAS-data-library'
C. Submitting the statement:
libref SALES 'SAS-data-library';
D. Submitting the statement:
libname SALES 'SAS-data-library';
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 35 of 50
35. Which TITLE statement would display JANE'S DOG as the text of the title?
A. title "JANE"S DOG";
B. title 'JANE"S DOG';
C. title "JANE'S DOG";
D. title 'JANE' ' 'S DOG';
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 36 of 50
36. The following program is submitted.
data work.test;
set work.staff (keep = salary1 salary2 salary3);
<insert ARRAY statement here>
Which one of the following ARRAY statements completes the program and creates new variables?
A. array salary{3};
B. array new_salary{3};
C. array salary{3} salary1 - salary3;
D. array new_salary{3} salary1 - salary3;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 37 of 50
37. The SAS data sets WORK.EMPLOYEE and WORK.SALARY are shown below:
fname age fname salary
Bruce 30 Bruce 25000
Dan 40 Bruce 35000
Dan 25000
The following merged SAS data set is generated:
fname age totsal
Bruce 30 60000
Dan 40 25000
Which one of the following SAS programs created the merged data set?
A. data work.empdata;
merge work.employee
by fname;
if first.fname then totsal = 0;
totsal + salary;
if last.fname then output;
B. data work.empdata(drop = salary);
merge work.employee
by fname;
if first.fname then totsal = 0;
totsal + salary;
if last.fname then output;
C. data work.empdata;
merge work.employee
work.salary(drop = salary);
by fname;
if first.fname then totsal = 0;
totsal + salary;
if last.fname then output;
D. data work.empdata;
merge work.employee
by fname;
if first.fname then totsal + salary;
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 38 of 50
38. The following SAS program is submitted:
data newstaff;
set staff;
<insert WHERE statement here>
Which one of the following WHERE statements complete the program and selects only observations
with a HIRE_DATE of February 23, 2000?
A. where hire_date = '23feb2000'd;
B. where hire_date = '23feb2000';
C. where hire_date = '02/23/2000'd;
D. where hire_date = '02/23/2000';
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 39 of 50
39. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.accounting;
length jobcode $ 12;
set work.department;
The WORK.DEPARTMENT SAS data set contains a character variable named JOBCODE with a length
of 5.
Which of the following is the length of the variable JOBCODE in the output data set?
A. 5
B. 8
C. 12
D. The length can not be determined as the program fails to execute due to errors.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 40 of 50
40. The descriptor and data portions of the WORK.SALARIES data set are shown below:
Descriptor Portion:
# Variable Type Len Pos
1 name Char 8 0
3 salary Char 8 16
2 status Char 8 8
Data Portion:
name status salary
Liz S 15,600
Herman S 26,700
Marty S 35,000
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc print data = work.salaries;
where salary < 20000;
What of the following is displayed in the SAS log after the program is executed?
A. A NOTE indicating that 1 observation was read.
B. A NOTE indicating that o observations were read.
C. An ERROR indicating that the WHERE clause operator requires compatible variables.
D. A WARNING indicating that character values have been converted to numeric values.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 41 of 50
41. Which one of the following permanently associates a format with a variable?
A. the FORMAT procedure
B. a FORMAT statement in a DATA step
C. an INPUT function with format modifiers
D. an INPUT statement with formatted style input
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 42 of 50
42. Which one of the following SAS date formats displays January 16, 2002 in the form of 16/01/2002?
A. date10.
B. ddmmyy10.
C. weekdate10.
D. ddmmyyyy10.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 43 of 50
43. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = work.test;
by fname descending salary;
Which one of the following represents how the observations are sorted?
A. The data set WORK.TEST is stored in ascending order by SALARY value within ascending
FNAME values.
B. The data set WORK.TEST is stored in ascending order by SALARY value within descending
FNAME values.
C. The data set WORK.TEST is stored in descending order by SALARY value within descending
FNAME values.
D. The data set WORK.TEST is stored in descending order by SALARY value within ascending
FNAME values.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 44 of 50
44. A SAS report currently flows over two pages because it is too long to fit within the specified display
Which one of the following actions changes the display dimension so that the report fits on one page?
A. increasing the value of the LINENO option
B. decreasing the value of the PAGENO option
C. decreasing the value of the LINESIZE option
D. increasing the value of the PAGESIZE option
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 45 of 50
45. The following SAS program is submitted:
data names;
title = 'EDU';
if title = 'EDU' then
division = 'Education';
else if title = 'HR' then
division = 'Human Resources';
else division = 'Unknown';
Which one of the following represents the value of the variable DIVISION in the output data set?
A. Educatio
B. Education
C. Human Re
D. Human Resources
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 46 of 50
46. The following SAS program is submitted:
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
libname labdata 'SAS-data-library';
labdata.dallas(drop = city dest equipment);
set sasdata.cities(keep = orig dest city price equipment);
if dest = 'BOS' then output;
else if dest = 'DFW' then output labdata.dallas;
Which of the following variables are output to both data sets?
A. PRICE and ORIG only
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 47 of 50
47. A raw data file is listed below:
01/05/1989 Frank 11
12/25/1987 June 13
01/05/1991 Sally 9
The following SAS program is submitted using this raw data file as input:
infile 'file-specification';
input @1 date_of_birth mmddyy10.
@15 first_name $5.
@25 age 3;
proc print data = noobs;
Which of the following is the result?
A. The program executes, but the age values are missing in the output.
B. The program executes, but the date values are missing in the output.
C. The program fails to execute as the age informat is coded incorrectly.
D. The program fails to execute as the date informat is coded incorectly.
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 48 of 50
48. Which one of the following SAS programs creates a variable named CITY with a value of 'Chicago'?
A. data work.airports;
AirportCode = 'ord';
if AirportCode = 'ORD' city = 'Chicago';
B. data work.airports;
AirportCode = 'ORD';
if AirportCode = 'ORD' city = 'Chicago';
C. data work.airports;
AirportCode = 'ORD';
if AirportCode = 'ORD' then city = 'Chicago';
D. data work.airports;
AirportCode = 'ORD';
if AirportCode = 'ORD';
then city = 'Chicago';
SAS Certification: Base Programming Practice Exam Page 49 of 50
49. An HTML file contains a SAS report.
Which one of the following ODS statement options specifies the name of the HTML file?
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50. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc contents data = sasuser._all_ nods;
Which one of the following is produced as output?
A. the list of all data set names in the SASUSER library only
B. the descriptor portion of the data set named SASUSER._ALL_ only
C. the descriptor portion of every data set in the SASUSER library only
D. the list of data set names in the SASUSER library plus the descriptor portion of every data set in
the SASUSER library




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