三种软件的比较TopicSASProductSPSSProductRPackageAdvancedModelsSAS/STATIBMSPSSAdvancedStatisticsR,MASS,manyothersAssociationAnalysisEnterpriseMinerIBMSPSSAssociationarules,arulesNBMiner,arulesSequences ...
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Topic | SAS Product | SPSS Product | R Package |
AdvancedModels | SAS/STAT | IBM SPSS AdvancedStatistics | R, MASS, manyothers |
AssociationAnalysis | EnterpriseMiner | IBM SPSSAssociation | arules, arulesNBMiner,arulesSequences |
Basics | Base SAS | IBM SPSS StatisticsBase | R |
Bootstrapping | SAS/STAT | IBM SPSSBootstrapping | BootCL, BootPR, boot, bootRes,BootStepAIC, bootspecdens, bootstrap, FRB, gPdtest, meboot,multtest, pvclust, rqmcmb2, scaleboot, simpleboot |
ClassificationAnalysis | EnterpriseMiner | IBM SPSSClassification | rattle, see the neuralnetworks and trees entries in this table. |
ConjointAnalysis | SAS/STAT: PROCTRANSREG | IBM SPSS Conjoint | homals, psychoR,bayesm |
CorrespondenceAnalysis | SAS/STAT: PROCCORRESP | IBM SPSS Categories | ade4, cocorresp, FactoMineR,homals, made4, MASS, psychoR, PTAk, vegan |
CustomTables | Base SAS, PROC REPORT, PROCSQL, PROC TABULATE, Enterprise Reporter | IBM SPSS Custom Tables | reshape |
DataAccess | SAS/ACCESS | SPSS Data AccessPack | DBI, foreign, Hmisc: sas.get,sasxport.get, RODBC |
DataCollection | SAS/FSP | IBM SPSS Data CollectionFamily | RSQLite, and the other open source programs MySQL orPostgreSQL are popular among R users for thispurpose. |
DataMining | EnterpriseMiner | IBM SPSS Modeler (formerly Clementine) | arules, FactoMineR, rattle,various functions |
Data Mining,In-database Processing | SAS In-Database Initiativewith Teradata | IBM SPSSModeler | PL/R |
DataPreparation | Variousprocedures | IBM SPSS Data Preparation, variouscommands | dprep, plyr, reshape, sqldf,various functions |
DeveloperTools | SAS/AF, SAS/FSP, SASIntegration Technologies, SAS/TOOLKIT | IBM SPSS Statistics Developer,IBM SPSS Statistics Programmability Extension | StatET, R links to most popular compilers, scriptinglanguages, and databases. |
DirectMarketing | Nothing quite likeit | IBM SPSS Direct Marketing | Nothing quite likeit |
ExactTests | SAS/STATvarious | IBM SPSS Exact Tests | coin, elrm, exactLoglinTest,exactmaxsel, and options in many others |
ExcelIntegration | SAS Enterprise BIServer | IBM SPSS Advantage for Excel2007 | RExcel |
Forecasting | SAS/ETS | IBM SPSSForecasting | Over 40 packages that do timeseries are described at the Task View link above under TimeSeries. |
Forecasting,Automated | Forecast Server | IBM SPSSForecasting | forecast |
Genetics | JMP Genomics | None | http://www.bioconductor.org |
Geographic InformationSystems | SAS/GIS,SAS/GRAPH | None (Maps isdefunct) | maps, mapdata, mapproj, GRASSvia spgrass6, RColorBrewer, see Spatial in Task Views at link attop |
Graphical userinterfaces | Enterprise Guide, IML Studio,SAS/ASSIST, Analyst, Insight | IBM SPSS StatisticsBase | Deducer, JGR, R Commander,pmg, rattle, many others at http://www.sciviews.org/_rgui/ |
Graphics,Interactive | SAS/IML Studio, SAS/INSIGHT,JMP | None | GGobi via rggobi,iPlots, latticist,playwith |
Graphics,Static | SAS/GRAPH | SPSS Base, Graphics ProductionLanguage | ggplot2, gplots, graphics,grid, gridBase, hexbin, lattice, plotrix, scatterplot3d, vcd,vioplot, geneplotter, Rgraphics |
Graphics, TemplateBuilder | Doesn’t useGrammar of Graphics model that forms the core of IBM SPSS VizDesigner or R’s ggplot2 | IBM SPSS VizDesigner | Doesn’t usetemplates, but this GUI for ggplot2 http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~jeroen/ggplot2.html workssimilarly to IBM SPSS Viz Designer. |
GuidedAnalytics | SAS/LAB | None | None |
Matrix/linearAlgebra | SAS/IMLStudio | IBM SPSS Matrix | R, matlab, Matrix,sparseM |
Missing ValuesImputation | SAS/STAT: PROCMI | IBM SPSS Missing Values | amelia, Hmisc: aregImpute,EMV, rms (replaces Design): fit.mult.impute, mice, mitools, mvnmle,VIM |
NeuralNetworks | EnterpriseMiner | IBM SPSS Neural Networks | AMORE, grnnR, neuralnet, nnet,rattle |
OperationsResearch | SAS/OR | None | glpk, linprog, LowRankQP,TSP |
PowerAnalysis | SAS Power and Sample SizeApplication, SAS/STAT: PROC POWER, PROC GLMPOWER | SamplePower | asypow, powerpkg, pwr,MBESS |
QualityControl | SAS/QC | IBM SPSS StatisticsBase | qcc, spc |
RegressionModels | SAS/STAT | IBM SPSS Regression | R, Hmisc, lasso, VGAM, pda,rms (replaces Design) |
Sampling,Complex | SAS/STAT: PROC SURVEY SELECT,SURVEYMEANS, etc. | IBM SPSS Complex Samples | pps, sampfling, sampling,spsurvey, survey |
SegmentationAnalysis | EnterpriseMiner | IBM ModelerSegmentation | cluster, rattle, som, see CRANTask Views under Cluster for over 70packages |
ServerVersion | SAS for your particularserver | IBM SPSS StatisticsServer, IBM SPSS Modeler Server | rapache, R(D)COM Server,Rserve, StatET |
Structural EquationModeling | SAS/STAT: PROCCALIS | Amos | OpenMX, sem |
TextAnalysis/Mining | Text Miner | IBM SPSS Text Analytics, IBM SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys | Rstem, las,tm |
Trees, Decision,Classification or Regression | EnterpriseMiner | IBM SPSS Decision Trees, IBM SPSS AnswerTree, IBM SPSSModeler (formerly Clementine) | ada, adabag, BayesTree, boost,GAMboost, gbev, gbm, maptree, mboost, mvpart, party, pinktoe, quantregForest, rpart,rpart.permutation, randomForest, rattle,tree |
本文标题:R for SAS and SPSS Users