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TwoThousandYearsofEconomicStatistics:WorldPopulation,GDPandPPPSummary:Publisher:AlgoraPublishing2010|408Pages|ISBN:0875867510,0875867502|PDF|2MBWho'swinningandwho'slosing?Goingfarbeyondthemajorpowersa ...

Two Thousand Years of Economic Statistics: World Population, GDP and PPP Summary:
Publisher: Algora Publishing 2010 | 408 Pages | ISBN: 0875867510 , 0875867502 | PDF | 2 MB
Who's winning and who's losing? Going far beyond the major powers and the BRIC countries, this new economic statistical tome compares the nations of the world in six sections: 1. Population. 2. GDP Per Capita. 3. GDP. 4. Growth Rates of Population. 5. Growth Rates of GDP Per Capita. 6. Growth Rates of GDP.
This book provides hard data for all who ponder the shifting sands of power, whether economic, military or demographic, and seek keys to decipher the media news. Dr. Avakov's annual title 'Quality of Life, Balance of Powers, and Nuclear Weapons' gives a current snapshot of world statistics, including undeclared nuclear weapons. This new work, 'Two Thousand Years of Economic Statistics,' sets the population and current price GDP data in a historical perspective.
This statistical volume contains data usually unavailable in other statistical publications. It gives statistics for two groups of countries in their 2007 borders.
First, since year 1950 (for 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2007), it provides statistical data for all countries of the world (232 countries).
Second, since year 1 AD (for 0001, 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1820, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1913, 1920, 1929, and 1938), it provides data for a smaller group of countries (133 countries).
This book is based on the groundbreaking works of Angus Maddison but it differs from his books in that it gives data up to the most recent year available and calculates GDP (gross and per capita) in the prices of that most recent year. For the recent years, the World Bank, CIA, and Encyclopedia Britannica were principal sources. But, despite the author's great debt to these sources, the preponderance of data in the book is not direct citations from them but rather the result of calculations. Among other computational techniques he uses a new logarithmic interpolation which takes care of cross-country statistical distortions when calculating in the prices of the most recent year. For every line of data (for every country, each year), he provides a note on the technique used in obtaining his estimate (i.e., proxy, exponential interpolation, direct estimate with source citation, etc.). About the Author
Alexander V. Avakov was born in the USSR in 1954. His formal university education was in mathematics and mathematical economics with additional studies in economics, philosophy, law, politics, anthropology, sociology and psychology. After completing a term in a KGB-run camp for political prisoners, he emigrated from the Soviet Union and has since settled with his family in the United States. Previously published books in English include 'Plato s Dream Realized: Surveillance and Citizen Rights, from KGB to FBI.'
这本书主要以图表的形式展现了公元0001年至公元2007年( 0001, 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1820, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1913, 1920, 1929, 1938,1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2007)各国的人口、购买力平价GDP等相关数据,书的最后有相关统计量的说明。




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