人大经济论坛 标签 Integer 相关帖子

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求助,Optimization Over Integers 电子版,作者:D Bertsimas,R Weismantel 文献求助专区 陨铁靴 2016-12-6 3 2491 dzb03 2023-3-21 00:09:42
Linear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice, Third Edition attach_img 数据分析与数据挖掘 nivastuli 2017-1-27 4 3867 三江鸿 2023-1-28 15:04:03
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization(4-18) attachment 数据挖掘与商业智能上传下载区 liucg9999 2017-5-5 2 738 三江鸿 2023-1-25 20:40:30
悬赏 MyDEA运行求救!!! - [悬赏 20 个论坛币] 计量经济学与统计软件 guangshenmin 2017-6-22 4 2033 zzx64523 2019-7-24 21:57:49
[书籍] 整数和组合优化 Integer and Combinatorial Optimization attach_img 运营管理(物流与供应链管理) elegantcoin 2017-1-14 2 2643 晓月贝兄 2018-7-24 10:42:54
悬赏 SQL过程中,创建表时定义列名的属性分别代表什么意思 - [!reward_solved!] SAS专版 cohen-ci 2017-10-14 2 2964 cohen-ci 2017-10-15 15:34:45
悬赏 School redistricting: embedding GIS tools with integer programming - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 qlb061 2017-10-2 1 437 wangqu211 2017-10-2 11:43:04
stata中批量去掉后缀名出错? Stata专版 lr518520 2017-8-23 3 3657 lr518520 2017-9-30 19:25:25
悬赏 R中list结构变换 - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] R语言论坛 青衣默东行 2017-5-10 3 1072 青衣默东行 2017-6-19 19:29:23
悬赏 A mixed integer linear programming model for reliability optimisation in the com - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 timesever 2017-1-6 1 608 giresse 2017-1-6 14:45:32
Mixed Integer Programming in R with the ompr package LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2016-12-27 0 916 oliyiyi 2016-12-27 16:28:00
请教macro变量能不能在一次运行中改变内存值 SAS专版 wayneenyaw 2016-12-6 0 1083 wayneenyaw 2016-12-6 13:05:57
悬赏 ask for "Chance constrained integer programming models for - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 weilinhy 2016-11-21 3 831 cmwei333 2016-11-22 09:18:45
我有两列数据,还有一个数字,想把它们合并在一起,该怎么弄? attach_img R语言论坛 叶子婧 2016-9-26 2 3236 叶子婧 2016-9-27 12:48:42
r语言循环 R语言论坛 noddleslee 2016-8-17 1 612 noddleslee 2016-8-17 22:00:46
一组年龄从20到70岁但是出生年均不同的科学家发文量与年龄做成的数据表可以看做是面板 attach_img EViews专版 t_agzh 2016-8-4 2 1040 t_agzh 2016-8-5 21:14:51
连续的年龄可以作为面板数据的时序数据吗? attach_img EViews专版 t_agzh 2016-8-4 2 1501 t_agzh 2016-8-4 21:24:30
悬赏 An Approximation Scheme for Stochastic Integer Programs Arising in Capacity - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 sailing3200 2016-8-4 1 499 mj2012 2016-8-4 08:54:31
Theory of Linear and Integer Programming (djvu) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 bbslover 2016-4-14 1 1381 bbslover 2016-4-14 21:39:56

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