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  • 羧甲基茯苓多糖的合成工艺研究_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要Ⅰ 英文摘要Ⅱ 目录Ⅲ 1. 绪论-1 1.1 茯苓及其药用价值-1 1.2 茯苓多糖及羧甲基茯苓多糖的结构、性质及功能-1 1.3 茯苓多糖的提取及羧甲基茯苓多糖合成方法-2 1.3.1茯苓多糖的提取方法2 1.3.2 羧甲基茯苓多糖的合成方法-2 1.4 超声波技术的应用-3 1.4.1 基本原理-3 1.4.2 超声波设备-3 1.4.3 多糖提取-4 1.4.4 超声波改性及其它-4 1.5 茯苓多糖羧甲基化的研究现状-4 1.6 实验构想-6 2. 实验部分-7 2.1 材料试剂与设备-7 2.2 实验步骤-7 2.3产物的取代度的测定7 2.3.1产品的纯化7 2.3.2 取代度的测定(灰碱法)-8 3. 结果与讨论-9 3.1茯苓多糖羧甲基化反应的机理9 3.2 单因素实验-9 3.2.1乙醇浓度对取代度的影响9 3.2.2物料配比对取代度的影响10 3.2.3反应时间对取代度的影响11 3.3正交实验的设计-13 3.4 正交实验的结果13 3.5 茯苓多糖和羧甲基茯苓多糖的红外光谱15 4. 总结与展望17 4.1 结论-17 4.2 展望-17 致谢-18 参考文献-19 摘要:在超声波作用下,采用二次加碱法制备了羧甲基茯苓多糖,研究了不同原料配比(氢氧化钠和一氯乙酸的用量),反应介质的浓度,反应时间等对茯苓多糖羧甲基化反应的影响。然后,利用正交实验进行优化,得到超声波作用下茯苓多糖羧甲基化反应的最佳工艺条件是:乙醇浓度为80%(V/V),NaOH/一氯乙酸(mol/mol)为1.5/1,时间为50min。 关键词:茯苓;茯苓多糖;羧甲基化;超声波;二次加碱法 Abstract: With the assistance of ultrasound, the carboxymethyl pachymaran was prepared using twice alkalization method. The influence of reaction conditions of carboxymethylation including different ratio of raw materials (NaOH/Cl-CH2COOH), concentration of media reaction and reaction time on degree of substitution were studied. Then the optimization of carboxymethyl pachymaran by the orthogonal design was investigated, it was found that the optimum conditions were 80%(V/V)of the concentration of ethanol, NaOH/ Cl-CH2COOH(mol/mol)1.5/1, reaction time 50min. Key words: poria cocos wolf, polysaccharide, carboxymethylation, ultrasonic wave, twice alkalization method

  • 结冷胶、木薯淀粉在可食膜中的应用研究_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 可食性膜包装的优点1 1.2 可食性膜的发展现状2 1.3 可食性膜的种类2 1.4 可食性膜的发展前景3 1.5 本课题的主要研究内容4 1.6 本章小结5 2. 实验部分6 2.1 实验原料与试剂6 2.2 实验设备和仪器6 2.3 实验方法6 2.3.1 木薯淀粉的糊化6 2.3.2 结冷胶与糊化淀粉的混合7 2.3.3 平板涂膜7 2.3.4 干燥箱干燥7 2.3.5 揭膜与性能测定7 2.4 本章小结8 3. 结果与讨论9 3.1 膜性能数据的分析9 3.1.1 膜感官测定分析9 3.1.2 透油性分析10 3.1.3 吸湿性分析12 3.1.4 抗拉伸长率分析14 3.2 膜最佳配方及最适实验条件15 3.3 本可食膜的优缺点15 3.4 本可食膜的应用性15 3.5 本章小结16 4. 总结与展望....17 4.1 总结17 4.2 展望18 致谢19 参考文献20 摘 要:随着消费者对食品品质和保藏期要求的提高,以及环保意识的增强,以天然生物材料制成的可食性包装膜逐渐成为研究的热点。可食性膜是指由可食性材料形成的复合膜,它主要由脂质、蛋白质和多糖等天然大分子物质构成。作为新型的食品包装,具有多种良好特性,且种类多样,可根据不同的食品特性进行选择,具有较高的应用价值和较大的应用范围。本论文通过对增稠剂结冷胶、木薯淀粉的性质和功能等的分析、进行实验。通过正交实验研究不同用量,不同条件下对成膜特性的影响,具体通过对可食膜的感官评定、力学分析、功能性等方面研究膜的性能,筛选得到成膜性能最佳时结冷胶、木薯淀粉的最适用量,以及膜成分中的增塑剂甘油的用量。结果表明:结冷胶0.35%,木薯淀粉8.86%,甘油2.23%,糊化温度为68℃,干燥温度45℃,干燥时间30min,可制得性能较好的膜。 关键词:结冷胶;木薯淀粉;可食膜;增稠剂 Abstract:As the consumers’ demand about food quality and preservation increased, and the enhancement of environmental awareness ,the edible packaging film made of natural biological material has gradually become a hot research. Edible film is composite film made of edible materials, itis mainly from lipids, proteins and polysaccharides, and other natural macromolecular material composition. As a new type of food packaging, it has a variety of good characteristics, and a wide variety, can be choose according to different properties of food, and have a high value and greater scope of application. This paper analysis the nature and function of the thickener Gellan Gum, cassava starch, , and than the experiment. By orthogonal experimental we will study the different characteristics of film under different dosage, and different conditions, through the specific edible film sensory eva luation, mechanical analysis, and other functional aspects of the performance on film, in order to have the best dosage of Gellan Gum, cassava starch and the glycerol plasticizers in the best film. The results showed that: It can be obtained better performance of the film when Gellan Gum0.35 %, cassava starch 8.86%, glycerol2.23 %, pasting temperature68℃ , dry temperature45℃ for 30 min . Keywords:Gellan Gum; cassava starch; edible film; thickener

  • 藤梨根多糖的分离提取及生物活性分析_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要.Ⅰ 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………….……Ⅱ 目录……………………………………………………………………………….Ⅴ 绪论……………………………………………………………………………1 2. 实验部分……………………………………………………….………………3 2.1 实验材料与仪器………………………………………….……………3 2.1.1 实验材料…………………………………………………………3 2.1.2 实验试剂…………………………………………………………3 2.1.3 实验仪器…………………………………………………………3 2.2 实验方法………………………………………………….……………4 2.2.1 藤梨根多糖的提取……………………………………….……….4 藤梨根粗多糖的提取……………………………………….4 粗多糖提取流程………………………………………4 藤梨根多糖提取条件的优化…………………………5 标准葡萄糖曲线制作及糖含量测定……………………….7 脱蛋白……………………………………………………….7 粗多糖的脱色……………………………………………….8 2.2.2 藤梨根多糖的纯化…………………………………………………8 DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow 阴离子交换层析………….….8 Sephadex G-100凝胶过滤层析……………………………9 2.2.3 生物活性分析…………………………………………………….…9 癌细胞种类…………………………………………………9 对癌细胞抑制影响的测定……………………………….….9 3.结果与讨论………………………………………………….……….………….10 3.1 藤梨根多糖的提取…………………………………………………….10 3.1.1 藤梨根粗多糖的提取……………………….……………….…10 3.1.2 多糖提取条件的确定…………………….………………….10 单因素实验…….10 正交实验…….14 3.1.3 标准葡萄糖曲线制作及糖含量测定……15 3.1.4 脱蛋白方法比较……16 3.2 藤梨根多糖的纯化…….17 3.2.1 DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow 阴离子交换层析……17 3.2.2 Sephadex G-100凝胶过滤层析……18 3.3 生物活性分析……20 4. 总结与展望……20 4.1 藤梨根多糖的提取……21 4.2 藤梨根多糖的纯化……21 4.3 藤梨根多糖的生物活性分析……22 致谢…….……24 参考文献…….……25 中英文对照…….……27 摘要:藤梨根(Radix Actinidiae Argutae)作为一种常用抗肿瘤中药,在临床医药方面具有很好的功效。近几年来,随着国内外对藤梨根研究的逐渐深入,人们陆续从藤梨根中提取出多种天然成分,其中不乏活性很好的化合物。因此中药藤梨根的抗肿瘤作用越来越受到国内外研究者的重视,具有不错的发展潜力和市场前景。 藤梨根多糖是藤梨根中的重要抗肿瘤成分,具有显著的生物学活性。但是,目前关于藤梨根多糖的分离纯化及抗肿瘤活性分析的研究报道甚少。我们经过沸水提取,乙醇沉淀,Sevag+酶解法脱蛋白,DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow离子交换层析,Sephadex G-100凝胶过滤层析得到纯化的藤梨根多糖Ⅱa、Ⅱb(APSⅡa、APSⅡb)。通过正交试验筛选出最佳浸提条件组合为料液比1:20、浸提温度100℃、提取时间4.0hr。试验表明用乙醇沉淀多糖,乙醇的倍数是决定沉淀率的主要因素。通过实验,确定3倍体积乙醇为最佳沉淀倍数。 最后在体外通过MTT法研究分离出的藤梨根多糖组分对癌细胞的凋亡影响。结果显示,组分APSⅡb对肺腺癌细胞SPC-A1有抑制作用,并且表现出一定的剂量依赖性。而组分APSⅠ和APSⅡa虽然对肺腺癌细胞有一定的抑制作用,但抑制作用并未随着用药量的增加而增加,因此认为其不具备抗肿瘤活性。藤梨根多糖APSⅡb能明显抑制癌细胞增殖,促进细胞凋亡。其具体的抗肿瘤机制有待进一步的研究。 关键词:藤梨根;多糖;分离纯化;MTT;抗肿瘤 Abstract:The Radix Actinidiae Argutae is a kind of in common use Chinese herbal medicine, having good effects in the anti-tumor clinical medicine. In the past years, various natural components have been extracted from Radix Actinidiae Argutae. Followed by the further studies, more and more concerns have been put into the development potential and market prospects of Radix Actinidiae Argutae. The polysaccharides of Radix Actinidiae Argutae (APS) are kinds of mainly effective components of Radix Actinidiae Argutae. However, there is few report focused on the isolation、purifiation or biological activity analysis of APS. In this research, we extracted the polysaccharides with hot water and precipitated by alcohol. Protein was removed by Sevag and enzymolysis method. Then the products were further purified with column chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow and Sephadex G-100 orderly,fractionized as 3 fractions: APSⅠ、APSⅡa and APSⅡb. The optimal extracting conditions were concluded from a orthogonal experiment as material and liquid are at ratio of 1:20,extrating at 100℃ for 4 hours. The experiment indicated that the alcohol addition is the determintive factor of polysaccharide precipitation. From the results, we found 3 times volume of extract is the best alcohol addition. Finally, we demonstrated the apoptotic effects of APS by MTT. The effects of APSⅠ、APSⅡa and APSⅡb on the lung cancer cells were studied in vitro. The results indicated that the APSⅡb had significant inhibtion of lung cancer cell proliferation alone at a series of concentrations. What’s more, the inhibtion ratio raise when the concentration increase. However, APSⅠand APSⅡa do not have those obvious effects. It was concluded that APSⅡb was a kind of polysaccharide which had the anti-tumor function. Keyword:Radix Actinidiae Argutae, polysaccharides, isolation, purifiation, MTT, anti-tumor

  • 聚赖氨酸在牛肉干中的应用_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 研究的背景和意义1 1.2 主要任务与目标2 1.2.1 保鲜剂的选择和配比2 1.2.2 生物保鲜剂活性保留问题2 1.2.3 微生物检验2 1.3 保鲜剂的特性和抑菌作用2 1.3.1 聚赖氨酸(polylysine)2 1.3.2 纳他霉素(natamycin)3 1.4 本章小结3 2 实验部分4 2.1 实验材料4 2.2 实验设备4 2.2.1 仪器4 2.2.2 其他设备4 2.3 实验方法4 2.3.1 实验方案的选择4 2.3.2 工艺流程4 2.3.3 实验步骤4 2.3.4 实验设计与分组6 2.3.5 微生物检验7 2.4 本章小结9 3 结果与讨论10 3.1 牛肉干检测商业标准10 3.1.1 感官要求10 3.1.2 微生物指标10 3.2 牛肉干最佳复合保鲜剂配比的确定10 3.2.1 (I)组菌落检测结果10 3.2.2 (II)组菌落检测结果12 3.3 结论12 3.4 本章小结13 4 总结与展望14 致谢16 参考文献17 摘要: 为保持食品的新鲜度,防止食品的腐败变质,从而达到延长食品货架期的目的,常常在食品中添加防腐剂。而目前大多使用的化学防腐剂对食品的抑菌程度各不相同,且存在安全隐患。随着对化学合成食品防腐剂安全认识的提高,低毒、高效、广谱及经济实用的生物食品防腐剂的研究和开发,愈来愈受到人们的关注。为了了解生物食品防腐剂在肉制品中的应用,我们以牛肉干为实验对象。但由于牛肉干在贮藏过程中的污染菌群十分复杂,因此,需要通过保鲜剂的复配来达到协同增效的作用。本实验的主要任务就是研究聚赖氨酸(polylysine)、纳他霉素(natamycin)的应用特性,通过实验研究它们的抑菌效果,确定最佳配比方案。结果表明,从抑菌效果和经济多方面考虑,当聚赖氨酸和纳他霉素的添加量分别为0.4g/kg,0.02g/kg时,在已有的实验数据中是最佳方案,产品感官质量优良,储藏期长,风味不受影响。 关键词:聚赖氨酸;纳他霉素;复合防腐剂;最佳配比 Abstract: In order to maintain food freshness, prevents the corruption and deterioration of the food, achieved the goal of lengthens the food shelf life,ofen used preservatives in food. But at present most chemistry preservatives we used is various to food bacteriostasis degree, also existence security trouble. Along with the people to the chemical synthesis food antiseptic safe understanding enhancement, low poisonous, is highly effective, widely and the economy practical organic food preservatives research and the development, will certainly to receive people's attention increasingly. In order to understand the organic presevatives in meat product application, We take the dried beef as the research object. But for the pollution bacteriacolony is extremely complex while dried beef is storing, we need combined-preservative to reach the effect of cooperation and strengthen. this practice mainly stady the Application characteristic of polylysine、natamycin, analyse the outcome of bacteriostasis through experiment,Ascertain the best matching ratio scheme. Take the cost and bacterium’s controllable in consideration,the results show that poly-L-lysine and Natamycin content was 0.4g/kg and 0.02g/kg in the experimental data which is the best option, it makes the products good quality and long shelf life. Key words: Polylysine; Natamycin; Compoumd preservation; The best option

  • 虾青素高产菌株选育及发酵过程控制_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目  录 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 目录 Ⅲ 1.绪论.1 1.1 前言.1 1.2 文献综述.2 1.2.1 研究现状 2 1.2.2 前景展望 5 2.实验部分.6 2.1 实验器材及材料 .6 2.1.1 菌种 ..6 2.2.1 试剂 ..6 2.2.2 仪器 ..6 2.2 测定方法 .6 2.2.1 灭菌方法 6 2.2.2 残余葡萄糖测定方法 6 2.2.3 菌体生物量测定方法 6 2.2.4 虾青素含量测定方法 6 2.3 实验方法 .6 2.3.1 培养基最佳氮源确定 .6 2.3.2 培养基最佳碳源确定 7 2.4 最佳培养基的确定 .8 2.5 发夫酵母生长的动力学 11 2.6 诱变育种 14 2.6.1 紫外诱变处理.14 2.6.2 诱变后的单菌落分离.14 2.6.3 紫外诱变结果.14 2.6.4 高产菌株的稳定性实验.14 2.6.5 结论.14 3.总结与展望.15 致谢...17 参考文献...18 摘 要:发夫酵母是发酵法生产虾青素的优良菌株。本论文采用单因素实验确定了培养基的最佳碳源为葡萄糖,最佳氮源为硫酸铵。通过正交实验确定了最优培养基为氮源:硫酸铵1.5 g/L,碳源: 葡萄糖30 g/L,C/N(碳氮比):20,酵母膏:2 g/L。对发夫酵母生长进行动力学研究,测定了法夫酵母生长过程中的生物量和培养基中的残糖,了解了葡萄糖利用率对与发酵时间的关系,22-49小时,细胞数以几何级数增长,进入了对数期。此时酵母分解葡萄糖,代谢产生了大量的有机酸,使PH值急剧下降。53小时以后,菌体浓度一直比较稳定,酵母菌进入了稳定期。此时葡萄糖利用率已经很高,若要酵母菌继续繁殖,需加入更多的营养物质。采用紫外照射的方法对发夫酵母单孢子悬液进行诱变,提高了虾青素的产量,并且稳定。 关键词:虾青素;红发夫酵母;诱变育种 Abstract: Phaffia rhodozyma is a good strain for astaxanthin production. Single factor experiment used in this papers identified glucose the best carbon for the medium,and (NH4)2SO4 is the best nitrogen. By orthogonal experimental medium for determining the optimal nitrogen source: (NH4)2SO4 1.5 g / L, carbon: glucose 30 g / L, C / N (carbon and nitrogen ratio): 20, yeast extract: 2 g / L.According to biomass and residual sugar in the medium of yeast in the process of the growth of Phaffia rhodozyma, we know the relationship between the utilization of glucose and the fermentation time, 22-49 hours, cells in a geometric Series growth and entered a period of a few. At this point yeast decomposition of glucose metabolism have a lot of organic acids, the PH value dropped drastically. 53 hours later, the cell concentration has been relatively stable, and yeast into a stable period. At this point glucose utilization has been high, to continue to yeast reproduction, the need to include more nutrients.UV-induced methods used to improve the astaxanthin production. Keywords:Phafia rhodozyma;astaxanthin;mutat ion breeding

  • 卵黄高磷蛋白磷酸肽的制备及钙结合性能研究_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 前言1 1.2 卵黄高磷蛋白的研究现状2 2. 实验部分5 2.1 提取工艺流程5 2.2 实验材料5 2.3 主要实验仪器5 2.4 实验方法5 2.4.1 卵黄高磷蛋白提取工艺5 2.4.2 磷酸肽的制备6 2.4.3 脱磷率的测定6 2.4.4 卵黄高磷蛋白酶解条件优选的正交实验设计7 2.4.5 卵黄高磷蛋白磷酸肽持钙性实验7 2.4.6 表观络合常数的测定8 3. 结果与讨论 3.1 不同碱浓度对卵黄高磷蛋白脱磷率的影响10 3.2 卵黄高磷蛋白酶解条件优选的正交实验10 3.3 卵黄高磷蛋白磷酸肽的加入量对钙沉淀形成时间的影响11 3.4 不同脱磷率的卵黄高磷蛋白磷酸肽与钙的结合能力11 3.5 表观结合常数结果12 3.6 结论14 4.总结与展望15 致谢16 参考文献17 摘 要:以卵黄高磷蛋白为原料,经碱法脱磷,胰蛋白酶水解后制备成卵黄高磷蛋白磷酸肽(PPP)。PPP具有延缓磷酸钙沉淀的能力。研究表明,脱磷率为42.43%的PPP其钙结合能力最强,同时确定了PPP制备过程中的最佳酶解条件为:底物浓度为1%,温度为5O℃,酶浓度6%,pH为l0,此时卵黄高磷蛋白的水解度为21.8%。并研究了卵黄 关键词:卵黄高磷蛋白;卵黄高磷蛋白磷酸肽(PPP);提取 Abstract:phosvitin phosphopeptides(PPP) were prepared by tryptic hydrolysis followed alkaline desphorylation of hen egg yolk phosvitin.The best condition of tryptic hydrolysis is:the concentration of phosvitin 1%,tempteratrue50℃,and the concentration of trypsin 6%,PH10. Keywords:Phosvitin;Phosvitin phosphopeptides;Extrac

  • 液相色谱串联质谱法测水产品中的硝基呋喃代谢物_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………………..1 英文摘要……………………………………………………………………………..1 1 绪论……………………………………………………………………………2 1.1 前言……………………………………………………………………...2 2 试验部分……………………………………………………………………….4 2.1试剂和材料………………………………………….……………..… ..4 2.2仪器和设备………………………………………………………………. 6 2.3仪器参数与测定 ……………………………………………………… 6 3 实验方法……………………………………………………………………….7 3.1试样制备………………………………………………………………….7 3.2分析步骤…………………………………………………………………7 3.3净化步骤 ………………………………………………………………..8 3.4校正曲线………………………………………………………………….8 结果与分析…………………………………………………………..……….8 4.1过柱量选择………………………………………………………………..8 4.2衍生温度和时间的选择……………………….………………………..10 4.3提取净化方法的选择…………………………….……………………..10 硝基呋喃代谢物衍生物的工作曲线及相关系数…………………………..11 注意事项……………………………………………………………………..14 回收率和精密度……………………………………………………………..14 参考文献……………………………………………………………………..16 致谢…………………………………………………………………………..17 附录A:标准品色谱图 摘要:由于硝基呋喃类药物对人类健康的潜在危害,欧盟已经禁止其在动物食品生产中使用。采用固相萃取(SPE)前处理净化技术, 高效液相色谱-串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)法测定水产中呋喃它酮(furaltadon)、呋喃西林(furacilin)、呋喃妥因(titrofurantoine)、呋喃唑酮(furazolidonum)代谢产物的残留量。分析物采用多反应监测方法(MRM),同位素内标法定量。 关键词:硝基呋喃代谢物;水产品;固相萃取;高效液相色谱-串联质谱 Highly effective liquid chromatography - series mass spectrography determination pesticide residues nitryl fu nan kind of antibiotic metabolite Abstract:The use of nitrofurans in food-producing animals has been banned in EU, because they may represent a public health risk. A method has been developed to determine the pesticide residues of furaltadon, furacilin, titrofurantoine and furazolidonum in Aquatic products by LC-MS/MS coupled with the solid phase extraction(SPE).Identification was achieved by using multiple reaction monitoring(MRM). The quantification was performed with isotope as the internal standard. Key word:nitrofuran metablolites;pesticide residues;SPE;LC-MS/MS

  • 营养方便食品食用菌的开发_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 研究的背景和意义1 1.2 食用菌的产品科研现状2 1.2.1 简单加工2 1.2.2 用于保健及医疗方面的加工3 1.2.3 其它产品3 1.3 食用菌加工存在问题4 1.3.1食用菌的深加工问题4 1.3.2规模化生产程度较低4 1.3.3科技投入不足4 1.3.4政策扶持力度不够4 1.4 食用菌深加工(冻干技术)的前景4 1.5 真空冷冻干燥简介5 2. 实验部分7 2.1 实验仪器及原料7 2.1.1 实验仪器7 2.1.2 实验原料7 2.2 实验方法7 2.2.1 工艺流程7 2.2.2 工艺要点7 2.2.3 工艺参数选择9 3. 结果与讨论11 3. 1 确定真空渗透工艺 11 3.1.1 不同抽空时间对食用菌真空渗透的影响11 3.1.2 不同充气时间对食用菌真空渗透的影响11 3.1.3 不同温度对食用菌真空渗透的影响12 3.2 影响冻干结果的因素12 3.3 确定冻干工艺15 3.4 成品的口味16 4.总结与展望18 4.1 总结17 4.2 展望17 致谢18 参考文献19 摘 要:食用菌含有丰富的蛋白质和人体必需的多种氨基酸, 营养价值很高。食用菌还具有特殊营养保健功能和药用价值。目前我国食用菌的主要加工方式还是以简单的加工(罐头、蜜饯、腌制品、糖制品)为主,深加工还处于起步阶段。而近年来,人们对食用菌消费也提出了新的要求, 营养、新鲜、方便、保健成为新的消费时尚;我国又是食用菌生产大国,产量居世界第一,因此开展食用菌的深加工(冻干产品)非常有意义。 本论文旨在以先进的真空渗透、冷冻干燥工艺取代原有的烘干、腌制, 用工业化手段生产高附加值的食用菌产品,既产生了经济效益,同时也加速了传统农业的高科技改造。 关键词:食用菌 真空渗透 冷冻干燥 Abstract: Edible Funguses contains rich proteide and various essential amino acid, nutrient value was high. Edible funguses has the particular nutrition health function and medical value. At present, the main part processing way of the edible fungus of our country was simple process(can, candy, salted products,sugar products),deep processing is in starting phase. However, people also put forward the new consumptive request to edible funguses in recent years, nutrition、fresh、convenient、health care become a new consumption style; Our country is that edible funguses produces Great Power, output occupies the first place in the world, so develop the deep processing (freeze-drying product) of edible funguses has meaning very much. This paper aim at using the advanced processing technology vacuum penetration, freeze-drying to replace the old technology drying and salted , producting that have high additional value product, not only produced an economic benefit , also having accelerated the reforms of tradition agriculture at the same time. Keywords: Edible Fungi; vacuuming penetration; freeze-drying

  • 周巷食品卫生现状、存在的问题及解决策略_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 2. 调查的目的3 3. 调查对象与方法3 3.1对象与方法3 3.2 研究方法3 3.3 调查内容4 4. 结果....4 4.1 食品卫生总体现状4 4.2 食品卫生档案现状8 4.3 卫生执法监督现状9 4.4 大中小餐饮食品卫生现状9 4.5 大中型餐饮量化分级15 4.6 学校食堂量化分级16 4.7 五常法管理16 4.8 食品抽检、样品采集现状17 5.分析19 5.1 周巷食品卫生存在的问题19 5.2 市民的食品安全意识淡薄19 5.3卫生单位众多,监督力度不够19 5.4卫生许可证和健康证的持证率19 5.5 部分业主和从业人员综合素质差20 5.6 生产经营过程不符合卫生要求20 5.7 卫生档案众多,有多数重复20 5.8 餐饮消费领域食品卫生安全问题21 5.9 量化分级的进度发展不平衡21 5.10 五常法管理21 5.11 食品的抽检、样品采集22 5.12 运用因子分析发法22 5.13 基于Log it模型市民对食品卫生认知分析22 6.解决策略25 6.1 完善法制建设,建立有效监管机制25 6.1.1完善法制建设25 6.1.2现行法规没有足够的威慑力26 6.2 加大宣传力度,提高全民食品安全意识26 6.3 加强安全监督,提高食品安全监督覆盖率27 6.4 加强推行“五常法“管理,塑造餐饮企业形象27 6.5 继续推行量化分级制度,全面推进食品行业信誉度等级30 6.6 加强食品抽检,确保食品安全31 6.6.1加强领导,明确责任和专人负责31 6.6.2加强抽检力度31 6.6.3加强各类食品和餐具消毒监测工作31 6.7 建立食品安全风险评估制度和预警机制31 6.7.1建立食品安全风险通报机制31 6.7.2建立重大食品安全事故报告制度31 6.7.3应建立健全食品安全预警和应急处理机制31 6.8 当前我国食品卫生、食品质量安全及信息制度和管理体系的相应政策建议32 6.8.1依靠科学技术,加强对食品资源的综合开发和利用32 6.8.2 调整产业结构,提高事物综合供给能力32 6.8.3 完善食品标准体系,保证食品质量安全32 6.8.4 理顺关系,建立一体化的食品工业管理体制32 6.8.5 加强基础设施建设与环境治理力度,促进食品工业可持续发展33 6.8.6完善收入分配制度,建立国家食品安全保障制度33 6.8.7全面普及营养知识,科学合理引导居民消费33 6.8.8建立食品安全预警系统,加强对食品安全的有效调控33 致 谢35 参考文献36 附1 消费者食品安全调查问卷38 摘要:本文为周巷食品安全现状的调查研究,运用描述性统计、Logit模型以及因子分析法等计量工具,通过对食品卫生档案、餐饮企业现状、食品卫生单位管理、样品采集等的调查,结果显示周巷食品卫生存在如市民的食品安全意识淡薄,卫生监督人员缺少、监督力度不够,部分业主和从业人员综合素质差,卫生抽检力度有待加强等问题,通过分析现状存在的原因,并提出完善一些解决策略如加强和完善卫生法制建设,加大食品卫生宣传力度,继续强化推行量化分级评定制度和五常管理办法等。参照周巷食品卫生情况,分析我国食品卫生、食品质量安全及食品信息制度和管理体系的现状和存在的问题,以及针对当前我国食品卫生、食品质量安全及信息制度和管理体系的相应政策建议。 关键词: 周巷;食品卫生;解决策略;调查 Abstract :This thesis investigates a research for the food safety on present condition of Zhouxiang . Looking forward the food hygiene file, dining business enterprise present condition,food hygiene, the sample collect the inquisition of etc.As a result ,the manifestation's of Zhouxiang food hygiene's existence,such as the citizen's have little realize of food safety, hygiene direct personnel want for, direct the strength be not enough, parts of owners and employee comprehensive character bad, the hygiene takes out check strength to need to be strengthenned , etc. By analying present condition existence, put forward some strategies for resolve, such as strengthen with the perfect health legal system constuct, enlargement food hygiene publicity strength, continue to enhance to promote quantity to turn ratings to assess system and expanding five cardinal virtues etc. According to Zhouxiang’s food safty condition, analyze the present condition and existent problem of the our country food hygiene, the safety and the system and management system of the food information of the food quality, and aim at current our country the policy suggestion of the correspond of food hygiene, the safety and information system and management system of the food quality. Keywords:Food hygiene;Solve strategy;Investigate