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  • 氢化物发生—原子荧光光谱法测定调味料中的铅_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 前言..1 1.2 氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法(HG-AFS)测铅的研究...1 1.2.1 铅烷的形成..1 1.2.2 增感剂..2 1.2.3 共存元素干扰3 1.2.4 氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法(HG-AFS)测食品中铅的应用...3 2. 实验部分4 2.1 实验原理..4 2.2 实验仪器和试剂4 2.2.1 实验仪器4 2.2.2 实验试剂4 2.3 仪器工作条件..4 2.4 实验方法. 5 3. 实验结果与讨论 5 3.1 消化法的选择以及消解液介质的选择. 5 3.2 反应介质的选择... 6 3.3 酸度实验. 6 3.3.1 载流的酸度实验. 6 3.3.2 铅溶液中的酸度实验. 7 3.4 铁氰化钾的浓度实验... 7 3.5 还原剂的浓度实验. 8 3.5.1 NaBH4浓度...8 3.5.2 NaOH浓度实验9 3.6 硝酸对铅荧光强度的影响...10 3.7 标准曲线线性关系及检出限 11 3.8 准确度和精密度实验...11 3.9 回收率实验...11 3.10 样品分析12 4. 总结与展望... 13 致谢 14 参考文献 15 摘 要:本文采用氢化物发生—原子荧光光谱法测定调味料中的铅含量,通过实验考察了载流的酸度,溶液的酸度,铁氰化钾的浓度,还原剂的浓度对铅荧光强度的不同影响,得出最佳实验条件。并在最佳实验条件下对进行回收率、精密度、准确度实验和样品分析,得出该方法的检出限为0.0031μg/L,标准曲线相关系数:0.9921,相对标准偏差小于10 %,回收率为81.7%~88.0%,采用氢化物发生—原子荧光光谱法测定调味料中的铅含量标准曲线的相关系数好, 灵敏度高, 结果准确、可靠, 且分析成本低廉, 操作简单,前景广阔。 关键词:氢化物;原子荧光光谱法;铅 Abstract: In this dissertation , the lead content was determinned hydride atomic fluorescence spectrometry .,we explored the Pb fluorescence intensity influential factors such as currentcarrying acidity , acidity of solution , concerntration of red potassium prussiate,concerntration of reducer , and proposed the optimal experiment condition .Then recovery ,precision accuracy experiments have been investigated , also the sample have been analyzed under the optimal experiment condition , the detection limit is 0.0031μg/L , the correlation coefficient is 0.9921 , standard deviation is less than 10% , the coefficient of recovery is between 81.7%—88.0% . Hydride atomic fluorescence spectrometry has some advantages when determined the lead content such as good correlation coefficient , high sensitivity , exact result , low cost and easily to handle , also it is wide prospect.

  • 乳清多肽在婴儿配方奶粉中的应用研究_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 前言1 1.1.1 选题的背景与意义1 1.1.2 选题的目标和任务2 1.2 婴儿配方奶粉的定义3 1.2.1 婴儿配方奶粉的定义3 1.2.2 母乳与牛乳的比较4 1.2.3 婴儿配方奶粉的成分5 1.3 乳清多肽的功能特性6 2. 实验部分7 2.1 婴儿配方奶粉的配方设计7 2.1.1 婴儿配方奶粉的管理与指标7 2.1.2 婴儿配方奶粉的原料要求9 2.1.3 婴儿配方奶粉的配方设想9 2.2 婴儿配方奶粉的工艺过程10 2.2.1 工艺流程10 2.2.2 实验的原料和设备11 2.2.3 实验的过程和方法11 2.3 婴儿配方奶粉的喷雾干燥12 2.3.1 喷雾干燥过程12 2.3.2 喷雾干燥对奶粉质量的影响13 2.3.3 喷雾干燥实验13 2.4 乳清多肽的替代性实验14 2.4.1 乳清多肽的指标14 2.4.2 替代性实验方法14 2.4.3 实验过程14 3. 结果与讨论15 3.1 婴儿配方奶粉配方的设计15 3.2 婴儿配方奶粉设计性实验16 3.2.1 实验记录16 3.2.2 实验结果17 3.2.3 实验讨论18 3.3 乳清多肽的替代性实验的结果与分析18 4.总结与展望19 4.1 实验的总结19 4.2 展望20 致谢21 参考文献22 摘 要:婴儿配方奶粉主要是以牛乳或其他动植物成分为基本成分,通过调整蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化台物三大营养素的比例,改善和增补牛乳中营养素与母乳相比之不足,使之更接近母乳。本次毕业设计以GB10766-1997为依据,利用全脂奶粉,脱盐乳清粉,WPC80,植物性脂肪,乳糖,低聚多糖等主要原料,设计一个婴儿配方奶粉的简易配方。通过实验最终确定的参数为:称取原料200克,调配的复原乳浓度为10%,进风温度为190℃,排风温度为90℃。产品检测结果为:蛋白质14.92% ,脂肪20.56% ,水分2.20% ,灰分2.39% , 乳糖98.24%。进行了乳清多肽替代了婴儿配方奶粉中的WPC-80实验,实验结果和配制出的奶粉质量与上述实验进行比较,结果均为上述实验较佳。 关键词:婴儿配方奶粉;乳清多肽;配方设计;工艺参数 Abstract: Infant formula milk powder mainly with milk or other move plant composition is basic composition, pass adjustment protein, fat, carbon water to turn a set thing three greatest nourishments a vegetable of comparison, improvement and increase to repair the nourishment plain and female milk in the milk compare of shortage, make it near a female milk more. This time tests to take GB10766-1997 as a basis, make use of whole milk powder, take off the salt milk pure powder, WPC80, plant fat, lactose, low gather many sugar to wait main raw material, design the simple formula of the formula milk powder of an infant. Pass parameter of test the end assurance for:Call to take raw material 200 grams, dispense of recover the milk density as 10%, enter the breeze temperature as 190 ℃ , line up the breeze temperature is 90 ℃ .The product's examination's result is:The protein is 14.92% and the fat is 20.56% and the humidity is 2.20%, the ash divides 2.39%, and the lactose is 98.24%.Carried on the milk much more pure Mao to act for an infant WPC-80 within formula milk powder experiments, milk powder quality and above-mentioned experiment which test a result and prepare carried on a comparison and all is better for above-mentioned experiment as a result. Keywords:Infant formula milk powder; Whey polypeptides,; The formula design; Craft parameter

  • 菠萝果酒发酵工艺的研究_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 果酒简介1 1.1.1 果酒的分类1 1.1.2 果酒酿造的基本原理1 1.1.3 果酒酿制的基本方法3 1.1.4 果酒加工基本方法4 1.2 菠萝生产加工概况6 1.3 菠萝鲜果及加工发酵过程中的风味研究6 1.3.1 菠萝及其发酵过程中芳香物质合成途径6 1.3.2 风味研究方法及进展7 1.4 立题思路和意义8 1.5 研究内容及方法9 2. 菠萝发酵工艺的研究10 2.1 试验仪器及材料10 2.2 加工流程10 2.2.1 菠萝榨汁10 2.2.2 亚硫酸处理11 2.2.3 果胶酶处理11 2.2.4 糖度调整及酸度说明11 2.2.5 杀菌11 2.2.6 接种、主发酵12 2.2.7 分离及后发酵12 2.2.8 澄清12 2.2.9 产品综合评定12 2.2.10 发酵工艺条件试验设计13 3. 结果与讨论15 3.1 菠萝化学成分测定15 3.2 发酵优化条件的确定15 3.3 发酵条件对成品菠萝果酒综合感官的影响16 3.3.1 主发酵温度对菠萝果酒品质的影响16 3.3.2 糖质量浓度对成品菠萝酒品质的影响16 3.3.3 果胶酶质量浓度对品质的影响16 3.3.4 澄清剂对菠萝果酒澄清效果及果酒口味的影响16 3.4 产品质量标准17 4 总结18 致谢19 参考文献20 摘 要:运用生物技术将菠萝汁经适当发酵制成果香浓郁,具有特殊风味的低醇菠萝汁发酵饮料,不仅能为菠萝原料的加工转化,提高菠萝的有效利用提供新的途径,也为日益丰富多彩的饮料市场增添了新的热带果蔬加工饮料产品。本文以菠萝全汁为原料,对菠萝果酒的加工工艺及影响菠萝果酒品质的关键性工艺参数进行了研究。采用感官评定法评价菠萝酒成品,优化发酵条件,结果显示: 按照0.5mg/L的比例向压榨后的果汁中添加果胶酶,并保温40℃作用2h后,采用一次加糖法将糖质量浓度调至每20g/100mL,添加亚硫酸为原溶液的1‰,主发酵温度26℃,发酵7d;后发酵温度15℃,发酵30d,最后采用蛋清澄清处理,75℃杀菌15min后,得到果香浓郁、色泽金黄、澄清透明的优质菠萝果酒。 关键词:菠萝酒;菠萝;发酵条件;澄清 Abstract: The use of biotechnology will be properly fermented pineapple juice-rich fruits of the system, has a special flavor of low-alcohol beverage fermented pineapple juice, pineapple, not only for the processing of raw materials, improve the effective use of pineapple provide a new way, as well as the increasingly rich and colorful Beverage market added a new tropical fruit and vegetable processing beverage products. This paper is study the fermentation technology of pineapple wine with the pure pineapple juice and the key technology parameters which have effect on the product quality. Use of sensory eva luation of wine eva luation of pineapple products, optimize the fermentation conditions, the results show that: The pineapple juice extracted from the pineapple was treated with the 0.5mg/L pectinase for 2h at 40℃, adding 20g/100mL sugar in one time, controlling respectively, Add biased towards Asia for the solution of potassium sulfate 1‰. Main fermentation temperature and back fermentation temperature at 26℃ for 7d and 15℃ for 30days, Finally a clarification egg white, After sterilization at 75℃for 15min , t he pineapple wine with full-bodied flavor , golden-yellow colour , high quality and good clarification level was obtained. Keywords:Pineapple wine; Pineapple; Fermentation; Clarify

  • 蔬菜肉脯的工艺研究及品质分析_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 摘要 I 第1章 绪论1 第1节 蔬菜肉脯的研究意义 1 第2节 国内外肉脯的发展现状 1 第3节 肉脯的基本加工工艺 3 第4节 肉脯存在的问题及发展前景 5 第2章 胡萝卜肉脯的工艺研究 7 第1节 引言---蔬菜的选择7 第2节 实验材料与设备 8 第3节 试验方法 8 第4节 结果与讨论 9 第3章 蔬菜肉脯的品质分析16 第1节 引言---和市售肉脯的比较 16 第2节 实验材料与设备 16 第3节 实验方法 16 第4节 结果21 第4章 结论 22 感 谢 23 参考文献 24 中文摘要 肉脯是以鲜肉为原料经切片、腌制、烘干等加工工艺制成的一种高档肉制品,但是传统的肉脯制品因其营养单一, 出品率低, 价格较贵等因素限制了大规模生产, 随着人们生活水平的提高和消费观念的更新, 消费者更注重食品营养和保健。在传统肉脯的基础上添加蔬菜原料无论以营养和成本方面都具有重要意义。蔬菜中既含有丰富的纤维素和多种维生素,特别是维生素C和胡萝卜素,对于预防疾病和维持正常的新陈代谢有很大的作用;同时还含有多种矿物质和微量元素。本实验采用最新新型的肉脯制作工艺,在肉中添加胡萝卜从而制作成蔬菜肉脯。本实验主要从烘干条件、胡萝卜汁与渣的添加量、复合磷酸盐的添加量、肥瘦比这几个因素来探讨蔬菜肉脯的最佳工艺参数。最终通过单因素实验、正交试验确定了最优工艺参数为烘干条件采用先高温( 80℃、20min) 后低温( 60~68℃、110min) 烘干、胡萝卜汁添加量6%、胡萝卜渣添加量5%、复合磷酸盐添加量0.5%、肥瘦比1:6。并对蔬菜肉脯的水分含量、维生素A含量、蛋白质含量、膳食纤维含量做了测定与市售的肉脯做了比较,结果各项指标均优于市售肉脯,达到了我们的要求。 关键词:蔬菜肉脯,品质,维生素A,膳食纤维 Abstract Roast Dried Meat based on fresh meat as raw materials by slicing, salting, drying and other processing technology into a high-grade meat products,but the nutrition of the traditionary Roast Dried Meat is singleness,low yield,high price and more factors limit the large-scale production.With the improvement of living standards and the concept ofconsumption improving,Consumers will pay more attention to food nutrition and health.Adding the fruit and vegetable to the traditionary Roast Dried Meat has great significance in the cost and nutrition.Vegetables are rich in cellulose and a variety of vitamins,especially vitamin C and carotene,For the prevention of disease and the maintenance of normal metabolism ,there is a very important role.Also contains a variety of minerals and trace elements. This experiment using the latest production technology of Roast Dried Meat,Add the carrots into the meat.This experimental mainly from drying conditions, the amount of carrot juice and slag , the addition of phosphate, the ratio of fat and lean meat this five factors to explore the best process parameters of vegetables Roast Dried Meat.Final over the single factor experiments and orthogonal test to determine the optimal process parameters:Drying condition is the first high-temperature drying (80℃, 20min) after the low-temperature (60 ~ 68 ℃, 110min) drying;carrot juice add 6%;carrots slag add 5%;phosphate add 0.5%;the ratio of fat and lean meat is 1:6.And mensurate the moisture content of vegetables Roast Dried Meat, vitamin A content, protein content, dietary fibre content.The results are better than the market Roast Dried Meat, to meet our requirements. Key words: vegetablesRoast Dried Meat, quality, vitamin A, dietary fibre

  • 常低压下醋酸体系汽液相平衡数据的测定_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 萃取剂和醋酸的性质1 1.2 本课题研究目的及意义1 2. 实验部分3 2.1 试剂3 2.2实验装置3 2.3实验方法4 2.4分析方法5 3. 结果与讨论6 3.1 汽液相平衡数据6 3.2 热力学一次性检验6 3.3 热力学模型 6 3.4 二元汽液相平衡数据的关联 7 3.5 醋酸-水-萃取剂三元汽液相平衡数据的预测 11 4.总结与展望12 致谢13 参考文献14 符号说明15 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 萃取剂和醋酸的性质1 1.2 本课题研究目的及意义1 2. 实验部分3 2.1 试剂3 2.2实验装置3 2.3实验方法4 2.4分析方法5 3. 结果与讨论6 3.1 汽液相平衡数据6 3.2 热力学一次性检验6 3.3 热力学模型 6 3.4 二元汽液相平衡数据的关联 7 3.5 醋酸-水-萃取剂三元汽液相平衡数据的预测 11 4.总结与展望12 致谢13 参考文献14 符号说明15 摘 要:汽液平衡数据是重要的化工基础数据,用改进的Rose汽液平衡釜,测定了101.33kPa和13.33kPa下醋酸+萃取剂A体系的汽液平衡数据,并通过热力学一致性逐点校验,然后考虑醋酸在汽相中的缔合效应和非理想性,用MATLAB工具箱函数回归出Van Laar、、Wilson及NRTL模型参数及关联偏差。结果表明, NRTL方程关联结果较好,温度平均偏差0.2583℃,醋酸在汽相中的平均偏差为0.0027。 关键词:醋酸;MATLAB;汽液平衡 Abstract: Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium(VLE)data is an important foundation for the chemical data, Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for acetic acid+ extraction of A system was measured at 101.33kPa and 13.33kPa by using an improved Rose still. Themodynamic consistency for the experimental data was examined by using point by point test, and the fugacity coefficients of components in the vapor phase were calculated by Hayden-O’connell method. Finally, use MATLAB toolbox function back to return the Van Laar, Wilson and NRTL model parameters and correlation deviation. For NRTL model, the average absolute deviation in vapor-phase is 0.0027, and the average absolute deviation of the equilibrium temperature is 0.2583℃. Key words: acetic acid; MATLAB; vapor-liquid equilibrium

  • 反相萃取结合GC-NCI-MS法测定水产品中甲基汞的含量_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1汞的主要来源1 1.1.1自然界中的汞1 1.1.2工业来源1 1.1.3垃圾中的汞排放1 1.1.4 电子产品中的汞2 1.2汞的主要用途2 1.3汞的存在形式3 1.4甲基汞的毒害作用3 1.4.1甲基汞在食品中的危害3 1.4.2甲基汞在环境中的危害4 1.5甲基汞的作用机理4 1.6甲基汞的检测方法4 1.6.1苯萃取法5 1.6.2巯基棉富集法5 1.6.3固相萃取法5 1.6.4蒸馏法5 2. 实验部分6 2.1原理6 2.2材料与方法6 2.2.1材料6 2.2.2试剂配制6 2.2.3标准物质的配制6 2.2.4质谱条件6 2.2.5仪器7 2.3方法7 2.3.1实验操作步骤7 2.3.2实验条件讨论7 2.3.3标准曲线的绘制及相关系数实验9 2.3.4样品加标回收率的实验9 2.3.5样品的检测实验10 3. 结果与讨论11 3.1方法的线性11 3.1.1标准曲线和相关系数11 3.1.2样品加标回收率,精密度和检出限11 3.1.3方法检出限和检测限11 3.1.4样品的检测实验结果13 3.2反相萃取法与其他前处理方法的比较13 4.总结与展望15 4.1反相萃取-气质联用法测定水产品中甲基汞含量方法的建立15 4.2反相萃取法测定水产品中甲基汞含量测定的注意事项15 4.3该方法存在的问题以及今后的研究方向16 致谢17 参考文献18 摘要:甲基汞(CH3Hg)是蓄积性重金属污染物汞的主要存在形式,是一种剧毒性物质,它的毒性是其它汞化合物毒性的几百倍。它可以通过富集作用在体内积蓄,损害人的神经系统。水俉病即为甲基汞慢性中毒症。本实验以鳙鱼,青虾和梭子蟹为例来建立采用苯萃取和L-半胱氨酸滤纸富集再用苯洗脱,使甲基汞得到富集和净化,再用气质联用仪进行测定,初步建立了反相萃取结合GC-NCI-MS法测定水产品中甲基汞含量的方法。还运用此方法检测梭子蟹、小龙虾等十种水产品中甲基汞的含量。样品经过苯萃取之后,经HP-5MS色谱柱分离,SIM离子检测器检测,以保留时间和质荷比定性,峰面积定量,研究表明甲基汞标准溶液在0.1μg/mL~2μg/mL范围内有良好的线性关系,关系式为Y=124283.879X-1728.8744,相关系数为0.99911。样品的回收率在92%-103%之间,此方法准确度显著于常规的苯萃取方法,和巯基棉富集法相比可以避免乙酸酐和浓硫酸等易制毒化学品的使用。本方法准确可靠、操作简便、易于推广、灵敏度高、重现性好和检出限低等优点,能满足水产品中甲基汞残留量检测的要求。 关键词:反相萃取;GC-NCI-MS;水产品;甲基汞 Abstract:Methylmercury (CH3Hg) is the accumulation of heavy metals pollutants who is the main form of mercury. while is the toxicity of other toxic mercury compounds of several hundredfold. It can be enriched through the role of savings in the body and damage the nervous system. Wu is the water of methylmercury chronic poisoning disease. This experiments use bighead carp, Macrobrachium nipponense and blue crab as an example to the establishment of a benzene extraction and L-cysteine filter paper recycling benzene renounce and then GC-MS instrument Determination,and the initial establishment of the GC-NCI-MS. We also use this method to detect blue crab, crayfish and other aquatic products in the methylmercury content. After samples of benzene extraction, the HP-5MS column separation, SIM-detector test, to preserve the time and quality than could be qualitative, quantitative peak area, the study showed that methylmercury standard solution in the 0.1 μg/mL -2.0 μg/mL within the framework of a good linear relationship, the relationship between the Y=124283.879X-1728.8744, a correlation coefficient of 0.99911. Samples of the recovery of between 92% -103%, this method significantly the accuracy of the benzene in the conventional extraction methods, and sulfhydryl enrichment of cotton compared to avoid sulphuric acid and acetic anhydride, and aslo precursor chemicals in use. This method is accurate and reliable, simple, easy to promote, sensitive, reproducible and low detection limits and strengths to meet the methyl mercury residues in aquatic products in the testing requirements. Key words: RP-extraction; GC-NCI-MS; aquatic products; methylmercury

  • 食品质量分析与检测_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 样品的制备1 1.2 样品的前处理2 1.3 样品的净化3 1.3.1 氧化铝固相萃取净化3 1.3.2 凝胶渗透过滤净化4 1.4 高效液相色谱法4 1.4.1 高效液相色谱分析原理4 1.4.2 高效液相色谱的类型5 1.5 色谱分析条件的优化6 1.5.1 波长的选择6 1.5.2 流动相的选择7 1.5.3 检测器的选择7 1.5.4 色谱柱、柱温、流动相流速和进样量的选择8 2 实验部分9 2.1 实验设备9 2.2 实验试剂与标准品9 2.3 色谱条件9 2.4 实验操作10 2.4.1 溶剂配制10 2.4.2 样品预处理10 2.4.3 分离原理10 3 实验结果与讨论11 3.1 检测波长的选择11 3.2 萃取剂的选择11 3.3 消除色谱干扰的方法12 3.4 校正曲线和最低检出限14 3.5 加标回收率实验14 4 总结与展望15 致谢16 参考文献17 摘要:本文评述了高效液相色谱(HPLC)对食品中苏丹红检测的研究进展,内容着重包括样品的制备、样品预处理、净化、萃取剂的选择、检测波长的选择、色谱检测器的选择等。实验部分,采用高效液相色谱法测定鸡蛋黄中的苏丹红Ⅰ、苏丹红Ⅱ、苏丹红Ⅲ、苏丹红Ⅳ。以乙腈提取鸡蛋黄中的苏丹红,以甲酸、乙腈、丙酮和水按一定变化的比率混合作为流动相,经Zorbox-C18色谱柱(4.6mm×150mm)分离,采用478nm,520nm二段变波长检测,获得了较好的分离效果和较低的检测限。该法用于鸡蛋中苏丹红的测定,苏丹红Ⅰ、苏丹红Ⅱ、苏丹红Ⅲ、苏丹红Ⅳ的回收率分别为85%、90%、92%、95%,相对标准偏差分别为2.7%、4.3%、5.3%、3.5%。该法简便、快速、准确,能够满足实际的检测需要。 关键词:食品;检测;苏丹红; 萃取; 高效液相色谱分析 Abstract: In this paper,the progress on determination of Sudan dyes by HPLC were reviewed. The contents include the pretreatment and purification of sample,the selection of extraction agent of Sudan dyes,wavelength,mobile phase,chromatographic detector,and so on. In the part of experiment, the content of SudanⅠ、SudanⅡ、SudanⅢ、SudanⅣ in chick egg yolk has been determined with a high performance liquid chromatographic method. These Sudan dyes were extracted with acetonitrile. The Sudan dyes were separated on a ZorboxSB-C18 column(4.6mm×150mm) with a mixture of acetonitrile、acetone、formic acid and water in certain varied ratio as mobile phase. They were then detected at two shifted wavelength 478nm-520nm,with it the experiment gains good effect for separation and low detecting limit. The recoveries of SudanⅠ、SudanⅡ、SudanⅢ、SudanⅣ were 85%、90%、92%、95% respectively. The relative standard deviations were 2.7%、4.3%、5.3%、3.5% respectively. The method is simple, rapid and accurate,and can meet the needs of practical determination entirely. Key words: Foodstuff; Determination; Sudan Dyes; Extraction; High Performance Liquid Chromatographic

  • 功能性乳清多肽包埋释放性能的研究_食品科学与工程论文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 研究乳清多肽的意义1 1.2 有关微胶囊技术1 1.2.1 微胶囊技术的发展历史和现状1 1.2.2 微胶囊技术在食品领域中的应用3 1.3 喷雾干燥微胶囊化的原理3 1.4 微胶囊技术在工业中应用的特点4 1.5 微胶囊技术的国内外研究进展5 1.6 课题研究目的及意义5 1.7 本章小结6 2. 实验部分7 2.1 仪器与材料7 2.1.1 主要材料7 2.1.2 主要仪器7 2.2 实验方法7 2.2.1 溶解度测定的方法(A/S法)7 2.2.2 染料法测定蛋白质含量7 2.2.3 染料法测定蛋白质含量标准曲线的制作8 2.3 本章小结8 3. 结果与讨论9 3.1 反应时间对释放性能的影响9 3.1.1 常温下不同反应时间的影响9 3.1.2 70℃下不同反应时间的影响10 3.2 反应温度对释放性能的影响11 3.3 pH值对释放性能的影响12 3.3.1 溶液配制 13 3.3.2 不同pH值对释放性能的影响13 3.4 超声对释放性能的影响13 3.5 微胶囊充分释放的时间14 3.6 本章小结14 4.总结与展望15 致谢16 参考文献17 附录A18 附录B23 摘 要:本论文主要对功能性乳清多肽包埋后的释放性能进行了初步研究。影响乳清多肽包埋释放性能的因素主要有反应时间、反应温度、pH值、超声等。另外还研究了微胶囊溶解后完全释放的时间及其规律。试验采用溶解度A/S法检测反应时间与反应温度对包埋释放的影响;并通过测定不同pH值条件下蛋白质的溶出率比较其释放性能的差异。结果表明:初步得出最佳反应时间为120s、最佳反应温度为75℃;另外在一定pH值值范围内,释放效果与pH值呈正向关系。(此结论让人有点不知所云) 关键词:乳清多肽;微胶囊;溶解度;释放性能;超声 Abstract: The releasing properties of functional whey poly-peptides after micro encapsulation were studied. Many factors were involved, especially for Time and Temperature of reaction and pH value and Ultrasound besides, the initial release time after the micro-capsules completely dissolved was studied. For different factors, different methods were carried out. The solubility was measured to test the affection time and temperature on the release quality, while the protein was quantified by Coomassie BrilliantBlue G-250 Method. The results showed that the best time of reaction will be 120s and the best temp. will be 75℃.Then releasing property wouldl be better when pH value increased. Keywords:Whey poly-peptides; Micro encapsulation; Solubility ; Releasing property; Ultrasound

  • 水产中氯霉素残留分析_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 理化性质1 1.2 抗菌作用1 1.3 临床作用2 1.4 体内过程及对机体的危害2 2. 实验部分3 2.1 仪器和设备3 2.2 试剂与溶液4 2.3 试验方法5 2.3.1 试样制备 5 2.3.2 分析步骤 5 3. 结果与讨论8 3.1 内标法定量8 3.2 方法的线性关系和方法的测定低限8 3.3 精密度和回收率9 3.4 检测限、测定低限、线性范围、回收率范围和精密度13 3.5 色谱条件的优化14 4.总结14 致谢15 参考文献16 摘 要:氯霉素(Chloramphenicol,CAP)是一种有效的广谱抗菌素,但同时对人体存在严重的毒副作用。本文采用固相萃取(SPE)前处理净化技术,用乙酸乙酯提取,正己烷脱脂,C18小柱净化,高效液相色谱-串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)法测定鱼中的氯霉素残留含量,采用内标法,以氯霉素峰面积/氯霉素-D5面积进行定量,以321.0/256.9作为定量离子对。氯霉素的检测线性范围均为0.05μg/kg~1.2μg/kg,回收率范围为70%~120%,321.0/256.9的标准曲线相关系数的最低值为0.99。液质联用法具有很高的灵敏度和稳定性, 是 FDA推荐的确证方法,液质联用法将成为国内首选的确证方法 关键词:氯霉素;液相色谱-串联质谱;同位素内标定量 Abstract: Chloramphenicol (Chloramphenicol, CAP) is an effective broad-spectrum antibiotics, but also on human existence of serious side effects. In this paper, solid-phase extraction (SPE) pre-treatment purification technology, extracted with ethyl acetate, n-hexane skim, C18 column purification, high-performance liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Determination of fish Chloramphenicol residues in, the standard method used to chloramphenicol peak area / chloramphenicol-D5 area of quantitative, 321.0/256.9 as a quantitative-right. Chloramphenicol linear range of detection are 0.05 μ g / kg ~ 1.2 μ g / kg, recovery rate of 70% to 120%, 321.0/256.9 standards of the lowest correlation coefficient of 0.99. Usage of MS have high sensitivity and stability, is recommended by the FDA confirmed methods, the use of quality will become the preferred method confirmed. Keywords:Chloramphenicol; liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry; isotope internal standard quantitative

  • 酵母发酵生产虾青素的研究_食品科学与工程论文范文

    食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………II 目录……………………………………………………………………………………III 1. 绪论 …………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 虾青素的生物学功能 ………………………………………………………1 1.1.1 虾青素的抗氧化作用 ………………………………………………1 1.1.2 抗癌作用 ……………………………………………………………2 1.1.3 预防动脉硬化和相关疾病 …………………………………………2 1.1.4 维护眼睛和中枢神经系统的健康 …………………………………2 1.1.5 其他应用 ……………………………………………………………2 2. 实验部分 ……………………………………………………………………………3 2.1 材料 …………………………………………………………………………3 2.1.1 菌种 …………………………………………………………………3 2.1.2 试剂 …………………………………………………………………3 2.1.3 仪器 …………………………………………………………………3 2.2 试验方法 ……………………………………………………………………3 2.2.1 灭菌方法 ……………………………………………………………3 2.2.2 残余葡萄糖测定方法 ………………………………………………3 2.2.3 菌体生物量的测定方法 ……………………………………………3 2.2.4 PH测定方法 …………………………………………………………3 2.3 实验内容 ……………………………………………………………………3 2.3.1 培养基最优氮源的确定 ……………………………………………4 2.3.2 培养基最优碳源的确定 ……………………………………………4 2.3.3 最佳培养基的确定 …………………………………………………5 2.3.4 红发夫酵母的生长情况 ……………………………………………8 3. 结果与讨论…………………………………………………………………………11 4.总结与展望…………………………………………………………………………12 致谢 ……………………………………………………………………………………13 参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………………14 摘 要:虾青素是一种在食品、医药和化妆品等领域有广阔的应用前景的高附加值产品, 红法夫酵母是天然可产虾青素的主要微生物之一。本文介绍了用发酵法生产得到虾青素的方法及生产条件并对红发夫酵母发酵产虾青素的动态过程进行了研究。本实验通过单因素试验发现培养基的最佳氮源是(NH4)2SO4 ,最佳碳源是葡萄糖。通过两次正交实验:测定九组发酵液中的葡萄糖利用率、菌体生物量,再通过正交分析,确定了最佳的培养基配方:氮源:(NH4)2SO4 1.5 g/L,碳源:葡萄糖30 g/L,酵母膏:2 g/L装液量:50ml(250ml容量的锥形瓶)。通过培养观察研究发现酵母菌在0-22小时菌体浓度基本没有变化,22-49小时,细胞数以几何级数增长,53小时以后,菌体浓度一直比较稳定,PH值逐渐下降。论文主要概述了在高产菌株选取及生产工艺优化方面的方法和研究进展,在此基础上,指出今后利用红法夫酵母进行下虾青素商业化生产的方向进行了展望。 关键词:红法夫酵母;虾青素;发酵 Abstract: Astaxanthin is a high-value-additive,which has wide applications in food,medicine and cosmetics.Phaffia rhodozyma is one of the microorganisms which produce natural astaxanthin.The methoud of astaxanthin fermentation by Phaffia rhodozyma and the conditions of production was introducted and studied in paper. single factor design experiments shows that the best nitrogen is (NH4)2SO4,the best carbon is glucose. Two orthogonal experiments showed that the optimalmediun was composed of1.5 g/L(NH4)2SO4, 30 g/L glucose and 1.19g/L yeast extract. Experiments showed that in the 0-22 hours, yeast cell concentration did not change ,22-49 hours, the cells have grown geometrically, 53 hours later, the cell concentration has been relatively stable. PH decreased gradually. In this paper , the research advances and methods in breeding and fermentation optimization of Phaffia rhodozyma are summarized.Furthermore , strategy was proposed to solve the problems in large2scale commercial production of astaxanthin. Key words : Phaffia rhodozyma ; astaxanthin ; fermentation