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> 印刷工程
  • 一种光致发光防伪油墨的研制及其应用_印刷工程专业论文

    一种光致发光防伪油墨的研制及其应用_印刷工程专业论文 摘 要 近年来,随着我国经济的迅猛发展,人民的生活水平发生了翻天覆地的变化。但随之而来的,是商品造假行为也日趋猖獗,广大厂商的经济利益蒙受了巨大的损失,其信誉经受了前所未有的考验。为了保护广大企业及消费者的合法权益,制造厂商运用了多种防伪技术。防伪油墨即为其中极为重要的一种防伪手段。 防伪油墨技术是一种传统的防伪技术,本研究查阅了大量文献资料,用多种发光粉,包括普通发光粉和新型长余辉光致发光粉末作为颜料,通过加入UV连接料及各种辅料等,制备了一种光致发光防伪油墨样品。制备完成后,通过对样品进行细度、粘性、粘度、耐磨性等参数的测试,知道了油墨各组分对油墨主要性能的影响,并以此为基础设计配方,确定了较为理想的光致发光油墨的配比。本研究还将此油墨用于实际印刷,检测效果,并采用多种普通纸与特种纸搭配印刷,与印刷材料防伪结合,不仅增加了伪造难度,也让防伪油墨有更多的表现效果,最终取得了较好防伪效果。 关键词:光致发光,防伪,UV,丝网印刷 ABSTRACT In recent years, with the world’s economic development quickly, people’s living standard had changed very much. However, The product counterfeiting has become rampant behavior in the same time. The majority of manufacturers suffered huge losses. The reputation of manufactures suffered an unprecedented challenge. In order to protect the legal rights and interests of enterprises and consumers, manufacturers take many kinds of anti-counterfeiting technology. Counterfeiting ink is one of the most important means. Anti-counterfeiting technology is a traditional anti-counterfeiting method. This study had consult a large amount of literature, with two kinds of photoluminescence powder, including common photoluminescence powder and a new style long afterglow photoluminescence powder as the pigment, then blend some UV vincula and other assistant material and so on, preparation a photoluminescence anti-counterfeiting ink sample. After the preparation accomplish, we will have professional test of the ink sample, then know the connection of material to main performance, and based with this information, we ensured the appropriate composition rate of the photoluminescence ink. This study also put the ink to printing to test the practicality. This ink take screen print for application for test .We using a variety of general and specialty papers, combine with printing materials, not only increased the difficulty of counterfeiting, but also let the anti-counterfeiting ink have more manner for use, and get a better anti-counterfeiting effectiveness. Keywords: photoluminescence, anti-counterfeiting, UV, screen printing 目 录 第1章 课题背景1 1.1 光致发光材料应用现状1 1.2 光致发光防伪油墨防伪原理1 1.3 课题研究的目的与意义2 第2章 光致发光防伪油墨的制备3 2.1 印刷油墨概述3 2.2 光致发光材料概述4 2.3 UV固化特点概述6 2.4 油墨制备方法6 第3章 光致发光防伪油墨性能研究8 3.1细度8 3.2粘性11 3.3粘度14 3.4耐摩擦性16 3.5实地密度16 第4章 丝网印刷应用测试18 4.1 丝网印刷概述18 4.2 丝网菲林版设计说明20 4.3 印刷示意及效果展示25 结 论30 参考文献31 致 谢32

  • 环保型UV油墨应用研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目录 III 1 绪论1 1.1 前言1 1.2 印刷应用UV固化技术1 1.3 课题研究的目的及意义2 2 UV油墨光固化原理、组成、分类及特点3 2.1 UV油墨的光固化原理3 2.2 UV油墨的组成3 2.3 UV油墨的分类4 2.4 UV油墨的特点4 3. 环保型UV油墨在印刷行业的应用6 3.1 UV油墨在柔印中的应用6 3.2 UV油墨在胶印中的应用8 3.3 UV油墨在丝印中的应用10 3.4 UV油墨在广告中的应用13 3.5 UV油墨在其他领域的应用15 4 环保型UV油墨发展趋势及存在问题16 4.1 发展趋势16 4.2 存在问题16 5 结论与展望17 5.1 结论17 5.2 展望18 致谢19 参考文献20 摘要:紫外光辐射固化技术是一种全新的绿色技术,利用该技术生产的紫外光固化油墨为UV油墨,具有不含挥发性有机化合物(VOC),对环境污染小,固化速度快,节省能源、固化产物性能好,适合于高速自动化生产等优点。本论文分析了环保型UV油墨的光固化原理、组成、分类以及特点。重点对其在包装、广告、柔印、胶印、丝印等领域的应用做了分析与研究。通过对UV油墨在柔印、胶印、丝印、广告中的应用特点、配方、组成、印刷工艺的深入研究,发现研究UV油墨具有重大的现实意义。 关键词:UV油墨;柔印;胶印;丝印 Abstract: Ultraviolet ray radiation is solidified since the technology is that the international mounts the seventies developing one kind of brand-new green technology taking place , the printing ink making use of UV to owe the ultraviolet brightness that the technology produces the printing ink being solidified , being called for short, has the speed not containing the fugacity organic compound (VOC) , minor to environmental pollution , being solidified quickly , economizes the sources of energy , the outcome being solidified the function is good , is fit to wait for merit in high speed automatic production. Environmental protection type UV printing ink principle being solidified, made up of , classification and characteristic the main body of a book has been introduced. And current situation has done analysis and has studied to whose application in fields such as package , advertisement , gentle seal , offset printing , silk seal. Study in a deep going way by the fact that printing ink middle applies a characteristic's to gentle seal , offset printing , silk seal , advertisement to UV , discover the significance studying UV printing ink has significant reality. Keywords:UV printing ink;Soft seal;Offset printing;Silk is printed

  • 胶印晒版质量控制的理论与实践探讨_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 英文摘要……………………………………………………………………………Ⅲ 目录…………………………………………………………………………………Ⅳ 1. 绪论………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 课题背景及意义……………………………………………………………1 1.2 研究内容 …………………………………………………………………2 2. 胶印晒版质量控制的理论探讨…………………………………………………3 2.1 PS版的的质量控制…………………………………………………………… 3 2.2 制版环节的质量控制……………………………………………………………5 3. 胶印晒版质量控制的实验研究…………………………………………………7 3.1 实验设备、材料及参数……………………………………………………10 3.2 实验数据及处理……………………………………………………………13 3.3 实验结论及工艺改进………………………………………………………15 4. 结论与展望………………………………………………………………………17 致谢………………………………………………………………………………… 18 参考文献…………………………………………………………………………… 19 摘 要:本论文主要通过实验的方法,通过对印刷过程中的网点密度的数据测验,跟踪网点转移过程中影响网点成像质量因素。论文首先介绍了PS版的概况,提出研究PS版成像质量的重要意义,然后分析了影响PS版本身质量的几个因素及相应的控制方法。论文重点介绍了晒版过程中的质量控制和影响晒版质量的因素,对提高印刷效率及印刷质量有着重要的指导意义。通过实验对印刷网点的转移过程进行了监测,提出了CTF线性化的具体操作方案,探讨了晒版环境对制版质量的影响,提出了制版过程规范化、标准化的思路。 关键词:PS版;晒版;网点转移;CTF;晒版质量 Abstract: Through experimental method, the data density in printing process is measured and tested, and the inflence of dot transfer process to dot imaging quality is tracked in this thesis. The general information of PS is introduced, which shows reaserch PS platemaking quality is very important, and the main factors witch impact the platemaking quality is analysised. The quality controling process of PS is recmmonded. Some methods to improve the printing efficiency and printing quality are put out. Through experiments, the transfer process of printing dot is monitored; the CTF linearization scheme is put forward. The environment influence of plate burning is discussed, and the thinking of standardization and normalizing is raised. Keywords: PS version; burning; dot transfer; CTF; plate-making quality

  • 喷墨印刷介质印刷适性探讨_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 研究目的及意义1 2 喷墨印刷3 2.1 喷墨印刷的定义3 2.2 喷墨印刷的特点3 2.3 喷墨打印技术的应用3 2.3.1 常规图文复制行业的应用3 2.3.2 其他科技领域的应用4 2.4 喷墨承印材料的种类及特点5 2.5 喷墨打印墨水6 2.5.1 喷墨打印墨水的性能要求和分类6 2.5.2 水基型墨水6 2.5.3 固态墨水8 2.5.4 溶剂型喷墨墨水8 3 喷墨印刷介质适性探讨10 3.1 实验仪器与方法10 3.2 纸张介质印刷适性分析11 3.3 喷墨打印墨水性能分析16 4 总结与展望20 4.1 总结20 4.2 展望20 致 谢21 参考文献22 摘 要:本论文主要介绍了喷墨印刷的技术发展及现状,重点分析了印刷介质(包括纸张、印刷油墨两方面)对喷墨印刷质量的影响。本文从两方面进行了深入剖析。一方面,通过实验研究相结合的方式定性定量分析了纸张印刷适性对喷墨印刷质量的影响;另一方面,介绍了喷墨印刷技术领域知识,对油墨的组成及性能展开讨论,最终分析出油墨对喷墨印刷质量的影响。 关键词:喷墨印刷;印刷适性;纸张;油墨 Research on printability of ink jet printing media Abstract:This paper mainly introduces the technical development and inkjet printing, emphatically analyzed the current media (include paper, printing ink from two aspects of the quality of printing ink). From the two aspects are analyzed. On one hand, through experimental study combining qualitative and quantitative analysis of ink-jet printing paper printing quality, On the other hand, introduces the technical domain knowledge, ink-jet printing ink composition and properties of discussions, in the final analysis to the quality of the inkjet ink. Keywords:inkjet printing; printability;paper;ink

  • 纸张性能对印刷质量影响研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2 课题的主要研究内容2 1.3课题研究的目的和意义4 2 实验方案5 2.1实验仪器与方法5 2.2研究方法5 3 纸张性能对印刷质量影响分析7 3.1纸张平滑度度印刷质量的影响7 3.2纸张白度对印刷质量的影响9 3.3纸张不透明度对印刷质量的影响11 3.4纸张光泽度对印刷质量的影响13 3.5测试纸样的性能15 4 纸张性能不良对印刷质量的影响17 4.1纸张性能引起的印刷故障17 4.2印刷故障的一般解决办法19 5 结论与展望22 5.1结论22 5.2展望22 致 谢24 参考文献25 摘 要:纸张性能是与印刷工艺过程密切相关的综合指标,包括表面结构与强度性能、油墨吸收性能、纸张呈色性能等,直接影响印刷品质量。本文介绍了几种常用纸张的性能以及其对印刷质量的影响等情况,主要以常用的印刷纸张为研究对象,探讨纸张性能和印刷品质量之间的关系,为合理地设置印刷工艺参数、提高印刷品质量提供科学依据。对比分析各样本纸张的性能,以及各自的印刷适性,再通过实例对纸张性能对印刷质量影响进行进一步探讨。 从印刷工艺和纸张性能两方面探讨了纸张性能不良对印刷质量的影响,结果表明,不透明度是造成透印现象的最主要的原因,其次是平滑度影响纸张墨膜厚度的因素,白度与光泽度影响印刷品色彩的表现。 关键词:纸张性能;印刷质量;平滑度;白度;光泽度 Abstract: Paper and printing performance is closely related to the process of integrated indicators,, including the surface of the structure and strength properties, ink absorption properties, paper properties such as color, directly affect the quality of printed matter. In this paper, the performance of some commonly-used paper as well as its impact on print quality, etc., mainly used in printing paper for the study to explore the properties of paper and print quality of the relationship between the print settings for the reasonable process parameters to improve print quality to provide a scientific basis. Comparative analysis of the performance of the various samples of paper, as well as their respective Printability, examples of paper through the printing quality of the performance of the impact of further exploration. Paper from the printing process and the performance of both the bad performance of the printing paper quality, the results show that transparency is printed through the main reason for the phenomenon, followed by the impact of the smoothness of paper, ink film thickness factor, whiteness and the impact of print gloss color performance. Keywords:Paper properties; Printing quality; Smoothness; Whiteness;Glossiness

  • 现代印刷色序的研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要Ⅱ 英文摘要Ⅲ 目录Ⅳ 1. 绪论1 1.1 现代印刷1 1.2 印刷色序概述1 1.3 胶印机的印刷色序2 1.4油墨与印刷色序的关系3 2. 印刷色序安排的研究5 2.1关于印刷色序5 2.2 胶印印刷色序的安排6 2.3 胶印印刷色序的确定8 2.4 对印刷色序的分析与探索9 3. 印刷色序对印刷品质量的影响11 3.1 从油墨看印刷色序与印刷品质量11 3.2本章小结13 4. 结论与展望14 4.1结论14 4.2展望14 致谢15 参考文献16 附件17 摘要:本文介绍了现代印刷色序在印刷中起到非常重要的作用。通过对常见印刷色序组合的6种可能进行对比的印刷,印出的印刷品质量的对比,总结了在印刷中印刷色序的关键性。在对这6种可能的样张进行总结和分析的基础上,还要考虑影响印刷色序的因素,正确选择印刷色序是提高印刷品质量的关键环节之一。印刷色序安排不当可能导致印刷品产生色偏、混色和逆套印等故障;而印刷色序安排合理,会使印刷品颜色更逼近原稿,甚至于加强某种颜色气氛,使层次清楚,网点清晰,套印准确,颜色真实、自然、协调。 关键词:印刷;色序;印品质量;原稿 Abstract This article introduced the modern printing color foreword plays the very vital role in printing. Through carries on printing which to the India color washing foreword combination's 6 kind of possibilities contrasts, prints out the print quality's contrast, summarized has been printing the China and India color washing foreword the crucial nature. In carries on the summary and in the analysis foundation to these 6 kind of possibility's type, but must consider that affects the India color washing foreword the factor, correctly chooses the India color washing foreword enhances one of print quality key links. India color washing foreword arrangement not, when possibly causes the print to have breakdowns and so on chromatic polarization, colour blending and counter chromatography; But prints the color washing foreword arrangement to be reasonable, will enable the print color to approach the original manuscript, will strengthen some kind of color atmosphere, will cause the level to be clear, the mesh point will be clear, the chromatography will be accurate, the color real, will be natural, is coordinated. keyword: Printing; Color foreword; Prints the quality quantity; Original manuscript

  • 当前主流数字印刷技术对比研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘要I 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 引言1 1.2 研究现状与趋势2 1.3 研究内容与思路3 2. 传统印刷技术的原理与不足4 2.1 印刷定义及五大要素4 2.2 四大印刷技术及其原理5 2.3 传统印刷技术的不足6 2.4 胶印的原理与生命力6 数字印刷技术综述8 3.1 数字印刷技术发展历史8 3.2 数字印刷技术定义及分类10 3.3 数字印刷质量控制技术11 3.4 数字印刷与传统印刷的对比13 4. 主流数字印刷技术对比15 4.1 静电印刷15 4.2 喷墨印刷17 4.3 热成像印刷20 4.4 总结三种数字印刷技术的不同22 5. 数字印刷技术在我国的应用与发展26 5.1 数字印刷技术在我国应用的现状26 5.2 数字印刷技术在我国推广的途径27 6. 总结与建议29 致谢31 参考文献32 摘 要:数字印刷技术正日益成为当今印刷技术的主流和趋势,本文主要讲述了数字印刷的技术构成、工作流程以及与传统印刷的相互关系,最后分析总结了数字印刷在我国的发展现状与前景。 全文阐述了传统印刷技术的原理与不足,对数字印刷进行了论述总结,分别讲述了当前主流数字印刷技术各自的原理、应用领域、优缺点及各自的未来发展。通过研究比较得出,传统胶印在现在印刷市场上仍然占据着强有力的地位,但数字印刷这几年的发展速度也不容小视,特别是喷墨成像数字印刷,在数字印刷领域最具有发展潜力。 关键词:数字印刷;静电成像;喷墨成像;热成像 Abstract:Digital printing technology is increasingly becoming the mainstream of today's printing technology and trends, this article focuses on digital printing technologies, workflow and the interrelationship between traditional print, and finally analyze the digital printing in our present situation and prospects of development. The full text of the traditional principle of printing technology and lack of digital printing on a paper summing up, respectively, on the current digital printing technology to mainstream the principles of their applications, advantages and disadvantages and their future development. Obtained by studying the comparison, the traditional offset printing market, now still occupies a strong position, but digital printing over the past few years the pace of development can not be Small, in particular, digital imaging inkjet printing, digital printing in the field of the development potential of the most . Keywords: digital printing; electrostatic imaging; inkjet imaging; thermal imaging

  • 轮转印刷质量检测与控制的研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要Ⅱ 目录Ⅲ 1 引言1 1.1研究的背景与现实意义1 1.2国内轮转印刷企业的现状1 2 轮转印刷概述2 2.1 轮转印刷定义2 2.2 轮转印刷分类2 2.3 轮转印刷与单张纸印刷机的对比2 3 影响轮转印刷质量检测与控制的因素3 3.1 印刷设备3 3.2 印前准备3 3.3 PS版材4 3.4 油墨 4 3.5 纸张5 3.6 润版液7 4 轮转印刷质量的检测与控制8 4.1轮转印刷质量检测方式8 4.2轮转印刷质量检测的内容和方法9 4.3轮转印刷品质量控制10 4.4传统质量检测与控制运用于轮转印刷中的不足11 4.5轮转印刷中的新型质量检测与控制11 5 提高印品质量的建议13 5.1技术上的建议13 5.2 管理上的建议13 6 结论与展望14 6.1 结论14 6.2 展望14 致谢15 参考文献16 摘要:近几年,轮转印刷在中国的发展很快,尤其在北京、上海、广州、深圳等经济发达城市,轮转印刷已初具规模。 轮转印刷主要用于印刷高级画报、期刊杂志、高档商业广告等。使用热固型轮转油墨,配有专门的烘干装置,相对与单张纸印刷机而言,具有印刷速度快、印刷版面多、质量稳定、时效性强等突出优点。 本次课题主要是对于轮转印刷机印刷过程中的质量检测及控制等方面的一些学习与研究,就目前轮转印刷企业中存在的一些问题进行探讨并拟出一些解决问题的方法和方案。 关键词:高品质印刷品;轮转印刷;印刷质量检测与控制 Abstract:In recent years, the rotary printing developed rapidly in China, especially in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other economically developed cities, rotary printing has begun to take shape. Rotary printing mainly used in printing high-level pictorial, magazines, and other high-end commercial advertising.It used of heat-type rotary printing ink, with a special drying device, the relative terms and the press sheet with the printing speed, print multiple pages , quality, timeliness and strong advantage. The main issues for rotary printing presses in the process of quality testing and control of a number of learning and research, at the present time the existence of rotary printing enterprises to explore some of the problems and proposed some solutions to problems and programs. Keywords: High-quality print; Rotary printing; Rotary printing quality testing and control

  • 基于胶印的油墨黏度大小与油墨转移关系的研究_印刷工程专业论文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1研究的背景和意义1 1.2 油墨转移率1 1.3 影响油墨转移的因素2 1.4 胶印油墨3 1.5 研究课题的提出及研究的主要内容5 2 实验方案6 2.1实验目的和要求6 2.2 实验基本内容6 2.3 实验仪器、工具及材料6 2.4 实验原理6 2.5 实验过程设计7 3 实验结果分析9 3.1 实验数据9 3.2 综合分析10 3.3 实验误差分析12 3.4 此实验的现实缺陷12 4 结论与展望12 4.1结论12 4.2展望12 致 谢12 参考文献12 摘 要:油墨的黏度会影响油墨的转移率和印刷图像质量。在实际生产中,操作人员为使油墨具有良好的印刷适性,在油墨中添加增稠剂或稀释剂来调节油墨的粘度,势必会引起油墨内部组分和其物化性能的变化从而影响印刷质量。由此可见,油墨粘度的控制在胶印过程中至关重要。 本课题研究油墨黏度对油墨转移的影响,确定实验方案,在相同印刷压力,不同的油墨黏度下对相同纸张与相同油墨种类进行实验,使用印刷适性仪模拟印刷过程,通过调节不同油墨黏度,测量油墨从墨辊转移到承印材料上的墨量,测试油墨转移率。通过对这些数据进行了拟合,进而找出油墨黏度与油墨转移率函数方程,为实际印刷中寻求最佳的油墨黏度提供了有价值的依据。对于在印刷实际生产中油墨的控制与印刷品质量的检测与控制具有一定的科学依据。谋求在印刷行业现行系统中增加有效的理论依据与实验数据。提高生产效率,从而实现企业价值,让印刷行业走向集约型道路。 关键词:胶印;油墨黏度;油墨转移率 Abstract: The viscosity of the ink will influence the transfer rate of printing ink and image quality. In actual production, for having good printing ink, operation personnel must adding thickener or diluent to adjust the viscosity of ink printing, bound to internal components and its properties of which influence printing quality. Thus, the process of the offset printing ink viscosity control is very important. This research on printing ink viscosity, determine the experiment scheme, in the same printing pressure, different ink viscosity, the same type of paper and ink, using ink printing, printing process simulation apparatus by different measurement ink printing ink, and being transferred from the roller on material, to test the transfer rate of printing ink. Based on these data, found out the practical function equation between the viscosity of printing ink and the transfer rate of printing ink, for the best printing ink viscosity in the actual production. In the actual production, the printing ink control and print quality inspection control has certain scientific basis. In the current system of printing industry,increase the theoretical basis and effective experimental data. Improve the production efficiency, thus realize enterprise value, let the printing industry towards intensive road. Keywords:offset printing; Ink viscosity; Ink-transfer rates

  • 卷筒纸胶印机输墨和输水装置的实验平台设计与运动仿真_印刷工程专业论文

    卷筒纸胶印机输墨和输水装置的实验平台设计与运动仿真_印刷工程专业论文 摘 要 卷筒纸胶印机广泛应用于书刊,报纸印刷领域。输水输墨装置是卷筒纸胶印机的重要组成部分,它直接决定印品的质量。设计的实验平台是以卷筒纸胶印机为原型,结合小型胶印机的特点进行设计的。此实验平台可以实现输水输墨装置的基本功能。输墨装置采用连续供墨形式,输水装置采用接触式润湿形式。本文根据印刷工艺的要求和印刷机设计的原理,完成了卷筒纸胶印机输水输墨装置的机构设计。共计完成装配图4张,零件图9张。所完成的设计机构原理正确,工艺基本规范,达到了设计的要求。 关键词:卷筒纸胶印机,输墨装置,输水装置,实验平台 Abstract Widely used in printing paper books, newspaper printing fields. Inking system and dampening system are important parts of the web offset press. They directly determine the quality of printed products. The design of experiment platform based on web offset press with the characteristics of small offset press. This experiment platform can realize the emptying the basic function of the system. The inking system adopts continuous ink form; the dampening system adopts non-contact wetting form. According to the requirement of printing and printing technology, the design of Inking system and dampening system of web offset press has been completed. All complete 4 assembly drawings and 9 part drawings. The design principle of drawing done correctly, craft basic norms and meet the design requirements. Keywords:web offset press,inking system, dampening system, Experimental platform 摘 要1 前 言1 1.绪论3 1.1 卷筒纸胶印机概述3 1.1.1 应用3 1.1.2 特点3 1.1.3 输墨、输水装置的主要要求3 1.1.4 输水、输墨装置4 1.1.5 卷筒纸胶印机发展趋势5 1.2 设计的主要任务9 1.3 设计的要求9 1.4 主要参数10 2.输墨装置的设计11 2.1供墨装置的典型排列方式11 2.2 本次设计所采用的排列方式13 2.3 输墨装置的设计及计算15 2.3.1 各墨辊之间传动的计算15 2.3.2 着墨率的设计计算16 2.3.3 输墨装置齿轮的设计计算17 3.输水装置的设计18 3.1 输水装置的典型结构18 3.2 本次设计所采用的结构22 4.结论24 毕业设计小结25 致谢26 参考文献27 附:机械设计图纸一览表28