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> 印刷工程
  • 建立模板页面数据库的方法研究_印刷工程专业论文范文

    印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1研究的背景和意义1 1.2 现状2 1.3 研究课题的提出及研究的主要内容3 2 数据库原理4 2.1定义与结构4 2.2 模板设计模式的应用研究5 2.3 模板中的方法及模板设计模式的适应情况6 3 建立文档模板页面7 3.1设计文档自动生成平台的构架7 3.2 文档自动生成平台的设计与实现8 4 建立网页模板12 4.1 建立分析12 4.2 实现过程12 4.3 客户下单15 4.4 结语15 5 未来的展望16 致 谢17 参考文献1 摘 要:当今已经进入了以计算机为核心的信息时代,计算机技术开始普及到各行各业中,印刷也是如此。常见的各种设计软件,计算机直接制版,以及其他与计算机越来越紧密的印刷相关设备不断涌现。本文将要讨论的是建立模板页面数据库的方法,模板页面带来不仅是时间上的快捷,也为大批量类似页面的制作节省了大量其他成本。我们在制作多变的动态页面时,就是先做好静态框架,然后把动态内容调用进去,而模板就是未放进动态内容的页面,而这些动态内容都将以数据库的方式被调用修改。 如果每一个动态页面都需要进行一次页面编制的话,那么一百个页面就需要一百次制作了。那就是极大的工作量,也将会是极大的浪费,通过管理后台将数据库的内容自动调用到预先设置好的模板页面上,并对用户的操作作出相应的互动反应,如在线包装产品设计、电子书制作、会员注册、模板网页等。我们可以根据自身的需求和客户的要求来开发出强大的数据库模板页面,很不久的将来实现让人意想不到的强大功能,它能让我们彻底摆脱以往制作艰难和效率低下等问题。 关键词:动态页面;模板页面;数据库 Abstract: Today has already entered into the computer as the core of the information age, computer technology began to spread to all walks of life, the print too. Common variety of design software, computer to plate, as well as other more closely in the printing and computer related equipment are emerging. This article will discuss the ways to establish a database template page, the page template is not only a time to bring a quick, but also for high-volume production of similar pages to save a lot of money. Create a dynamic page, we also do its static framework, then the dynamic content into them, while the template is not dynamic content into pages, and these parameters of dynamic content will be replaced. If a dynamic page each time the page needs to be prepared, then the 100 page will need to produce a hundred times. That is a great amount of work, it would be a great waste, by managing the content of the database back to a pre-set to automatically call a good template page, and accordingly the operation of the user interaction reaction, such as the current product design , e-book production, membership registration, template web pages. We can according to their needs and customer requirements to develop a powerful database template page, very near future to achieve unexpected power, it allows us to completely get rid of the past, difficult and inefficient production problems. Keywords:dynamic pages; template pages; database