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> 轻化工程
  • 年产8万吨涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂设计_轻化工程专业论文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要III 英文摘要IV 目录V 1 绪论1 1.1 设计背景与发展状况1 1.2 工厂设计的可行性分析5 1.3 工程设计的发展状况6 1.4 市场需求和设计规模7 2 厂址选择与厂区总平面布置7 2.1 址选择厂7 2.2 厂区总平面布置9 3 生产工艺设计12 3.1 全厂生产车间组成12 3.2 车间生产综合叙述12 3.3 车间技术经济指标和工艺参数13 3.4浆水平衡计算16 3.5 主要设备选型及操作39 4 供水、排水以及三废处理41 4.1 供水41 4.2 排水42 4.3 三废处理42 5 蒸汽及采暖通风45 5.1 动力45 5.2 供热45 5.3 采暖通风46 6 安全技术及防火47 6.1 污染源产生的有害物质47 6.2 防护措施47 7 技术经济48 8 建筑部分50 8.1 建筑标准50 8.2 建筑材料的选用50 8.3 对有特殊要求的厂房建筑处理措施50 9 设计总论51 致 谢52 参考文献53 年产8万吨涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂设计。重点:打浆、流送系统工艺设计 摘 要:本设计是一个年产8万吨涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂设计。重点:打浆、流送系统工艺设计。本设计以面浆生产线的流程为主,从而介绍了造纸工厂的设计。共分为四个部分。第一部分包括以下内容:工程设计的背景、发展和需求;第二部分包括以下内容:工程设计条件和总平面布置;第三部分包括以下内容:生产过程中浆水平衡的计算,工艺流程;第四部分包括以下内容:厂房建筑与结构、给水与排水、动力、自控与仪表和环境保护与综合利用以及劳动安全卫生。 客观介绍了造纸厂布置,工艺流程,设备参数等。 关键词:制浆造纸;涂布白纸板;芯浆;浆水平衡;工艺流程 Annual 80000 tons of coated manila pulp & Paper integrated plant design Key: beating, process flow design Abstract: The design is an annual production capacity of 80,000 tons of Coated White Board integrated pulp and paper plant design. Focus: Beating, Process flow design. The design is divided into four parts. The first part includes the following : The context of engineering design, development and demand; The second part comprises the following elements : overall project design conditions and horizontal layout; The third part consists of the following : Serofluid balance of the production process of the calculation process; The forth part consists of the following elements : plant construction and structure, water supply and drainage, power, robotic instruments and resources as well as environmental protection and labor safety and health. Objective to introduce equipment layout , Process, equipment parameters of the factory. Keywords:Pulp and Paper; Coated Paperboard; core plasma; serofluid balance; process

  • 日产150吨涂布白板纸干燥部、涂布及完成整理部工艺设计_轻化工程专业论文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………………I ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………… II 目录…………………………………………………………………………………III 1 工程设计背景与发展状况…………………………………………………………1 1.1 工程设计的背景………………………………………………………………1 1.2 工程设计的必要性……………………………………………………………4 1.3 工程设计的发展状况…………………………………………………………5 1.4 需求预测与设计规模…………………………………………………………6 1.4.1 市场需求预测…………………………………………………………6 1.4.2 设计规模………………………………………………………………6 2 工程设计条件与总平面布置………………………………………………………6 2.1工程设计条件…………………………………………………………………6 2.2 总平面布置……………………………………………………………………7 3 生产工艺设计………………………………………………………………………9 3.1 全厂生产车间组成…………………………………………………………9 3.2 车间生产综合叙述……………………………………………………… 10 3.3 车间技术经济指标和工艺参数…………………………………………11 3.4 浆水平衡计算……………………………………………………………13 3.5 设备选型说明……………………………………………………………17 4 车间公用工程……………………………………………………………………22 4.1 厂房建筑与结构:…………………………………………………………22 4.2 给水与排水…………………………………………………………………23 4.3 动力…………………………………………………………………………25 4.4 自控与仪表…………………………………………………………………26 4.5 环境保护与综合利用………………………………………………………26 4.6 劳动安全卫生………………………………………………………………27 5 工程经济分析……………………………………………………………………29 5.1车间人员编制………………………………………………………………29 5.2车间成本估计………………………………………………………………30 6 小结………………………………………………………………………………32 致谢…………………………………………………………………………………33 参考文献……………………………………………………………………………34 年产5万吨涂布白板纸制浆造纸综合工厂设计 重点:日产150吨涂布白板纸干燥部、涂布及完成整理部工艺设计 摘 要:本设计的题目为年生产5万吨涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂,重点为日产150吨涂布白板纸干燥部、涂布及完成整理部工艺设计。本设计追求绿色为前提,积极履行国家环保要求,以废纸为主要原料,经过碎解、脱墨等工序抄造涂布白纸板,用电全来自10万千瓦自备热电站,造纸设备采用日产150吨的四叠网纸机,设计内容包括浆水平衡计算图绘制、设备选型及计算、车间设备平面布置图、工艺流程图绘制,人员的技能条件要求,原料的分类管理,运输管理设计,厂区绿化布局,给水排水规划,污染物的净化和排放,环境保护和综合利用。 关键词:制浆造纸;涂布白纸板;造纸车间;干燥 Annual 5 ten thousand tons of coating whitepaperboard pulp integrated plant design Key: 150 tons of coating, coating, dry white paper and arrangement of process design ABSTRACT:The design of the topic for produced 50,000 tons of coated paper pulp and paper board, comprehensive factory for 60 tons daily of pulp production Premised on the pursuit of green, the positive performance of the State Environmental Protection requirements, after a broken solution, deinking processes Coated Paperboard building to copy.line core process design:The design is divided into four parts. The first part includes the following : engineering background, the need and demand for engineering and design size; The second part comprises the following elements : overall project design conditions and horizontal layout; The third part consists of the following : the composition of the entire plant production workshop and workshop production of integrated narrative; The forth part consists of the following elements : plant construction and structure, water supply and drainage, power, robotic instruments and resources as well as environmental protection and labor safety and health. KEY WORDS:Pulp and papermaking; coated paper board; workshop; dry

  • 日产300吨涂布白板纸厂面浆与衬浆的生产工艺流程设计_轻化工程专业论文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要............................................................I 英文摘要...........................................................II 目录..............................................................III 绪论..............................................................1 1.1目的与意义.................................................1 1.2国内造纸行业概况...........................................1 1.3本生产流程研究的内容与要求.................................2 涂布白板纸的技术指标..............................................3 2.1涂布白板纸的技术指标.......................................3 2.2涂布白板纸的产品规格.......................................4 涂布白板纸的工艺流程以及原料的选择................................4 3.1工艺流程...................................................4 3.2原料选择...................................................5 3.3制浆的废纸离解的选择.......................................5 3.4纸浆的净化和筛选的.........................................5 3.5主要的制浆流程方框图.......................................6 浆水平衡.........................................................10 4.1造纸车间(抄纸工段)浆水平衡计算有关指标与计算数据........10 4.2浆水平衡计算..............................................11 浆水平衡明细表..................................................33 5.1水平衡总表(面浆衬浆).....................................34 5.2浆水平衡明细表(面浆衬浆).................................35 6.设备选型论证与计算..............................................43 6.1设备选型的依据和原则..................................... 43 6.2设备选型的论证............................................43 结果与讨论......................................................48 总结............................................................50 致谢..............................................................51 参考文献..........................................................52 日产300吨涂布白板纸工厂设计 (重点:面浆与衬浆的生产工艺流程) 摘要:涂布白板纸在现今社会的用途相当广泛,用于单面彩色印刷后制成包装盒,涂布白板纸的特点是,该种纸的涂布白度好,有很好的印刷性能和平滑度,纸张本身又具有很好的平滑度和挺度。所以既能满足高要求的印刷,而且也能满足包装要求,是制作中高档商品包装盒的纸张。 应当看到目前国内仍有相当一部分产量小,设备相对落后的设备,且白板纸的市场需求也在不断扩大,研究合探讨10万吨级涂布白板纸生产线,对这些设备进行优化设计,对进一步提高我国涂布白板纸的产能,意义重大。 本论文对生产流程进行了论证,并绘制了生产流程图,对生产流程进行了浆水平衡计算,并绘制了浆水平衡图,设备的选型计算以及选型。绘制了生产简易流程图,和设备布置图。 关键词:涂布白板纸,废纸,生产流程,浆水平衡 Daily production 300 tons of coated paper plant design whiteboard (Focus: surface plasma and the lining of the production process of pulp) Abstract: Coated white paper in today's society the use of a wide range of single-sided color printing for packaging made of, coated white board paper characterized by the coating of the white paper, and have a good printing performance and smoothness, paper itself has a very good smoothness and stiffness. So not only meet the high demands of the printing, but also to meet the packaging requirements, is to produce medium and high grade of paper packaging products. It should be noted that a considerable portion of domestic production is still small, equipment is relatively backward equipment, and market demand for white paper has been expanded to study the combined 100,000-ton to explore white coated paper production line, to optimize the design of these devices on the to further improve China's coated paper production capacity whiteboard of great significance. In this paper, the production process of a demonstration, and the mapping of the production flow chart of the production process were calculated serofluid balance and equilibrium diagram drawn serofluid, equipment selection, and selection of the calculation. Draw a simple flow chart of production, and equipment layout. Key words: coated white board paper, paper, production processes, serofluid balance

  • 年产15万吨牛皮挂面箱纸板制浆造纸综合工厂设计_轻化工程专业论文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 1 绪论1 1.1 设计背景与发展状况1 1.2 工厂设计的可行性分析1 2 全厂产品结构和生产方法4 3 生产工艺设计5 3.1 车间概况及特点5 3.2 底浆生产工艺流程5 3.3 车间技术经济指标和工艺参数5 4 设备衡算和设备选型7 4.1 浆水平衡计算7 4.2 浆水平衡明细表13 4.3 主要设备选型及计算16 5 水、电、气指标消耗及人员编制20 5.1 水、电、气供应20 5.2 人员编制20 5.3 废水治理工艺流程21 6 蒸汽及采暖通风 6.1 动力23 6.2 供热23 6.3 采暖通风23 7 安全技术及防火24 8 建筑部分25 9 车间工艺设备布置说明26 10 设计总论27 致 谢28 参考文献29 年产15万吨牛皮挂面箱板纸制浆造纸综合工厂设计 重点:日产225万吨芯浆生产线工艺设计 摘 要 本文是对年产15万吨牛皮挂面箱纸板的225吨芯浆生产线工艺的初步设计。本设计采用将OCC碎解的方法生产本色浆,无需脱墨,不用漂白,没有添加任何化学药品,整个生产过程主要是进行筛选,除渣,热分散,浓缩,打浆等操作,并且通过废水处理、污染防护以及自主能源,将生产成本降到了最低限度。设计的内容主要包括: 建厂的可行性分析 全厂产品结构和生产方法说明 本车间产品特点及工艺流程、工艺条件的选择 各主要设备物料衡算、设备选型计算 车间水、电、气、消耗技术经济指标及劳动、组织人员编制 车间工艺设备布置说明 设计成果综合评述 参考文献、致谢等 关键词:牛皮挂面箱纸板,芯浆,生产工艺 Comprehensive Factory of Making Pulp and Paper that Produces 150,000 Tons Kraft Paper Liner Board a Year Focus: Technological Design of 160 Tons Prime Paper Pulp Making Liner ABSTRACT This paper is to explain the comprehensive factory of making pulp and paper that produces 150,000 tons kraft paper liner board a year, the point is the workshop where 160 tons waste paper prime pulp is made a day.The design solution will be OCC broken way of producing the color, without deinking, do not bleach, do not add any chemicals, the whole production process is screening, deslagging, thermal dispersion, concentrate, beating and other operations, and wastewater treatment through , pollution prevention, as well as self-energy, production costs will be reduced to a minimum.the main contents of design include: (1) Feasibility analysis of building a mill (2)Product mix and production process of all mill (3)Product features of the workshop and the choice of technological flow and process condition (4)Mass balance and equipment selection of the main equipments (5)Consumption indicator of water, gas and electricity and size of personnel force (6)Arrangement explanation of processing equipment in the mill (7)General survey of design (8)Literature cite and acknowledgment KEY WORDS: Kraft liner board, prime paper pulp, producing technology

  • 竹浆过氧化氢漂白_轻化工程专业论文范文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 研究目的1 1.3 竹子在植物学上的位置2 2 竹子化学成分分析2 2.1本章目的2 2.2 实验3 2.3 结果与观察9 3 蒸煮10 3.1 本章目的10 3.2 KP法特征10 3.3 实验11 3.4 浆板水分测定14 3.5 浆得率计算15 3.6 浆板的卡伯值测定16 3.7 白度的测定17 3.8 结果与观察18 4 漂白20 4.1本章目的20 4.2 实验21 4.2.1 漂液的制备21 4.2.2 漂白21 4.2.3 白度的测量22 4.3 结果与讨论22 5 结论24 致谢25 参考文献26 摘要: 竹子的纤维形态及化学组成表现出较好的制浆性能。从制浆性能及纸浆强度来评价,竹子是较好的造纸原料,仅次于针叶木,接近于阔叶木。随着造纸工业的发展,采用连续蒸煮和以氧及过氧化氢等无污染漂白新方法、新技术代替传统的竹子间歇蒸煮及常规含氯漂白的制浆技术是现代竹浆厂的目标。以竹代木,以减轻造纸工业对木材原料需求的压力,适应生态环境保护的要求为竹浆造纸提供了一个广阔的发展良机。 本论文主要分析了新旧竹浆的各化学成分的含量, 并通过蒸煮,比较了新竹浆和旧竹浆的蒸煮特性.实验表明,新竹浆的蒸煮特性明显高于旧竹浆,并且活化度越高,其蒸煮性能越好.抄造出的浆板越干净,所含杂质也较少. 在相同活化度下,温度越高,蒸煮时间越长,其蒸煮性也越好. 最后也对两种不同活化度条件下的浆板进行了漂白,实验表明,活化度高的其漂白效果好,且在相同条件下时,新竹浆的漂白效果优于旧竹浆. 关键词: 竹浆; 蒸煮; 漂白; 白度 Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching of Bamboo Abstract: Bamboo fiber morphology and chemical composition of the pulp showed better performance. Pulp from the pulp strength properties and to eva luate, bamboo paper is a better raw materials, second only to coniferous wood, close to broad-leaved trees. With the development of paper industry, for cooking and the use of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide bleaching, such as new non-polluting methods, new technologies replace the traditional bamboo and conventional batch cooking chlorine bleaching of pulp and technology is the goal of modern bamboo plant. On behalf of a bamboo wood, paper industry in order to reduce the demand for wood raw material pressure to adapt to the requirements of ecological and environmental protection for the bamboo paper provides a broad development opportunities. This paper analyzes the old and the new chemical composition of the bamboo content and, through cooking, compare new and old bamboo the cooking characteristics of bamboo. The experimental results show that the cooking properties of the new bamboo was significantly higher than the old bamboo, and activation degree of the more high, the better the performance of their cooking. pulp copied to create a more clean and contained fewer impurities. in the same degree of activation, the higher the temperature, the longer the cooking, the cooking, the better also. the end of two under the conditions of different degrees of activation were pulp bleaching, experiments show that activation of its high effective bleaching, and under the same conditions, the bleaching effect of the new bamboo is superior to the old. Keywords: bamboo kraft pulp, Cooking, bleaching, brightness.

  • 日产300吨涂布白纸板厂芯浆和底浆生产线工艺设计_轻化工程专业论文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录IV 1 绪论……………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.1目的和意义………………………………………………………………………1 1.2国内外生产现状…………………………………………………………………1 1.3本生产流程研究的内容和要求…………………………………………………2 2 涂布白板纸的质量技术指标……………………………………………………3 2.1涂布白板纸的质量技术指标…………………………………………………3 2.2涂布白板纸的产品规格………………………………………………………5 3 制浆系统的工艺流程…………………………………………………………… 5 3.1衬浆流程………………………………………………………………5 3.2底浆流程………………………………………………………………6 3.3芯浆流程………………………………………………………………7 3.4流送系统的工艺流程图……………………………………………8 4 浆水平衡……………………………………………………………………9 4.1浆水平衡计算的工艺参数…………………………………………………9 4.2浆水平衡计算…………………………………………………………………12 5 设备选型的论证与计算……………………………………………………50 5.1设备选型的依据和原则…………………………………………………51 5.2设备选型的论证………………………………………………………………51 5.3设备选型计算……………………………………………………………56 6 结论……………………………………………………………………………64 7 参考文献………………………………………………………………………64 8 致谢………………………………………………………………………………66 日产300吨涂布白纸板工厂设计。重点:芯浆和底浆生产线工艺设计 摘 要:涂布白板纸作为目前市场的新宠正越来越多地应用于人们的生产和生活之中,特别是在高档商品包装领域,已经非涂布白板纸没属了,虽然国内许多造纸企业陆续投入对涂布白板纸的生产,市场总体来说还是处于供不应求的状态,研究和优化十万吨级涂布白板纸生产线,对进一步扩大产量意义重大。 10万t/a生产流程的研究对涂布白板纸的生产流程进行了论证和选择,对比了国内外两条涂布白板纸的生产流程,对于生产流程的各个工序的功能进行了分析,并优化了生产流程,制定生产流程的方案,并对生产流程进行了分析和论证。并对涂布白板纸生产过程中用到的原料、辅料、涂料进行了选择论证,说明了选取的理由,尤其是考虑到成本问题,大量用到了废纸进行生产。 本论文的第二部分对生产流程进行了论证,并绘制了生产流程方框图,对生产流程进行了浆水平衡计算、设备的选型计算和选型、绘制了10万t/a涂布白板纸的生产流程简图 关键词:涂布白板纸,废纸,生产流程 Nissan 300 tons of coating whitepaperboard pulp integrated plant design Key: Core pulp and pulp production line at the end of process design Abstract: Spreads the cloth white paperboard newly to favor as the present market more and more many is applying to during people's production and the life, specially in the high-grade merchandise packing domain, already must spread the cloth white paperboard not to be, although the domestic many papermaking enterprise invested one after another to spreads the cloth white paperboard the production, the market generally speaking or was at the condition which fell short of demand, studied and optimizes 10 thousand-ton ten spreads the cloth white paperboard production line, to further expanded output watershed 100,000 t/a production process research to spread the cloth white paperboard the production process to carry on the proof and the choice, contrasted domestic and foreign two to spread the cloth white paperboard the production process, has carried on the analysis regarding the production process each working procedure function, and optimized the production process, the formulation production process plan, and has carried on the analysis and the proof to the production process. And to II spread the raw material, the supplementary material, the coating which in the cloth white paperboard production process used has carried on the choice proof, explained the selection reason, considered in particular the cost question, massively used the scrap paper to carry on the production. The present paper second part has carried on the proof to the production process, and has drawn up the production process block diagram, has carried on the starch balance computation, the equipment shaping computation and the shaping to the production process, draw sup 100,000 t/a to spread the cloth white paperboard the production process diagram. Keywords:coated white paperboard, waste paper, production flow

  • 日产400吨涂布白纸板网部及压榨部工艺设计_轻化工程专业论文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 1 绪论1 1.1 设计题目的描述1 1.2 产品的规格及技术要求1 1.2.1 产品的分类1 1.2.2 技术要求1 2 建厂的可行性分析3 2.1 工厂设计的背景3 2.2 工厂设计的必要性4 2.3 工厂设计的发展状况4 2.4 需求预测与设计规模5 3 工厂设计条件6 3.1 原材料供应情况6 3.2 动力供应6 3.3 燃料资源条件6 3.4 劳动力资源条件7 4 生产工艺7 4.1 概述7 4.2 工艺流程7 4.3 各层浆的生产工艺流程8 4.4 网部和压榨部流程描述8 4.5 工艺条件和工艺参数选择10 4.6 浆水平衡计算11 4.7 主要设备选型及计算19 5 车间布置说明23 5.1车间布置的基本原则23 5.2 造纸车间布置23 6 车间公用工程24 6.1 厂房建筑与结构24 6.2 给水与排水25 6.3 动力28 6.4 环境保护与综合利用29 6.5 劳动安全卫生29 7 劳动定员及工程经济分析32 7.1 劳动定员32 7.2 人员培训33 7.3 设计总结34 致 谢35 参 考 文 献36 年产15万吨涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂设计 摘 要:本次设计是一个年产15万吨涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂,重点 为日产400吨涂布白纸板网部及压榨部工艺设计。 本说明对涂布白纸板制浆造纸综合工厂设计进行了论证和分析,阐述了建厂的必要性和可能性,造纸设备采用日产400吨的4400纸机,设计内容包括浆水平衡计算图的绘制、设备选型及计算、工艺流程图的绘制、车间设备布置图的绘制。设计说明书分为绪论、建厂的可行性分析、工厂设计条件、生产工艺、车间布置说明、车间公用工程和劳动定员及工程经济分析七个部分组成。 关键词:涂布白纸板;网部;压榨部 A pulp and paper-making multiple-producing mill ,which produce 150000 tons of coated white paperboard every year Abstract: The design is a pulp and papermaking multiple-producing mill, which can produce 150000 tons of double sides paper every year , which can produce 400 tons of double sides paper every day. It mainly centers on the technological design of wire section and press section. The description of the title of the article and the analysis of the mill-establishing possibility; The paper-making machine is 4400 type, which has the maximun productive capability of 400 tons per day. The process of design includes the drawing of pulp and water balance, calculation and choice of equipment, workshop plane layout diagram. Design statement consists of a foreword, the analysis of the mill-establishing possibility, the design conditions of the mill, production craftwork, the explanation of the workshop arrangement, utility engineering of the workshop, quota of staff and the analysis of the engineering economy. Keywords:coated white paperboard, wire section, press section

  • 电磁屏蔽功能纸的研究_轻化工程专业论文范文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 电磁污染现状1 1.2 电磁屏蔽的原理1 1.3 电磁屏蔽材料2 1.4 碳纤维电磁屏蔽复合材料的开发4 1.4.1 填充型4 1.4.2 复合材料型4 1.5 复相纸基电磁屏蔽材料5 2 分散剂对电磁屏蔽的影响实验7 2.1 实验仪器及检测方法7 2.3 分散剂使用量的影响9 2.3.1 实验方案9 2.3.2 实验结果与分析10 2.4 总结13 3 碳纤维对电磁屏蔽的影响实验14 3.1 试验仪器及方法14 3.1.1 主要设备14 3.1.2 检测方法14 3.2 实验方案15 3.3 实验结果与分析15 3.4 总结20 4 改性碳纤维对电磁屏蔽的影响实验21 4.1 实验仪器及方法21 4.1.1 主要设备21 4.1.2 检测方法22 4.2 氧化改性碳纤维的影响实验22 4.3 偶联改性碳纤维的影响实验23 4.3.1 实验方案23 4.3.2 实验结果与分析24 4.4 总结25 5 结论26 致 谢27 参考文献28 摘 要:随着科技突飞猛进,电子产品普及千家万户,大功率电气设备数量急剧增加,导致电磁环境急剧恶化,从而带来了一系列危险隐患。将碳纤维与塑料、树脂等基体复合后形成树脂基纤维增强复合材料,是现代先进复合材料的典型代表,也是一种具有电磁屏蔽功能的材料。 本文简要阐述了电磁屏蔽的原理和碳纤维的性能,通过不同浓度、不同分散剂以及不同表面改性方法对碳纤维分散性影响进行探讨,研究了碳纤维在水相的分散性能、碳纤维功能纸的导电性和电磁屏蔽性能。研究结果表明,随着碳纤维含量的不断增加,电磁屏蔽的总体性能在不断得到改善,当选用聚丙烯酰胺作为分散剂时,分散性能较好。通过钛酸酯偶联剂改性后的改性碳纤维,其分散性能、导电性和电磁屏蔽性能都有所提高。 通过本课题的研究,证明了碳纤维电磁屏蔽功能纸的可行性,为早日开发出高性能电磁屏蔽功能纸奠定了一定的理论基础,也提供了数据依据。 关键词:电磁屏蔽 ;碳纤维 ;分散剂 ;zeta电位 The research for electromagnetic shielding function of paper Abstract: With technological advances, electronic products universal thousands of households, the number of high-power electrical equipment increased dramatically, leading to a sharp deterioration of the electromagnetic environment, resulting in a series of dangerous problems. Carbon fiber and plastic, resin matrix after the formation of resin-based composite fiber-reinforced composite materials, advanced composite materials in modern representative of the typical, but also a function of electromagnetic shielding materials. This paper described the principle of electromagnetic shielding and the performance of carbon fiber through the different concentrations, different dispersing agent, as well as different methods of surface modification on dispersion of carbon fibers to explore the impact study of carbon fiber in the aqueous dispersion of the performance of carbon fiber paper conductivity function and electromagnetic shielding properties. The results showed that with the continuous carbon fiber content increased, the overall performance of electromagnetic shielding in continuous improvement was elected as the use of Polyacrylamide dispersant, the dispersion properties. Titanate coupling agent, through the modification of the modified carbon fiber, its dispersion properties, conductivity and electromagnetic shielding properties are improved. Through the study of the subject to prove that the electromagnetic shielding of carbon fiber of the feasibility of paper, for the early development of high performance electromagnetic shielding paper lay a theoretical foundation, it provides the data basis. Keywords:Electromagnetic shielding; carbon fiber; dispersant; zeta potential

  • 微粒助留助滤体系用于废纸制浆造纸的研究_轻化工程专业论文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目录 III 1绪论1 1.1 前言1 1.2 助留助滤技术发展概况1 1.3 助留助滤机理3 1.4微粒助留助滤体系研究的现状及本论文研究的意义8 2实验11 2.1 实验原料11 2.2 主要设备及仪器11 2.3 实验方法11 3结果与讨论15 3.1 CPAM及膨润土用量对CPAM/膨润土体系助留助滤效果影响15 3.2pH值对CPAM/膨润土体系助留助滤效果的影响17 3.3硫酸铝用量对CPAM/膨润土体系助留助滤效果的影响19 3.4剪切速率对CPAM/膨润土体系助留助滤效果影响20 3.5纸料的Zeta电位分析21 3.6CPAM体系与CPAM/膨润土体系对手抄片物理性能影响23 4结论27 致 谢28 参考文献29 摘 要:本论文就单元助留助滤体系、双元微粒助留助滤体系用于废纸制浆造纸的助留助滤效果进行初步探讨。实验结果表明,在保持纤维负电性前提下,CPAM单元助留助滤体系、CPAM/膨润土助留助滤体系都可以有效的改善浆料的助留助滤效果;随着助留助滤体系加入量的逐渐增加,浆料的助留助滤效果逐步增强;CPAM/膨润土助留助滤体系的助留助滤效果明显高于CPAM单元助留助滤体系;而且对于浆料的pH在近中性和中性条件下,会有良好的助留助滤效果。CPAM/膨润土体系的最佳用量CPAM0.1%、膨润土0.2-0.3%。与未加助剂比,助剂应用达到最佳效果情况下,所抄送纸页的表面强度略有改善,定量、厚度有所提高,但纸页的裂断长、环压强度均有不同程度的下降。 关键词:CPAM;CPAM/膨润土;助留助滤;裂断长;环压强度 Study of microparticle retention and drainage aid system on Pulp and Paper Abstract: This article introduces the study of microparticle retention and drainage aid system on Pulp and Paper. The experimental results show that Maintain the fiber under the premise of Negative , CPAM unit Retention System and CPAM / bentonite Retention system both can improve the slurry Retention effect,And with the addition of, Retention slurry to enhance the effect of, However, CPAM / bentonite Retention was significantly higher than the effect of the system unit CPAM Retention System. And for the slurry in the near-neutral pH and neutral conditions, Have a good effect of Retention .CPAM / bentonite system, the best dosage CPAM0.1%, Bentonite 0.2-0.3%. And not more than additive, additive effect of the application of the best cases, the surface of copy paper a slight improvement in strength, quantitative, increased thickness, but the paper breaking length of the ring have different compressive strength the extent of the decline in. Keywords:CPAM; CPAM / bentonite; Retention;Breaking length; Central pressure level

  • 年产30万吨高强瓦楞原纸工厂设计_轻化工程专业论文范文

    轻化工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 设计背景和意义1 1.1.1 设计背景1 1.1.2 设计意义2 1.2 设计具有的几点优势2 1.3 设计中几个值得注意的问题3 2. 设计过程4 2.1 设计条件4 2.2 总平面布置7 2.3 生产工艺设计10 2.4 浆水平衡及设备选型计算17 2.5 设备平面布置图简要说明43 2.6 车间配套工程设计44 3. 结果与讨论48 附录48 致谢49 参考文献50 年产30万吨高强瓦楞原纸工厂设计 (重点:制浆车间工艺设计) 摘 要: 本设计是一个年产30万吨高强瓦楞原纸的制浆造纸工厂设计,重点是制浆车间的工艺设计。 利用废纸资源造纸在国内外造纸工业中占有越来越重要的地位,对我国这样缺少造纸原料的造纸工业来说更具有深远的意义。 本设计说明书主要包括了以下内容:一、介绍了工程设计的背景、工程设计的必要性;二、主要介绍工艺设计的条件和总平面布置,以及总平面布置得基本原则和总平面布置概述;三、工艺部分,也是本设计的重点,说明了生产工艺及浆水平衡计算、设备选型计算、车间布置,并且还绘制了生产流程图,车间平面布置图,设备一览表;四、介绍了设计车间的辅助工程设施。 最后部分写明了参考文献,并对给予帮助的老师表示感谢! 关键词:废纸制浆;工艺设计;生产流程 Annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of high-strength corrugated paper plant design ( Focus :Pulping Process Design Workshop) Abstract: The design is an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of high-strength corrugated paper pulp and paper plant design, with a focus on making the process design workshop. The use of waste paper resources at home and abroad more and more paper industry occupies an important position paper on China's such a lack of raw materials for paper industry is more far-reaching significance. The design specification includes the following elements: First, to introduce the engineering design background, the need for engineering design; II introduces the conditions for process design and general layout, as well as a general layout of the basic principles and outlines the general layout; Third, some technology, but also the focus of this design shows that the production process and serofluid balance calculation, equipment selection, the shop layout, and production flow chart drawing, workshop floor plan, equipment list; IV introduced the design aided engineering workshop facilities. The last part stated references,and Expressed my gratitude to teacher for her help. Keywords:wasted peper pulping; Process Design; Production process