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  • 电渗析染料脱盐研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要.II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 染料的分类1 1.2染料的生产工艺2 1.3纳滤的生产工艺3 1.3.1 纳滤的特性3 1.4电渗析装置和原理6 2 实验部分10 2.1 实验原料10 2.2 实验设备10 2.3 实验步骤10 3 结果与讨论12 3.1 脱盐实验的准备12 3.2 脱盐因素考察15 4 总结与展望20 致 谢21 参考文献22 摘 要:本论文讲述了纳滤脱盐和电渗析脱盐的进展和区别,主要是对染料进行电渗析脱盐研究。做了一系列的标准曲线,包括染料浓度与电导率关系曲线、氯化钠盐浓度与电导率关系曲线,染料浓度与吸光度关系曲线。考察染料的浓度、染料中盐的浓度、电流、pH和流量这些因素的变化对染料的脱盐影响。结果显示不同的染料浓度对脱盐的影响不大,不同的含盐量和电流对脱盐的结果也没有什么大的影响。由于染料本身有一定的电阻,所以再高的设定电流也没有实际意义,电流过小会使得脱盐的过程在开始是会有一个恒流过程。pH和流量的变化也只是改变了脱盐的初始速率,并不影响脱盐的最终结果。 关键词:电渗析;染料;脱盐 Abstract: This article describes the nanofiltration and electrodialysis desalination progress and the difference. Dye electrodialysis desalination research was mainly carried out. A series of standard curves was done, including the dye concentration and conductivity curve, sodium chloride concentration and conductivity curve, dye concentration and absorbancy curve. The effects of dye desalination such as the dye concentration, the different salt concentration in dye, current, pH and flow were studied. The results show that different dye concentrations was the little effect on desalination, different salinity and currents were also little effect on desalination. Because dye has a certain degree of resistance, so to set a high current is no practical significance. If the current is set too small, there will be a constant current process in the beginning of the desalination process. Changes of pH and flow change only the desalination initial rate, affect not the final result of desalination. Keywords:Electrodialysis; Dye; Desalination

  • 超临界CO2流体萃取传递模型的研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 超临界CO2流体萃取的应用前景1 1.2 超临界CO2流体萃取的原理及工艺2 1.3 二氧化碳的临界性质5 1.4 超临界CO2流体萃取的研究意义7 1.5 超临界CO2流体萃取传质机理的研究7 2. 实验部分9 2.1 超临界CO2流体的P-V-T测定9 2.2 超临界CO2流体萃取过程传质模型推导14 2.3 萃取模型的验证18 2.4 结论19 3.总结与展望21 致谢22 参考文献23 摘 要:超临界流体萃取技术是一种高新分离技术,其应用和研究日益广泛。其中,超临界CO2流体萃取天然植物籽油已成为热门研究课题。在众多超临界流体萃取植物籽油的研究中,传质方面的研究相对较少。本文包含两个方面的内容:其一是对CO2的P-V-T数据的实验验证,涉及高压相平衡方面的知识,并且阐述了超临界CO2流体萃取天然植物籽油中传质方面的研究概况,列举了其中几种重要的传质理论模型;其二建立新型的物理模型—柱形缩心模型,以此物理模型为基础对其建立数学模型,并查取茶籽油等的文献数据来验证该模型,对于完全萃取时间的计算值与实验值较接近,所以本模型的预测值可满足放大试验的预测要求,而萃取时间对于收率的影响的预测与实验值偏离较大,有待进一步测定可靠的物理量来完善此模型。 关键词:超临界CO2流体萃取;P-V-T数据;传质模型 Abstract:Supercritical fluid extraction technology is a high-separation technology, its applications and researchs are more and more widely. Among them, the supercritical CO2 fluid extraction of natural plant oil already become a hot research topic. Among the supercritical fluid extraction of seed oil, the research of mass transfer was relatively small. This article contains two aspects: one is the P-V-T data experiments of CO2,it is related to high-pressure phase equilibrium knowledge.And described supercritical CO2 fluid extraction of natural plant oil in the area of mass profile, which listed several important theoretical model of mass transfer ; Second, establish a new physical model - column reduced heart model,also base on this physical model , a mathematical model was established.And take tea seed oil as a example, the literature search data to validate the model, the calculation for the full value of the extraction time experimental value is closer, so the prediction of the model test meets the forecast demand while the yield of extraction time for the prediction and experimental values deviate from the larger, demanding further experimental determination of reliable physical data to refine the model. Key words: supercritical CO2 fluid extraction;P-V-T data;mass transfer model

  • 新型β-分泌酶抑制剂的设计和合成研究

    摘 要:本课题组在研究前人工作的基础上,结合计算机辅助药物设计的方法,利用药物设计中的生物电子等排原理,利用Catalyst软件,选择23个具有高效β-分泌酶抑制活性的三取代芳香化合物作为训练集,经计算机建模、构象优化,由Catalyst系统构建出10个药效团模型,并对药效团进行有效性分析,结合模型的预测能力,筛选得到的药效团模型包含一个芳环中心,一个疏水中心,一个氢键受体和一个氢键供体。模型具有良好的相关性并且显示出较强的预测能力,为进一步设计和合成新型的β-分泌酶抑制剂提供理论依据。 利用Catalyst软件,获得了一系列的化合物,本课题组选择了其中四个活性较好化合物做为目标化合物。通过逆合成分析,结合文献,设计了原料易得、操作简便、收率较好的合成路线,共合成了目标化合物四个,目标化合物均经1HNMR和IR测试验证。 关键词:老年痴呆症;β-分泌酶抑制剂;Aβ;Catalyst;药效团 目 录 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要………………………………………………………………………………………II 目录…………………………………………………………………………………………III 1. 绪论…………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 前言……………………………………………………………………………………1 1.2 β-分泌酶的特性……………………………………………………………………3 1.3 β-分泌酶在发生过程中的作用……………………………………………………4 1.4 β-分泌酶抑制剂的分类……………………………………………………………5 1.4.1 类肽类抑制剂…………………………………………………………………5 1.4.2 非类肽类抑制剂………………………………………………………………8 1.5 β-分泌酶抑制剂的研究……………………………………………………………10 1.6 β-分泌酶研究新动向………………………………………………………………11 1.7 本课题研究的目的和内容…………………………………………………………12 1.8 研究的方法与技术路线……………………………………………………………12 1.9 本章小结……………………………………………………………………………12 2. 实验部分……………………………………………………………………………………13 2.1计算机辅助部分………………………………………………………………………13 2.2 化学合成部分…………………………………………………………………………20 2.3小结……………………………………………………………………………………24 3. 结果与讨论…………………………………………………………………………………25 3.1最佳药效的团建立分析………………………………………………………………25 3.2合成目标化合物的影响因素…………………………………………………………26 3.3化合物的表征…………………………………………………………………………28 4. 总结与展望…………………………………………………………………………………31 致谢……………………………………………………………………………………………32 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………33 附录A:大学期间已发表学术论文……………………………………………………………37 Abstract:With computer assistance, on the basis of the predecessors' work, and by using the bioisosterism theory.Pharmacophore models of β-secretase inhibitors was established by using Catalyst HypoGen program with a training set of 23 trisubstituted aromatic compounds. The best pharmacophore hypothesis, consisting of four features, one aromatic ring center, one aliphatic hydrophobic core, one hydrogen bonding acceptor and one hydrogen bond donor, suggesting that a highly predictive pharmacophore model was successfully obtained. This pharmacophore model will contribute to the design and synthesis of new type β-secretase inhibitors. We,re using the Catalyst, and found a series of the compounds, then we arechoose four better compounds.And this is our target compounds. By the retrosynthetic analysis of the target compound, we design a rational synthetic way. Four compounds have been synthesized. All the compound were confirmed by 1HNMR and IR. Keywords: Alzheimer,s disease; β-secretase inhibitor; Aβ; Catalyst; Pharmaophore

  • S2O82-ZrO2-SiO2固体酸制备及性能的研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 前言1 1.2 固体酸的分类2 1.3 固体酸的应用2 1.3.8 选择性硝化反应4 1.4 固体酸的制备方法4 1.5 固体酸的表征技术7 1.6 固体酸的失活与再生9 1.7 本章小结9 2 实验部分10 2.1 实验试剂与仪器10 2.2 催化剂的制备11 2.3 固体酸的表征11 2.4 乙酰丙酸的合成与检测12 3 结果与讨论13 3.1 固体酸的IR分析13 3.2 固体酸的比表面分析15 3.3 固体酸的活性分析17 4 总结与展望20 致 谢21 参考文献22 摘 要:本文采用沉淀-浸渍法,通过改变硅锆原子量比、焙烧温度及焙烧时间三个变量制备一系列S2O82-/ZrO2-SiO2固体超强酸催化剂。通过单因素实验,考察了硅锆原子量比、焙烧温度及焙烧时间对蔗糖制备乙酰丙酸的影响。实验结果显示:随着硅锆比从3增加到5,乙酰丙酸的收率一直降低;随着焙烧温度从500℃升高到600℃,乙酰丙酸的收率开始时降低,到550℃以后升高;随着焙烧时间从2h增加到4h,乙酰丙酸的收率开始时升高,到3h以后降低。采用红外光谱仪及比表面仪对固体酸的结构和比表面积进行表征。实验结果显示:焙烧温度为500℃,焙烧时间为4h,硅锆比为4时,制备的催化剂的比表面积最大,催化活性最高;将该条件下制备的催化剂用于蔗糖及糠的水解反应,乙酰丙酸的收率分别17.4%和0.31%。 关键词:S2O82-/ZrO2-SiO2固体酸;乙酰丙酸;表征 Abstract: A series of S2O82-/ZrO2-SiO2 solid acid catalysts were prepared successfully by the method of precipitation-impregnation at different Si/Zr atom ratio, different roasting temperatures and different roasting times. Through the single factor test, we researched the effects of different Si/Zr atom ratio, roasting temperature and roasting time on the yield of Levulinic acid by sucrose and found that with the Si/Zr atom ratio improved from 3 to 5, the yield of LA was descend; with the roasting temperature improved from 500℃ to 600℃, the yield of LA was descend in the beginning, after 550℃ the yield was improved; with the roasting time improved from 2h to 4h, the yield of LA was improved in the beginning, after 3h the yield was descend. And solid superacid catalysts were characterized by means of IR and BET. The result indicate that:when the roasting temperature was 500℃, the roasting temperature was 4h, the Si/Zr atom ratio was 4, this kind of catalyst’s BET was the biggest, and its catalytic activity was the highest; this kind of catalyst for the hydrolysis of sucrose and bran, the yield of LA were 17.4% and 0.31%. Keywords:S2O82-/ZrO2-SiO2 Solid acid; Levulinic acid; Characterization

  • 合成氨系统工艺设计及计算_化工专业论文

    摘要:合成氨是重要的化工产品,在国民经济中具有十分重要的意义。合成氨工艺是最典型的化工生产工艺之一,它集原料前处理、反应、传热、传质、分离、产品后处理等为一体,设备多,流程长而复杂。合成氨还是一个消耗原料、燃料和动力很大的化工产品。从七十年代能源危机自今,能源供应紧张,价格越来越高,同时世界各国对环境保护的要求也越来越高,严峻的形势迫使合成氨生产企业实施节能降耗技术改造。 本文综合物理化学、化工原理、反应工程、分离工程等学科相关内容,针对合成氨固有的流程做出全装置物料衡算和能量衡算。并对装置中各体系进行了热力学物性计算、相平衡计算。在计算的基础上对合成工段的一些装置进行了选型。 关键词: 合成氨;物料衡算;能量衡算 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1 绪论1 1.1 概述1 1.2 文献综述2 1.3 设计任务的依据4 1.4 贮运情况4 2 生产流程与生产流程简述6 2.1 合成氨生产工艺6 2.2 合成氨生产流程简述8 3 工艺计算书11 3.1 总气体消耗量计算11 3.2 合成工段物料与热量衡算14 3.3 主要设备的工艺计算21 4 环保与安全措施47 4.1 环保措施47 4.2 安全问题与措施48 5 总结与展望52 致谢53 参考文献54 Abstract: Ammonia is an important chemical product and it plays a significant role in the national economy. The process of ammonia synthesis is a typical chemical engineering technology, which includes material treatment, chemical reaction, heat and mass transfer, and product post-treatment. The process is complex with many types of equipment. Furthermore, the production of ammonia consumes a lot of raw materials, fuel and power. Since the energy resource crisis in 1970’, people have faced problems of both lack of energy supply and its higher and higher price. Meanwhile, the nations in the world have made more restrict requirements to environment protection. All these rigorous situations force the ammonia producers to develop technical innovation for energy saving. In this paper, we did mass and energy balances for whole equipments by utilizing the knowledge of physical chemistry, chemical engineering, separation engineering, numerical analysis and computer technology. Furthermore, the thermodynamic properties and phase equilibrium of each system was calculated. The selection of the equipments was confirmed based on the calculation. Key words: Synthetic ammonia; Mass balance; Energy balance

  • 从杨梅叶中提取黄酮的研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 柠檬苦素的来源1 1.2 柠檬苦素类似物及其配糖体的结构1 1.3 柠檬苦素类似物的理化性质2 1.4 柠檬苦素类似物的分布、含量及生物转化过程2 1.5 柠檬苦素类似物的生物活性功能4 1.6 柠檬苦素类似物的提取技术5 1.7 柠檬苦素类似物的分离纯化技术6 1.8 苦素类似物的检测技术6 1.9 柠檬苦素的应用8 1.10 柠檬苦素的发展前景9 2 实验部分11 2.1 实验原料、试剂与仪器11 2.2 实验步骤12 3 结果与讨论14 3.1 单因素实验结果与分析14 3.2 响应面法确立最佳工艺条件18 3.3 验证实验25 3.4 柠檬苦素的分离纯化25 4总结与展望27 4.1 总结27 4.2 展望27 致谢28 参考文献:29 摘要:为优化柠檬苦素提取工艺,以1g桔核粉提取的柠檬苦素产量为指标,对料液比、超声时间、超声温度、超声功率、提取剂种类及乙醇浓度等因素进行了考察。在单因素实验的基础上,选取超声温度、超声时间和料液比为随机因子,利用响应面法对提取柠檬苦素的工艺进行优化,根据中心组合设计原理采用三因素三水平的响应面分析法,依据回归分析确定最优提取工艺条件。结果表明,柠檬苦素提取的最佳工艺条件为:超声温度为45.65℃,超声时间为17.77min,料液比为1:65.52。采用该工艺条件,1g桔核粉柠檬苦素类似物总产量可达到44.17mg。验证实验值为46.40mg,与理论值相对误差为4.8%。 关键词:柠檬苦素;超声;提取;响应面分析法;工艺优化 Abstracts: Limonin production from orange nuclear powder was carried out using ethanol with the assistance of ultrasonic. Experimental design was used to investigate the effect of three parameters (extraction temperature, extraction time, and ratio of ethanol to raw material) on limonin yields. The ranges of the factors investigated were 30~50℃ for extraction temperature (X1), 20-30min for extraction time (X2), and 50~70 for ratio of ethanol to raw material (X3). The central composite design showed that polynomial regression models were in good agreement with the experimental results with the coefficients of determination of 0.9900 for limonin yield. The optimal condition for limonin yield within the experimental range of the variables studied was at 17.8 min, 45.6℃, and 1:65.5. At this condition, the predicted yield of limonin extracted was 46.4mg. Key words: Limonin;Ultrasound;Extraction;Response Surface Methodology;Optimization

  • 餐饮废油制取生物柴油新型催化剂的研究

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1.绪论1 1.1 生物柴油的简介1 1.2 生物柴油的生产状况2 1.3 市场前景4 1.4 生物柴油的生产方法4 2.实验部分9 2.1 背景、目的、意义和内容9 2.2 实验原理9 2.3 原料及试剂11 2.4 仪器与设备11 2.5 检测方法12 2.6 实验方法13 3.结果与讨论17 3.1 餐饮废油的性质17 3.2 单因素实验17 3.3 正交试验结果及极差分析20 3.4 生物柴油的气相色谱分析21 4.总结与展望23 致 谢24 参考文献25 摘要:能源是现代社会赖以生存和发展的重要资源之一,我国是石油资源极其短缺的国家,研发可持续发展的石油替代燃料对确保我国的能源安全,国民经济持续稳定健康发展具有及其重要的战略意义。生物柴油作为生物质能的一种,因其较好的燃烧性质及可再生、环境友好型等优点,己经在世界范围内得到广泛的研究及应用。 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,餐饮废油的产量也日益增大,不仅严重影响市容环境和市民生活,而且还会造成大面积的水体污染。利用餐饮废油生产生物柴油是目前一条能够节约能源,减少污染的比较理想的途径。 目前生产生物柴油的方法主要是化学合成法。但是该法存在易产生副反应,且会产生工业废水污染环境等缺点。本文以餐饮废油为原料,磷钨酸作为催化剂,通过脂交换反应制取生物柴油。通过单因素实验进行正交试验水平的确定,选出各个单因素的最佳反应条件,得到正交试验的实验最佳水平。然后通过正交实验讨论了反应时间、反应温度、催化剂用量和醇油比对原料转化率影响,得出优化工艺条件为:反应时间3h、反应温度为65℃、磷钨酸占餐饮废油质量为8%和醇油比(甲醇与原料油物质的量比)为10:1。 关键词:生物柴油;酯交换;餐饮废油;磷钨酸 Abstract :The energy is one of capital stocks in our developing modern life .Our country is extremely in lack of the oil resource.Hence, it is essentially strategic sense to research and develop the sustainable fuel instead of the crude oil, which could guarantee our country's energy security with development of the national economy healthily. Biodiesel , one kind of a biomas energy , has been used widely around the world since its good ignition character and renewable, environment friendly and so on. As standard of our living environment is much better than before , the output of used dining oil also increases than ever,which is influenceing not only the city's environment seriously, but also the river we lived with. At present,it is a wise idea that we can reuse the cooking oil to save the energy and prevent environment fron being polluted. The current method of producing biodiesel mainly chemical synthesis method .However, this method is easy to produce side effects, and will have disadvantages such as industrial wastewater pollution to the environment. In this article, the synthesis of biodiesel through the transesterification of waste oil as raw material catalyzed by phosphotungstic acid is carried out. Single factor experiments to determine the level of the orthogonal test, the winners of various single-factor optimum conditions to obtain the best level orthogonal experiments. Then the orthogonal experiment of reaction time, reaction temperature, catalyst and methanol to oil ratio on the conversion of raw materials affected, the optimum condition is reaction time 3 h, phosphotungstic acid accounted for 8wt% of waste oil , a molar ratio of 10 in methanol (methanol and fuel oil ratio of molar) . Keyword:biodiesel; transesterification; waste cooking oil; substitute fuel; phosphotungstic acid

  • 由异丁醛合成三甲基戊二醇_化工专业论文

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 概况1 1.2 合成方法1 1.3 用途2 2. 实验部分4 2.1 实验试剂4 2.2 实验仪器4 2.3 实验内容4 3. 结果与讨论10 3.1 产物表征与定量10 3.2 影响TMPD产率的单因素实验结果与分析13 3.3 TMPD的精制20 4.总结与展望20 致谢22 参考文献23 附录24 摘要:2 ,2 ,4-三甲基-1 ,3-戊二醇(以下简称TMPD) ,是一种重要的精细化工中间体。常用于不饱和树脂、醇酸树脂、聚氨基甲酸乙酯、多酯增塑剂、印刷油墨、合成香料、表面活性剂如纤维柔软剂,以及驱虫剂等产品的合成中。由于国内对TMPD的合成工艺、产品深加工及应用开发不够,很难寻到国产TMPD的商品。以工业异丁醛和氢氧化钠为原料合成了2 ,2 ,4-三甲基-1 ,3-戊二醇。优化的工业生产条件为:异丁醛∶20%氢氧化钠溶液∶50%氢氧化钠溶液=10∶1∶4.3(mol) ,第一阶段反应温度28~52 ℃,时间1~2 h ,第二阶段反应温度90~140℃ , 反应时间8 h ,90℃反应3h,120℃反应3h,140℃反应2h。第二阶段催化剂的加入方式为分批加入的方式。产率为50.22%。同时提出了提高产品质量的后处理方法。 关键词:2 ,2 ,4-三甲基-1 ,3-戊二醇;异丁醛;合成;研究。 Abstract:2 ,2 ,4 - Trimethylpentane - l , 3 - diol. (Hereinafter referred to as TMPD) Is an important fine chemical intermediates. Commonly used in the unsaturated resin, alkyd resin, polyurethane, and more ester plasticizers, printing inks, synthetic fragrances, surfactants, such as fabric softeners, as well as the synthesis of insect repellant products. As the synthesis of domestic TMPD, product processing and application development is not enough, difficulty of finding someone made TMPD goods.The technology for the synthesis of 2 ,2 ,4 - trimethylpen2tane - 1 , 3 - diol using industrial isobutyraldehyde and sodiumhydroxide is presented. The optimum reaction condition is thatthe mole ratio of reactants isobutyraldehyde : sodium hydroxide :sodium hydroxide = 10 : 1 : 4.3 ,reaction temperature 28~52 ℃for 1~2h in frist step , and 90~140 ℃for 8h in second step,90 ℃ reaction for 3h,120 ℃ reaction for 3h,140℃ reaction for 2h.Yield was 50.22%The methods of purifying products aredeveloped too. Key words : 2 ,2 ,4 - trimethylpentane - 1 , 3 - diol ; isobu2tyraldehyde ; synthesis

  • 温度对丙烷选择氧化催化剂Mo-V-Te-Ox催化性能的影响_化工专业论文

    温度对丙烷选择氧化催化剂Mo-V-Te-Ox催化性能的影响_化工专业论文 目录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 研究课题的意义1 1.2 MMO催化剂工业化存在的困难1 1.3 MMO催化剂性能的影响方面2 1.4 MMO催化剂晶相方面3 1.5 微波加热法3 1.6 气相色谱的操作4 2. 实验部分5 2.1 主要实验试剂和仪器5 2.2 催化剂的制备5 2.3 催化剂的评价7 2.4 催化剂的表征7 3. 结果与讨论9 3.1 催化剂的活性评价12 3.1 Bet法测比表面积分析12 3.2 催化剂的XRD图谱13 4. 总结与展望15 4.1 总结15 4.2 展望15 致 谢16 参考文献17 附录118 附录219 摘要: 本文采用三氧化钼,水合硫酸氧钒和二氧化锑为主要原料,并添加氧化铈助剂,在不同温度下进行水热合成,并结合微波干燥和常规加热干燥,通过程序升温焙烧活化制备了复合氧化物Mo-V-Te-0x催化剂。通过自建的气固相微型反应装置和气相色谱的联用对催化剂样品进行了活性评价。通过BET、XRD等表征手段对催化剂的比表面积和晶相进行了考察。实验结果显示:不同的水合温度,不同的干燥法和不同的反应温度对催化剂的比表面积、晶相和活性有影响。微波法加热,可增大催化剂的比表面积,并能改变催化剂的晶相。微波干燥下在水合温度为190℃,反应温度为450℃时,得到丙烷最大的转化率,为36.41 %;最高的丙烯醛的收率是14.75%,丙烯酸的收率是5.59%。 关键词:Mo-V-Te-Ox催化剂;水热合成;微波加热法;焙烧活化 Abstract: In this paper MoO3, VOSO4H2O and TeO2 as the main raw material, and add CeO2. at different temperatures under hydrothermal synthesis, and the combination of microwave and conventional heat drying and dry Roasting through programmed activation Preparation of the composite oxides Mo-V-Te-0x catalyst. By relying on the gas-solid phase micro-reactor and gas chromatography combined with the right catalyst samples of activity eva luation. By BET, XRD characterization of the catalyst surface area than the crystalline phase and carried out an inspection. The experimental results show that : different hydration temperature, the drying and the reaction temperature on the catalyst surface area, phase and activity. Microwave heating of the catalyst increases the surface area, and change the phase catalyst. Microwave drying under the hydration temperature of 190℃ the reaction temperature of 450℃, to be the largest propane conversion, for the 36.41%; Acrolein the highest yield is 14.75%, the yield is acrylic 5.59%. Key words : Mo-V-Te-Ox catalyst;Hydrothermal Synthesis;Microwave heating method; Roasting activation

  • 含肉桂酰氧基光敏性单体的合成及表征

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 绪论1 2 实验部分4 2.1 实验原料4 2.2 含肉桂酰氧基光敏性单体的制备4 2.3 含肉桂酰氧基光敏性单体的表征5 3.结果与讨论7 3.1 产物结构的确认7 3.2 各种实验条件对反应的影响12 4 结论15 致 谢16 参考文献17 摘要:形状记忆材料是一类对外界刺激具有敏感性的智能材料,若在高分子材料中引入发色基团,在光照作用下,发色基团发生光致异构化反应(如顺-反异构),从而完成形状的记忆。本论文以肉桂酸甲酯和二乙醇胺为原料,以甲醇钠为催化剂,合成了新的功能性内酯单体——-甲基--肉桂酰氧基--戊内酯,并通过FTIR、NMR、MS、元素分析等测试分析方法,验证了其结构。在此基础上,考查了甲酯与二乙醇胺配比、催化剂用量、反应温度以及反应时间对反应转化率的影响,并得到了反应优化条件:甲酯与二乙醇胺1:2投料,甲醇钠用量为反应物总量的0.6%,反应温度为110℃,反应时间为5h。该优化条件下产物收率为73.8%,纯度为91%。 关键词:形状记忆;光致;肉桂酰氧基;光敏性单体 Abstract: Shape memory materials are a kind of intelligent polymer with chromophore group which will undergo isomerization reactions (such as geometrical isomerism) in light, then possess the shape memory properties. In this thesis, methyl cinnamate and diethanolamine was catalyzed by sodium methylate.. The product was identified as -methyl--cinnamoyl--valerolactone with FTIR, NMR, MS and elemental analysis, etc. The influence of methyl/diethanolamine ratio, catalyst amount, reaction temperature and reaction time on the reaction conversion was investigated. On this basis, the optimal reaction conditions were defined as follow: methylate/diethanolamine ratio was 1:2, sodium methoxide amount was 0.6% (total reactants), reaction temperature was 110 oC and the reaction time was 5 hours. The optimal yield of the reaction was 73.8%, and the purity of the product was 91%. Keywords:Shape memory; light-induced; cinnamoyl group; photosensitive monomer