【英文标题】Mode and Path of Peasants Participating in Land System Transformation【标题注释】本文为华北电力大学(保定)青年教师基金资助项目和2009年度河北省社会科学基金项目《金融危机冲击下的返乡农民工创业和推动我省新农村建设的互动研究》的相关成果(项目编号:HB09BLJ007)。
【作 者】王建红/张月想
【作者简介】王建红,1978生,男,汉族,华北电力大学人文学院讲师,中央民族大学在读博士,研究方向:理论经济学、制度经济学,河北 保定 071000;张月想,华北电力大学人文学院,河北 保定 071000
【摘 要 题】土地经济
【英文摘要】Through the analyses based on the theory of institutional evolution and public choice theory, we can find that peasants have their responding strategies to the changes of land system. They influence the changes of land system trough two principal patterns: direct participation and indirect participation. The paths of direct participation include revolution, contract and political participation; while the paths of indirect participation consist of that through selecting supplier of theory and that through feedback strategy. The existence and possibility of these participating activities are proven by real examples in China, and this inspires us that in the nowadays innovation of Chinese lard system, peasants' participating behaviors should be taken into consideration in order to make the innovation effective.
【关 键 词】农民参与/土地制度变迁/模式/路径
peasants' participation/changes of land system/pattern/path
【正 文】