《SABCEMM-A Simulator for Agent-Based Computational Economic Market Models》
Torsten Trimborn, Philipp Otte, Simon Cramer, Max Beikirch, Emma
Pabich, Martin Frank
一级分类:Quantitative Finance 数量金融学
二级分类:Computational Finance 计算金融学
分类描述:Computational methods, including Monte Carlo, PDE, lattice and other numerical methods with applications to financial modeling
一级分类:Economics 经济学
二级分类:Econometrics 计量经济学
分类描述:Econometric Theory, Micro-Econometrics, Macro-Econometrics, Empirical Content of Economic Relations discovered via New Methods, Methodological Aspects of the Application of Statistical Inference to Economic Data.
一级分类:Quantitative Finance 数量金融学
二级分类:General Finance 一般财务
分类描述:Development of general quantitative methodologies with applications in finance
一级分类:Quantitative Finance 数量金融学
二级分类:Trading and Market Microstructure 交易与市场微观结构
分类描述:Market microstructure, liquidity, exchange and auction design, automated trading, agent-based modeling and market-making
We introduce the simulation tool SABCEMM (Simulator for Agent-Based Computational Economic Market Models) for agent-based computational economic market (ABCEM) models. Our simulation tool is implemented in C++ and we can easily run ABCEM models with several million agents. The object-oriented software design enables the isolated implementation of building blocks for ABCEM models, such as agent types and market mechanisms. The user can design and compare ABCEM models in a unified environment by recombining existing building blocks using the XML-based SABCEMM configuration file. We introduce an abstract ABCEM model class which our simulation tool is built upon. Furthermore, we present the software architecture as well as computational aspects of SABCEMM. Here, we focus on the efficiency of SABCEMM with respect to the run time of our simulations. We show the great impact of different random number generators on the run time of ABCEM models. The code and documentation is published on GitHub at https://github.com/SABCEMM/SABCEMM, such that all results can be reproduced by the reader.