《Calibration of Distributionally Robust Empirical Optimization Models》
Jun-Ya Gotoh, Michael Jong Kim, Andrew E.B. Lim
一级分类:Statistics 统计学
二级分类:Machine Learning 机器学习
分类描述:Covers machine learning papers (supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised learning, graphical models, reinforcement learning, bandits, high dimensional inference, etc.) with a statistical or theoretical grounding
一级分类:Computer Science 计算机科学
二级分类:Systems and Control 系统与控制
分类描述:cs.SY is an alias for eess.SY. This section includes theoretical and experimental research covering all facets of automatic control systems. The section is focused on methods of control system analysis and design using tools of modeling, simulation and optimization. Specific areas of research include nonlinear, distributed, adaptive, stochastic and robust control in addition to hybrid and discrete event systems. Application areas include automotive and aerospace control systems, network control, biological systems, multiagent and cooperative control, robotics, reinforcement learning, sensor networks, control of cyber-physical and energy-related systems, and control of computing systems.
一级分类:Economics 经济学
二级分类:Econometrics 计量经济学
分类描述:Econometric Theory, Micro-Econometrics, Macro-Econometrics, Empirical Content of Economic Relations discovered via New Methods, Methodological Aspects of the Application of Statistical Inference to Economic Data.
一级分类:Electrical Engineering and Systems Science 电气工程与系统科学
二级分类:Systems and Control 系统与控制
分类描述:This section includes theoretical and experimental research covering all facets of automatic control systems. The section is focused on methods of control system analysis and design using tools of modeling, simulation and optimization. Specific areas of research include nonlinear, distributed, adaptive, stochastic and robust control in addition to hybrid and discrete event systems. Application areas include automotive and aerospace control systems, network control, biological systems, multiagent and cooperative control, robotics, reinforcement learning, sensor networks, control of cyber-physical and energy-related systems, and control of computing systems.
一级分类:Quantitative Finance 数量金融学
二级分类:Portfolio Management 项目组合管理
分类描述:Security selection and optimization, capital allocation, investment strategies and performance measurement
We study the out-of-sample properties of robust empirical optimization problems with smooth $\phi$-divergence penalties and smooth concave objective functions, and develop a theory for data-driven calibration of the non-negative "robustness parameter" $\delta$ that controls the size of the deviations from the nominal model. Building on the intuition that robust optimization reduces the sensitivity of the expected reward to errors in the model by controlling the spread of the reward distribution, we show that the first-order benefit of ``little bit of robustness" (i.e., $\delta$ small, positive) is a significant reduction in the variance of the out-of-sample reward while the corresponding impact on the mean is almost an order of magnitude smaller. One implication is that substantial variance (sensitivity) reduction is possible at little cost if the robustness parameter is properly calibrated. To this end, we introduce the notion of a robust mean-variance frontier to select the robustness parameter and show that it can be approximated using resampling methods like the bootstrap. Our examples show that robust solutions resulting from "open loop" calibration methods (e.g., selecting a $90\%$ confidence level regardless of the data and objective function) can be very conservative out-of-sample, while those corresponding to the robustness parameter that optimizes an estimate of the out-of-sample expected reward (e.g., via the bootstrap) with no regard for the variance are often insufficiently robust.