95% Confidence Interval for Mean
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
1 10 4.6000 1.89737 .60000 3.2427 5.9573 2.00 7.00
2 10 4.1000 .87560 .27689 3.4736 4.7264 3.00 5.00
3 10 7.2000 1.03280 .32660 6.4612 7.9388 6.00 9.00
Total 30 5.3000 1.89646 .34624 4.5919 6.0081 2.00 9.00
Test of Homogeneity of VariancespreferenLevene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.5.559 2 27 .010
ANOVApreferen Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.Between Groups 55.400 2 27.700 15.294 .000Within Groups 48.900 27 1.811 Total 104.300 29